CustomMessagesPlus | 1.10 Support!

 CustomMessagesPlus | 1.10 Support! 1.5.11

CustomMessagesPlus | 1.10 Support!

NB: This plugin is actually maintained by CryLegend (since 09/07/2016), but the original author is phil14052.


CustomMessagesPlus or CMP, is a plugin made so you dont need to have a lot of other plugins that do the same. Example: You could have a plugin thats edits the Join and Quit message. Then you also need to add a plugin that edits deathmessages. This plugin tries to put all Message, Join, Quit, Kick and many more plugins together with fireworks and sounds.

You need ProtocolLib for this plugin to work!

Thanks LtJim007 for making a plugin tutorial of my plugin. You are a awesome guy!

Or click here

Edit join/quit/firstjoin/kick Messages.
Edit the message for commands like (/pl, /plugins, /gc, /ver, /version, /lag, /tps, /bukkit: and many more)
Block custom commands. Dont like the commands we have block automatic then you can add your own ;)
Permission based help menu.
Clickable help menu (JSON)
Join message or MOTD
System MOTD
Supports 6 placeholders!
Supports Color codes (&)
Supports multiline with %NewLine%
Sound on join
Firework on join
Disable messages!
Edit the Tablist!
Run commands on (Join/firstjoin/quit/death)
Animated tablist
Random death messages!
And much more!

Want to give a try? Official server:


/custommessagesplus - No Permisson - Main command
/cmp- No Permisson - Aliases /custommessagesplus
/cm- No Permisson - Aliases /custommessagesplus
/custommessages- No Permisson - Aliases /custommessagesplus

/cmp help - Permisson based help menu - Shows all the commands
/cmp reload - custommessagesplus.reload - Reloads the config
/cmp set join - custommessagesplus.set.join - Sets the join message
/cmp set Firstjoin - custommessagesplus.set.firstjoin - Sets the firstjoin message
/cmp set quit - custommessagesplus.set.quit- Sets the quit message
/cmp version - custommessagesplus.version - Shows what version you are using of the plugin.
/cmp silent - custommessagesplus.silenjoinquit - toggles if you have a join or quit message.
/cmp automessage (list, add, remove) - custommessagesplus.automessage - Edit the automessages

Other Permissions:
custommessageplus.bypass.plugins - Does so you can bypass /pl or /plugins
custommessageplus.bypass.version - Does so you can bypass the server version
custommessageplus.bypass.other - Bypass all the other blocked commands


/plugins | /pl | /bukkit:/pl | /bukkit:/plugins
/ver | /version | /bukkit:ver | /bukkit:version
/about | /bukkit:about
/gc | /bukkit:gc | /lag

Remember you can add your own in the config




Info about future updates can now be found here:


Absolutely no refunds.

You will not -Redacted- the CustomMessagesPlus plugin or any part of its source code to anyone.

Source code is included in JAR.



Send it over pm to me. Do NOT make a review about it.

You need ProtocolLib for this plugin to work!

NB: This plugin is actually maintained by CryLegend (since 09/07/2016), but the original author is phil14052.

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