LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @codename007
Original Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/⚑-ctf-⚑-20-discount-⚑-class-⚑-mulit-arena-⚑-1-8-1-12-support-⚑-advanced-plugin-⚑.28331/
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Original Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/⚑-ctf-⚑-20-discount-⚑-class-⚑-mulit-arena-⚑-1-8-1-12-support-⚑-advanced-plugin-⚑.28331/
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
- Features:
- Ten advanced classes
- Multi arenas
- Full configurate
- Easy to setup
- Admin commands
- Team balancing system
- Blocking command
- Permission to change kit in-game (ctf.kit.ingame)
- The minimum number of players to the arena start
- The maximum number of players in the arena
- Recommend 5 arenas per server
- Color name tags
- Click ▼
- Click ▼
- Team and kit selector
- Click ▼
- Click ▼
- Respawn timer
- Click ▼
- Click ▼
- Mana system
- Exp is mana
- Mana get every second
- To use a special skill you must have a mane
- Click ▼
- Flag particle
- Click ▼
- Click ▼
- Flag damage
- If you have a flag every 20 seconds you get injuries
- Click ▼
- Counter
- Click ▼
- Click ▼
- Sign support
- Click ▼
permission: ctf.admin
- Click ▼
- Title support
- Click ▼
- Click ▼
- Required:
- Spigot Server
- ProtocolLib (download)
- Java 8+
- Classes:
- Permission: ctf.kit.<kit name>
- Heavy
- Diamond armor
- Diamond sword
- Three sets of treatment
- No special skills
- Click ▼
- Soldier
- Iron armor
- Iron sword
- Four sets of treatment
- When you right-click on a block to hold the sword throws up
- Click ▼
- Archer
- Chainmail armor
- Stone sword
- Four sets of treatment
- Once you hit a player that is farther away than 25 blocks killing him to hit
- Click ▼
- Medic
- Gold armor
- Gold sword
- Six sets of treatment
- The effect of the regeneration
- After hitting a player from your team restores it
- When you click on a string throws cobweb
- Click ▼
- Ninja
- It does not have armor
- Gold sword - sharpness: 5
- Infinity ender pearls
- Once you hit a player egg blinded him
- By right clicking on the redstone you get invisibility
- The effect of the speed II
- Click ▼
- Assasin
- Gold boots
- Iron sword
- By right clicking on the red powder kills each player on strike
- By right clicking on the sugar you get a speed 4
- Click ▼
- Elf
- Leather armor - protection: 1
- Wood sowrd - sharpness: 1
- Four sets of treatment
- Bow - power: 1
- By right clicking on the feather rejects you from the top
- When you click shift all the players within 4 boxes rejects backwards
- Click ▼
- Mage
- Leather armor - protection: 1
- By right clicking on the diamond hoe shoots arrows
- By right clicking on a wooden hoe shoot fireball
- By right clicking on a stone hoe shoot lightning
- By right clicking on a iron hoe freeze player
- By right clicking on a gold hoe regenerates you
- Click ▼
- Chemist
- Gold and iron armor
- Iron sword
- A few potions
- Click ▼
- Dwarf
- Chainmail and diamond armor
- Diamond armor
- Three sets of treatment
- The effect of the slow 2
- As you hold the shift sword gets better and better improvements
- Click ▼
- Engineer
- Iron and leather armor
- Diamond pickaxe
- Four sets of treatment
- Cannon shooting the commas
- Click ▼
- Pyro
- Leather armor
- Diamond axe
- Bow with flame enchantment
- Four sets of treatment
- Click ▼
- More classes in next update!
- Commands:
- /ctf create <arena id>
- permission: ctf.admin
- description: create a new arena
- Note: the value of arena id should be a number between 1 and up
- /ctf setspawn <arena id> <red/blue/spectator>
- permission: ctf.admin
- description: sets spawn point
- /ctf setflag <arena id> <red/blue>
- permission: ctf.admin
- description: sets flag
- /ctf setlobby
- permission: ctf.admin
- description: sets lobby
- /ctf arena start <arena id>
- permission: ctf.admin
- description: start arena
- /ctf arena stop <arena id>
- permission: ctf.admin
- decription stop arena
- /ctf join <arena id>
- description: join the arena
- /ctf leave
- description: out of the arena
- /ctf kit <kit name>
- permission: ctf.kit.<kit name>
- description: change kit
- extra: permission ctf.kit.ingame - change kit in the game
- /ctf help
- description: shows help
- /ctf info
- description: shows plugin info
- /<class name>
- permission: ctf.kit.<kit name>
- description: change kit
- extra: permission ctf.kit.ingame - change kit in the game
- /ctf create <arena id>
- Config
- Click ▼
Code:settings: teamselector: red: '&c&lJoin to Red' blue: '&9&lJoin to Blue' kitselector: name: '&6&lSelect the kit' default: HEAVY kits: heavy: item: DIAMOND_SWORD name: '&eHeavy &7(DEFAULT)' soldier: item: IRON_SWORD name: '&eSoldier' archer: item: BOW name: '&eArcher' medic: item: GOLD_SWORD name: '&eMedic' ninja: item: ENDER_PEARL name: '&eNinja' assasin: item: REDSTONE name: '&eAssasin' elf: item: FEATHER name: '&eElf' mage: item: DIAMOND_HOE name: '&eMage' chemist: item: POTION name: '&eChemist' dwarf: item: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE name: '&eDwarf' engineer: item: DISPENSER name: '&eEngineer' distance: 20 pyro: item: FLINT_AND_STEEL name: '&ePyro' disable: - '/home' - '/tp' - '/gamemode' sign: lines: 1: '&a[Join]' 2: '%status%' 3: '%players% In Queue' 4: '&9Arena: %arena%' status: wait: '&lWAITING' start: '&lSTARTING' game: '&lGAME' end: '&lENDING' flag: damage: 2.0 time: 20 price: win: default: 'eco give %player% 500' vip: 'eco give %player% 800' lose: default: '' vip: '' lobby: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 yaw: 0 pitch: 0 messages: permission: '&cYou dont have permission to this command!' disable: '&cThis command is disable!' info: '&e%redflags% &cRed &8&l| &e%blueflags% &9Blue &8&l| &e%kills% &6Kills' create: successful: '&eArena has benn created!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEnter arena id!' 2: '&eThis arena is exists!' delete: successful: '&eArena has benn deleted!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEnter arena id!' 2: '&eThis arena is exists!' setspawn: successful: '&eSpawnpoint has been created!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEnter arena id and team id!' 2: '&eThis arena is not exists!' 3: '&eThis team is not exists!' setflag: successful: '&eFlag has been created!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEnter arena id and team id!' 2: '&eThis arena is not exists!' 3: '&eThis team is not exists!' setlobby: successful: '&eLobby has been created!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEntered too many arguments!' arena: successful: '&eOperation has been performed!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEntered operation and arena id!' 2: '&eThis operation is not exists!' 3: '&eThis arena is not exists!' 4: '&eYou can not perform this operation when the arena starts!' 5: '&eYou can not perform this operation when the arena is in the game!' 6: '&eYou can not perform this operation when the arena is over!' join: successful: '&ePlayer &7%player% &ejoin! (&6%players%&e/&6%maxplayers%&e)' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEnter arena id!' 2: '&eYou are already on the game!' 3: '&eThis arena is not exists!' 4: '&eThis arena in the game!' 5: '&eArena is full!' leave: successful: '&ePlayer &7%player% &eleft! (&6%players%&e/&6%maxplayers%&e)' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEntered too many arguments!' 2: '&eYou arent at any arena!' kit: successful: '&eClass has been changed!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eEntered class name!' 2: '&eYou arent at any arena!' 3: '&eThis class is not exists!' 4: '&eYou do not have permission to this kit!' 5: '&eYou do not have permission to change the set during the game!' team: successful: '&eTeam has been changed!' unsuccessful: 1: '&eYou are already on this team!' 2: '&eThis team is full!' start: timer: '&eMatch start in %time% seconds!' autojoin: '&cYou have not selected the team! Team you have been randomly selected! Your new team: &l%team%&c!' instart: title: '&6&lSTARTING...' subtitle: '&eMatch start in 10 seconds!' unstart: title: ' ' subtitle: '&eArena is not full!' start: title: '&6GO!' subtitle: '&eMatch has benn started!' end: timer: '&eMatch end in %time% seconds!' title: '&6&l%winner% won the game!' subtitle: '&eMatch end in 10 seconds!' death: playerkill: '&ePlayer &7%victim% &ehas been killed by &7%attacker%&e (&6%health% &eHP) using &6%tool%&e!' others: '&ePlayer &7%victim% &ekilled!' respawn: title: '&c&lRESPAWNING' subtitle: '&7Wait %time% seconds!' flag: damage: '&cRemember the flag!' yourtaken: '&cYou can not take a flag when your flag is taken!' taken: title: '&6%flag% flag' subtitle: '&ehas been taken by &7%player%&e!' dropped: title: '&6%flag% flag' subtitle: '&ehas benn dropped by &7%player%&e!' captured: title: '&6%flag% flag' subtitle: '&ehas been captured by &7%player%&e!' class: mana: '&eYou do not have enough mana!' build: '&eYou can build 20 grates from the bases/flags!' arenas: example: settings: max: 4 #max should be an even number min: 2 points: 3 respawn: 5 locations: red: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 x: 0 yaw: 0 pitch: 0 blue: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 x: 0 yaw: 0 pitch: 0 spectator: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 x: 0 yaw: 0 pitch: 0 flags: red: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 x: 0 blue: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 x: 0 spectator: world: 'world' x: 0 y: 0 x: 0
- Click ▼
- Terms:
- Click ▼
1. Definitions
A. Forum/Page - site spigotmc.org
B. Product - CTF plugin
C. Source Code - Product source code
D. Seller/Author - user Jakubson on Forum
E. Buyer - buyer of the Product
2. Source code/Product
A. All source code is subject to legal protection and is owned by the author.
B. Buyer does not have the right to distribute the source code/product.
C. Buyer has no right to edit the source code without the author's permission.
D. The buyer has no right to mislead himself with the source code/product.
E. The Buyer has the right to use the Product only on its own servers.
4. Complaints
A. The Buyer waives the right to claim the Product.
B. Seller does not need to take into account Buyer's complaint.
C. However, if the complaint was to be considered only on Seller's terms.
5. The author shall not be liable for damages caused by the Buyer resulting from his use of the product.
6. The author is not responsible for misunderstanding of these rules.
7. The author is not responsible for the wrong configuration of the plugin.
8. The author does not undertake to update the plugin.
9. The author reserves the right to unilaterally change the provisions of this regulation at any time and without the need to justify the reason.
10. The Regulations come into force on the day of publication on the Site.
- Click ▼
The plugin is only updated for new versions of minecraft and detected bugs.
If you find a bug, have a new idea or need help, please contact in private message! Not in review selection!