DarkCore is a new plugin that is meant to help make server management a ton easier. Here are the full capabilities of DarkCore:
Features list:
The plugin is also highly configurable, and current has 8 configs. List of configs:
If you would like to test the plugin:
Test discord server (discord bridge): wnzrDGM
Test server IP:
Features list:
- Server management features including:
- Bans
- Kicks
- Mute
- ClearChat
- Temporary bans
- IP Bans
- Vanish
- Freeze
- Slowchat
- Command Creator (create commands like /vote and /discord in 1 command; with permissions [command vote permission would be: command.vote, discord would be command.discord, etc.])
- Death Bans system (with a life system as well)
- Staff mode (needs server management enabled)
- Drop party management (create dropparties with your inventory and randomly throw items around when you start it)
- Player Chests (unlimited chests; support for mob spawners, written books, and enchantments/lores/all metadata [from my testing])
- CombatTagging
- Announcement Systems
- Kill Streaks
- Animated Scoreboard (integrated with PlaceholderAPI)
- Gapple/Enderpearl Cooldowns
- Staff Chat (toggle, rather than command)
- Command Blocker (block specific commands from being executed)
- Join Items (on first join, highly detailed)
- Player Death Location Signs (like a grave)
- Report/ticket system
- Backup Manager (Backup server to a zip file and upload to remote server [specify directory as well])
- Discord bridge system (bridge discord chat, support for some emojis, and output console to discord server and send commands)
- Ore lister (List ore stats in lore of pickaxe)
- AutoSell (Automatically sell items specified in config)
- XP Multiplier (Multiply all XP on server by specified amount by either: global multiplier, or per player multiplier)
- Staff alert (Alert players on staff join)
- Modularity (Features can be enabled/disabled with ease in the config)
The plugin is also highly configurable, and current has 8 configs. List of configs:
- Language File
- Announcements Config
- Autosell Config
- Blocked Commands Config
- Main Configuration File
- Join items Config
- Killstreaks Config
- Scoreboard Config
If you would like to test the plugin:
Test discord server (discord bridge): wnzrDGM
Test server IP: