CustomShops - An optimized shop experience!

 CustomShops - An optimized shop experience!





Example shop preview upon clicking a shop sign


Autosell system in-use preview

What is CustomShops? CustomShops is the new gold standard in shops as it provides a simple way to sell multiple items while maintaining a fluent game experience. With a built in multiplier system this plugin does it all allowing for almost complete customization, and unique shop layouts.

You must have a Vault supported economy plugin
Created and compiled with Java 8 and Spigot 1.8.7
Support for versions earlier than Spigot 1.8.3 will not be provided


Some of the many features included in this plugin are as follows:

- Shop customization
- Permission multipliers
- Autosell toggle
- Global multipler
- Unlimited shop creation
- Unlimited permission multipliers
- Priority multiplier system
- Sellall system
- Set item frames to open shops
- Set signs to open shops
- Unique shop commands
- Timed global multipliers
- Auto adjusting layouts
- Well designed menu layout
- Error/Sell/Buy sounds
- Customized placeholders
- Vault economy support
- Complete messages customization
- And much more!


Throughout the plugin there are multiple administrator commands that can be used in the plugin. All of the admin commands require one permission.

Main Command: /customshops
Aliases: /cshops, /customshop

Permission: customshops.admin
Description: Allows for use of all administrator commands

Command: /cshops help
Description: Shows the command help page

Command: /cshops reload
Description: Reloads the plugin files

Command: /cshops open <shop command/shop identifier>
Description: Opens the shop with the specified command or identifier
Optionally: Players can also use just the shop command to open the shop

Command: /cshops multiplier
Aliases: /mutlipler, /checkmulti, /checkmultiplier
Description: Displays a message with the active multipliers

Command: /cshops sign create <shop id>
Description: Sets the sign you're viewing as a shop sign

Command: /cshops sign delete
Description: Deletes the shop sign you're viewing

Command: /cshops itemframe create <shop id>
Description: Adds the next clicked item frame as a shop frame

Command: /cshops itemframe delete <shop id>
Description: Deleted the next clicked item frame from the database

Command: /cshops create <identifier> <buy price> <sell price> [type]
Description: Creates a new shop with the item in your hand and values specified

Command: /cshops globalmultiplier reset
Description: Resets the global multiplier to 0

Command: /cshops globalmultiplier set <mulitplier>
Description: Sets the global multiplier to the specified value

Command: /cshops globalmultiplier set <multiplier> <seconds>
Description: Sets the global multiplier to the specified value for X seconds

Command: /cshops globalmultipleir addtime <multiplier> <seconds>
Description: Adds X seconds to the global multiplier timer

Command: /autosell
Description: Toggles auto sell mode which sells all blocks mined
Permission: customshops.autosell

Command: /sellall
Description: Sells all of the items in your inventory
Permission: customshops.sellall

In the plugin there is currently only one other permission which determines whether or not players are allowed to open shops.

Permission: customshops.use
Description: Allows access to open and use shops


1. Insert the plugin into your servers plugin folder
2. Restart the server
3. Edit the files generated in the config
4. Restart or reload your server
5. Enjoy!


In the plugin you must specify any odd number between 1-9 (1,3,5,7,9) for the shop amounts. The shop amounts determine how many items to buy/sell when the corresponding item is clicked in the shop.

You can set the value of the item being clicked in the menu to sell all of the blocks matching that are currently in the players inventory. Just set the item you wish for this capabilities amount to -1.

In the plugin you can customize almost all of the messages and item names and other text based features with uniqueplaceholders. Some placeholders are dependant on the task being performed so you may notice in some placeholders can only be used in the shops for example.
Player Placeholders:

%player% - players name
%player_displayname% - players display name
%player_saturation% - players saturation
%player_hunger% - players hunger
%player_health% - players health
%player_x% - players X coordinate
%player_y% - players Y coordinate
%player_z% - players Z coordinate
%player_world% - players world name
%player_level% - players level
%player_exp% - players experience
%dailybonus_days% - players consecutive days
%dailybonus_delay% - delay before players next reward

Server Placeholders:

%server_motd% - message of the day
%server_maxplayers% - player maximum limit
%server_playercount% - amount of online players

Other Placeholders:

%shop_id% - the shop identifier
%amount% - amount being sold/bought
%price% - price per (1) item
%sell_price% - sell price per (1) item
%buy_price% - buy price per (1) item
%formatted_sell_price% - amount multiplied by the price & multiplier
%formatted_buy_price% - amount multiplied by the price
%total_multiplier% - the players current sell multiplier
%player_multiplier% - the players sell multiplier
%global_multiplier% - the global multiplier in effect


# ======================================================
# Config File
# CustomShops Version: 1.0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# This is the CustomShops configuration file where all general settings
# and other plugin toggles will be found. If you have any questions feel free
# to ask me preferably by PM on spigot. Also if you have any feature suggestions
# or anything like that i'm always open to new ideas.
# Thank you for supporting this project!
# ======================================================
# Settings Configuration
# The name of the virtual shop menu to be displayed in the top left corner
# shop_name: '&8[Shop]'
# The sound to be played if the player cannot afford the item or does not have
# enough of it to sell in general
# error_sound: ANVIL_LAND
# The area where all shop sign locations will be saved
# signs: []
# ======================================================

shop_name: '&8[Shop]'
error_sound: ANVIL_LAND
signs: []
# ======================================================
# Items File
# CustomShops Version: 1.0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# This is the items file which will hold all of the shops used in the plugin.
# Here you can specify the unique aspects of each and every shop.
# You can define as many shops as you wish in this file.
# ======================================================
# Items Format
# ** In the current version you MUST specify 5 amount for each item **
# One important thing to note is that all items must have a unique identifier
# otherwise they will not be loaded properly and may cause errors. For the below example
# only sell values are defined however it is the same format for buy values excluding the
# multiplier lores. (Ex. change 'sell_name' to 'buy_name')
# shop_items:
# <itemID>:
# type: <sell/buy/both>
# currency: vault
# item: <material;data>
# name: <name>
# lore: - <lore line>
# sell_price: <sell price>
# sell_sound: <sound>
# sell_material: <material;data>
# sell_name: <name>
# sell_lore: - <lore line>
# sell_permission_multiplier_lore: - <lore line>
# sell_global_multiplier_lore: - <lore line>
# amounts: - <item amount>
# Items Format Index:
# <itemID> | The unique identifier for each shop (All MUST be different)
# type: <sell/buy/both> | The type of shop for this item either sell, buy, or both
# currency: vault | The economy type used for this shop (Currently only supports Vault)
# item: <material;data> | The item that is being sold in the shop
# name: <name> | The name of the display item in the menu
# lore: - <lore line> | The lore of the display item in the menu
# sell_price: <sell price> | The price to be charged for (1) individual item
# sell_sound: <sound> | The sound to be played once the player has sold the item
# sell_material: <material;data> | The material of the sell icons in the menu
# sell_name: <name> | The name of the sell icons in the menu
# sell_lore: - <lore line> | The lore of the sell icons in the menu
# sell_permission_multiplier_lore: - <lore line> | The lore displayed if the player has a permisison multiplier
# sell_global_multiplier_lore: - <lore line> | The lore displayed if there is a global mulitplier active
# amounts: - <item amount> | The increments of items to be sold/bought (Must specify 5 values)
# ======================================================

type: both
currency: vault
name: '&bBuy/Sell Emerald Blocks'
- '&8&m----------------------'
- '&aBuy (1) &7for $20'
- '&cSell (1) &7for $10'
sell_price: 10
sell_sound: LEVEL_UP
sell_material: WOOL;14
sell_name: '&cSell (%amount%x)'
- '&7Sell %amount%x %shop_id% for $%formatted_sell_price%'
buy_price: 20
buy_sound: LEVEL_UP
buy_material: WOOL;5
buy_name: '&aBuy (%amount%x)'
- '&7Buy %amount%x %shop_id% for $%formatted_buy_price%'
- 1
- 8
- 16
- 32
- 64
# ======================================================
# Multipliers File
# CustomShops Version: 1.0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# This is the multipliers file which will hold all of the permission
# player multipliers and also store the current global multiplier value.
# You can define as many permisison multipliers as you wish in this file.
# ======================================================
# Multiplier Format
# For each and every multiplier you will need to define a priority value, this
# will determine which multiplier to use if a player has access to multiple.
# (0 = Highest priority)
# global_multiplier: 0
# multipliers:
# <multiplierID>:
# priority: 0
# multiplier: 2.0
# permission: multiplier.permission
# Multiplier Format Index:
# <multiplierID> | The identifier of the multiplier (must be unqiue)
# priority: 0 | The priority of the multiplier (0 = Highest priority)
# multiplier: 2.0 | The multiplier value for selling items
# permisison: multiplier.permission | The permission to give to players to receive this multiplier
# ======================================================

global_multiplier: 5.0
priority: 0
multiplier: 2.0
permission: customshops.multiplier.permission
# ======================================================
# Messages File
# CustomShops Version: 1.0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# These are the messages used throughout the plugin and you can
# edit them as you please. You can also leave messages empty if you dont
# want anything to be sent to the player.
# ======================================================

- '&8&m------------------------------'
- '&bCustomShops Help:'
- '&a- /cshops help &f- Displays the help message'
- '&a- /cshops reload &f- Reloads the plugin and its files'
- '&a- /cshops sign create <identifier> &f- Sets the viewed sign as a shop'
- '&a- /cshops sign delete &f- Deletes the shop sign you are viewing'
- '&a- /cshops globalmultiplier set <multiplier> &f- Sets the global multiplier'
- '&a- /cshops globalmultiplier set <multiplier> <time> &f- Sets the global multiplier
with a timer'
- '&a- /cshops globalmultiplier addtime <multiplier> <time> &f- Adds time to the current
- '&a- /cshops globalmultiplier reset &f- Resets the global multiplier to 0'
- '&8&m------------------------------'
no_command_permission: '&cYou do not have permission to execute this command'
not_signs: '&cThere currently not any signs registered'
not_looking_at_sign: '&cYou currently are not looking at a sign'
sign_already_exists: '&cThe sign you are looking at is already in the database'
sign_not_registered: '&cThe sign you are looking at is not in the database'
sign_added: '&aThe sign you are looking at has been added to the database'
sign_deleted: '&aThe sign you are looking at has been removed from the database'
invalid_shop_identifier: '&cThe shop identifier you have specified is invalid'
sold_items: '&aYou sold %amount%x %shop_id% for $%price%!'
both_multiplier_sold_items: '&aYou sold %amount%x %shop_id% for $%price%! &b(%total_multiplier%x
global_multiplier_sold_items: '&aYou sold %amount%x %shop_id% for $%price%! &e(%global_multiplier%x
Global Multiplier)'
player_multiplier_sold_items: '&aYou sold %amount%x %shop_id% for $%price%! &b(%player_multiplier%x
Player Multiplier)'
bought_items: '&aYou bought %amount%x %shop_id% for $%price%!'
invalid_multiplier_value: '&cThe multiplier value must be greater than zero'
invalid_time_value: '&cThe global multiplier duration must be greater than zero'
no_active_multiplier: '&cThere currently is not a global multiplier active'
set_global_multiplier: '&aYou have set the global mutliplier to %new_multiplier%'
set_timed_global_multiplier: '&aYou have set the global mutliplier to %new_multiplier%
for %time%'
added_multiplier_time: '&aUpdated the global mutliplier to %new_multiplier% with a
duration of %time%'


By purchasing this plugin you are in acceptance and agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions stated.

If you have any issues with the plugin you will contact me via PM and I will help you with your issue before you post a negative review stating something like "The plugin doesn't work".

You may not decompile and/or edit the source code without written permission from JC_Plays_MC.

You acknowledge that by running this software on a web server we reserve the right to collect server information including but not limited to the IP address.

You also acknowledge that there will be NO REFUNDS issued.

Finally you will not -Redacted- the CustomShops plugin or any of its source code publicly or privately.

By purchasing this plugin you are entitled to run it on up to (3) of your own servers, however this does not mean share it with your friends! A server is considered a machine running under a single IP address. If you require additional servers then you can contact JC_Plays_MC for additional licensing purchase options.


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File size
79.8 KB
First release
Last update
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