Build Update 2.0.4-DEVLOG
- Texure cache issues on 1.8 when placing a head on the ground will be looked in and fixed hopefully.
- Head animations would need some testers so if you want to help testing soon then please contact me.
- Within a few weeks there will be a cleanup of code (including the ones I deprecated) to optimize stuff.
Hey all,

This update fixes the lag that can be found when using latest minecraft versions due to changes in the way they handle their user cache.

Hope you all enjoy,
Hey all,

This update adds the option free-in-creative to the config.yml to exempt players in creative from having to pay for heads.

This also adds the function of showing a special cost in the menu for players exempt from having to pay for heads. This is to allow you to see what the cost is while still recognising that you do not have to pay it.

Hope you all enjoy it!
Hey all,

This update just makes the simple change of checking for and handling heads that contain no state without error. This shouldn't change how the plugin functions.

Hope you all enjoy!
Hey all,

Small update here that fixes a bug with the saving of the economy item set through the use of /heads itemEco.

Hope you all enjoy!
Hey all,

This update adds support for the use of items or PlayerPoints for the economy of the plugin!

Hope you all enjoy!
Hey all!

As well as BlockStore, two more options have been added for naming heads when they're broken.

The current process when naming heads is:
1) Try find the heads name from BlockStore
2) Look for similar heads in the cache and use their name
3) Use a default name set in the config.yml

These different steps can be disabled in the config if, for example, you wanted to always give the default name, or always look in the cache instead of using BlockStore.

Naming of heads can also be...
Hey all,

This update adds an API to Heads that allows other plugins can use to hook into it and use the heads! Documentation to come.

Hope you all enjoy,
Hey all,

This update fixes the cost of many of the heads in the menu so that their category costs and the default head cost now apply to them.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hey all,

This update properly fixes the error in v1.10.3 that v1.10.4 quickly fixed.

This also means that there are ~150 new heads available for you all in this update!

Hope you all enjoy!
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