Credits Premium - XenForo 2 Add-on

XF 2 Credits Premium - XenForo 2 Add-on MOVED

Credits Premium - XenForo 2 Add-on
Granting users and classifying them are two big missions of an administrator. And if your website is like a shrinking society, as an admin, you would probably grant credit for the users who influence others, who are very active and have contributed a huge amount of content or played a major role in your community, this add-on is for you.

Credits Premium is an advanced point system using virtual points. The add-on actually allows to create and manage all points of users through the upcoming event in the community. The administrator has the right to decide how many points the users could get from their events, to earn or trade points in events also. This add-on also provides the right tools to manage and also, to store all logs of all transactions, reports, statistics of the number of Credits of members due to date, week or month.

The access of credit management is unlimited, which gives huge motivation for users to be active more in your website and encourage them to contribute to the community. With the rising of Blockchain and the Revolution Industry 4.0, this add-on is needed, especially when your website provides solution related to BlockChain technology or NOPE currency. One of the biggest advantages of the add-on is that it could integrate with those currencies and still ensure the safety of users. Besides, with a multiple of functions, this add-on promises to be a must-have add-on to your XenFofoā€™s site-shelf.

Please note that don't upgrade this add-on from Credit Premium for XenForo 1 directly. On XenForo 2 version, this add-on provides an importer tool which allows you to import data from XenForo 1 version


- Currency Management

+ Supports unlimited types of current currencies (for example: Gold, Silver,...)
+ Automatically converts currency due to the update-current currency exchange rate at the moment of transaction when transferring between different currencies.
+ Prefix, suffix and decimal places support for displaying purposes fitting with each system.
+ Choose user groups to use Currency.
+ Allow the minus unit number of currencies.
+ Turn on/off type of currencies.
+ Arrange the order of showing currencies.
- Event Management

+ Allows to create events due to a specific currency
+ Creates different and specific title and description for each event, helps the administrators and the user to distinguish among different events.
+ To modify amounts of credits that has been added/subtracted every time the event has been executed.
+ To modify quickly index figures of event right in the events listā€™s page (Active status, Alert, Moderate Deposit Transaction and Amount of Credits)
+ Allow to import/export one or many events due to specific currency.
+ Each event will be enabled or disabled, in regard of which groups of member that the event will be applied, or the amount of credit earned when the event happens.
- Transaction Management

+ All events are recorded and queued for performance assessment.
+ Transaction system has been optimized for performance assessment.
+ Support all the options for transactions: Transaction status (Pending, Completed or Reverted).
+ Powerful Transaction filter: Searching by currencies, events, who organized, who attended, who triggered this transaction or even the transaction ID.
+ Allow to have untraceable transaction to some users.
+ Search Transaction System: Finding based on criteria like currencies, event, user ID, trigger user ID, transaction status, dateā€¦

- Credits Admin tool

+ Reset User credits/Delete transactions due to criteria of users
+ The admin could revert all transactions or clear all usersā€™ credit points.
+ Allow to import credits from [AD] Credits system, DragonByte Tech: Credits (Pro), Brivium ā€“ Credits Premium, Trophy points to [MJ] Credits add-on.
+ You can rebuild daily statistic in case some data may not be rebuilt retroactively.
+ Allows you to install jobs for Birthday events and daily statistic.
+ Support widgets allowing displaying public information of users, and widgets displaying the list of richest users anywhere.
- Credits Statistic

+ Dashboard for Statistic:
+ Statistical all the credit points inside the forum due to currencies
+ Total amount of transactions of total forum
+ The total amount of transactions which are waiting for submitted
+ Wallet Statistic: The statistic of graph form for currency in regard of the quantity and the value
+ Daily/Weekly/Monthly Statistics and Date Range Statistic: Statistic for Currency Earned, Currency Spent in graphical form. So the administrator could easily see the changing among different currencies.
- Events (Event organization is how you let members earn credits. You can create as many events for each of the event definitions as you want.)

+ Daily Login: Assigns points for each daily login.
+ Register: Assigns points for new users.
+ Exchange: Allows users to convert between different currencies. Tax and fee could also be applied to these type of events.
+ Transfer: Allows users to transfer the credit points to another user in the forum/community. Fee and taxes apply for these events. So the organizer could choose the target members to apply this event.
+ Birthday: Assigns points to the member whose birthday is the day displayed on the system
+ Upload/ Delete Avatar: Assigns or remove the credits when a member upload/delete avatar.
+ Follow/ Unfollow: Assigns or remove the credits when a member follow/unfollow someone.
+ Get/ Lost Follower: Assigns or remove the credits when a member get/lost follower someone.
+ Update Status: Assigns credits when member update status.
+ New Profile Post: Assigns credits when a memberā€™s new post or new comment on other member's wall.
+ Profile Post Deleted: Assigns credits member's post get permanently deleted
+ Receive Profile Post: Assigns credits when someone new post or new comment on the user's profile page.
+ Lose Profile Post: Assigns credits when profile posts/ comments on the user's profile page get permanently deleted.
+ Like/ Unlike Profile Post: Assigns or remove the credits when a user like/unlike a profile post.
+ Receive/ Lose Profile Post Like: Assigns or remove the credits when a user receive/lose profile post like.
+ Create Conversation: Assigns credits when a user creates new conversation.
+ Join the Conversation: Assigns/Remove credits when a user creates new conversation.
+ Leave Conversation: Assigns credit when a user leaves a conversation.
+ Reply Conversation: Assigns credits when a user replies to a conversation.
+ Receive Conversation Reply: Assigns credits when a user receives a reply in the conversation.
+ Create New Thread: Events allowing to assign credit to users when they create a new thread in one or many specific forums.
+ Thread Get Deleted: Event allowing to assign credits to users when their threads have been deleted in one or many specific forums.
+ Receive Thread Reply: Event allowing to assign credits to users when their threads get Reply(s) in one or many specific forums.
+ Loose Thread Reply: Event allowing to assign credits to users when their threads have been deleted (Permanently delete form) in one or many specific forums.
+ View Thread: Event allowing to assign credits to users when they see a thread in one or many specific forums.
+ Receive Thread View: Event allowing to assign credits to users when someone sees their thread in one or many specific forums.
+ Thread Sticky/ Unsticky: Event allowing to assign credits to users when their threads have been marked (Sticky) or unmarked (Unsticky) in one or many specific forums.
+ Watch/ Unwatch Thread: Assigns or remove the credits when a user watches/ unwatched a thread in one or many specific forums.
+ Receive/ Loose Thread Watch: Assigns or remove the credits when a user receive/ lose a thread watch in one or many specific forums.
+ Create New Poll: Assigns credits when a user creates a poll.
+ Poll Deleted: Assigns or Remove credits when poll in a userā€™s thread get deleted.
+ Vote Poll: Assigns points to the user after he responded to a poll.
+ Receive Poll Vote: Assigns credits when a poll of a user gets a vote.
+ New Post: Assigns credits when a user creates new post in the thread at the specific forums.
+ Post Get Deleted: Assigns credits when a post of user was deleted in the thread at the specific forums.
+ Like/ Unlike Post: Assigns or remove the credits when a user like/unlike a post in the thread at the specific forums.
+ Receive/Lose Post Like: Assigns or remove the credits when a user receive/lost a post like in the thread in the specific forums.
+ Report Post: Assigns credits when a user reports a post in the thread in the specific forums. (You can use positive or negative values.)
+ Receive Post Report: Assigns or remove the credits when a user receives post report in the thread at the specific forums.
+ Upload Attachment: Assigns points when a user upload new attachments.
+ Delete Attachment: Assigns or remove points when a userā€™s attachment was deleted.
+ Download Attachment: Assigns credits for users when they download attachments in one or many specific forms (File extensions)
+ Attachment Get Download: Assigns credits for users when they download attachments in one or many specific forms (File extensions)

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