This is a plugin that I have created called CustomItems. This plugin allows you to create some items with some special abilities for your server. Although it doesn't really create entirely new items, it can create modified items that can enable them to have their own unique abilities. These items can be obtained by giving it with a command, crafting them, or smelting an item to obtain them. With this plugin, your server will definitely feel more unique with its own set of items. To test this plugin, check out CustomItemsLite.


- Custom Names and Lores
- Enchantments
- Holding Item abilities
- Armor abilities
- Right Click, Left Click, and Hit abilities
- Right Click and Left Click cooldowns
- Custom crafting recipes
- Custom smelting recipes
- Easy Configuration
- Auto update checker
- Amazing Support
- Plenty of updates for new features!
- Unlimited Custom Items


If you made a video review of this plugin, just leave the link in the discussion section, and I will add it here.

*[] = Required, <> = Optional
The permission "ci.commands" is required to use any of these commands.
Aliases: /customitems, /citems, /customi

/ci reload
/ci list
/ci give [item] <player> <amount>
/ci update


Before editing the config, be sure to save a backup. When creating a new item, copy the default one, and paste it below the section 'items'. WARNING: You must follow the correct spacing order before every. For the spacing, refer to the default item.


() = Required, <> = Optional

- [COMMAND] (command)
- [PLAYERCOMMAND] (command)
- [HEAL] <amount>
- [SETHEALTH] (amount)
- [FEED] <amount>
- [SETHUNGER] (amount)
- [SPAWNARROW] <power>
- [SPAWNTIPPEDARROW] (effect) <power>
- [THROWTNT] <power>
- [SPAWNMOB] (Mob) <power>
- [LEAP] <power>
- [FIREBALL] <explosionpower>
- [EFFECT] (player/entity) (effect) (time) (amplifier)
- [SETFIRE] (player) (time)
- [SETDAMAGE] (amount)
- [KNOCKBACK] (power)
- [TELEPORT] <range>
- [USE]
- [DAMAGEITEM] <amount>
- [EGG]
- [SENDMESSAGE] (player) (message)
- [BROADCAST] (message)
- [SOUND] (sound) (volume)
- [PARTICLE] (particle) (amount)
- [THROWBLOCK] (block) <power> <damage>
- [LOG] (message)
- [ENDERPEARL] <1 or true>
- [SETBLOCK] (block)

Hold/Armor commands:
() = Required, <> = Optional

- [EFFECT] (effect) (time) (amplifier)
- [DEFEND] (entity)

Leave some suggestions for this in the Discussion section

1. Buy/Download the CustomItems.jar plugin.
2. Drag it to the plugins folder of the root of your server.
3. Run/Reload the server.
4. Configure the config.yml
5. Enjoy the plugin. :)
6. (Highly Recommended :p) Leave a review of the plugin below.

If you have any problems with the plugin, or have a suggestion, just PM me. Don't leave any bad reviews before contacting me and resolving the problem.

Terms and Conditions:
- You cannot distribute this plugin
- No refunds or chargebacks
- You are not allowed to decompile this plugin
- If anything is changed in this list, you MUST agree with the new one too

Latest updates

  1. 3.8.34

  2. 1.6.2


Latest reviews

This is a different plugin then what is showed on the forum/download page
I wouldn't recommend downloading if you want
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