Deluxe DeathChests (Summer Sale 50% off)

 Deluxe DeathChests (Summer Sale 50% off) 1.3.5

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

TESTED ON CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.8 - 1.12


  • Player's Inventory Items Placed Into Single/Double Chest Upon Death
  • Configurable Grave Schematic With 4 Grave Schematic Files Included (Requires WorldEdit)
  • 37 Customisable Death Spawn Effects (Requires EffectLib)
  • Customisable & Animated Chest Hologram (Requires HolographicDisplays or Holograms)
  • Up-to 6 Attached Animated Chest Signs (Left/Right)
  • Up-to 2 Animated Sign Posts (Left/Right)
  • Configurable Chest/Signs/Grave Protection
  • Customisable & Animated Chest Spawn/Despawn Titles
  • Customise Blocks Temporarily Replaced By Grave Schematic (original blocks restored on de-spawn)
  • Lots Of Variables (PlaceHolderAPI support) & String Functions
  • User Defined Chest Spawn Area (integrates with WorldGuard Regions)
  • Persistent Chests (Chest Signs/Holograms/Effects re-activate between server reboots/failure/plugin re-load)
  • Highly Configurable Plugin Througout, Including ALL Plugin Messages (messages.yml)
  • Looting Mode - Crouch / Right Click to Raid Death/Kill Chest Contents!
  • NEW SQLite & MySQL database storage support (and File storage still available!)

Spawn's either single or double chest containing player's inventory items upon death.The chest is categorized as either a Death Chest or a Kill Chest.

When a player is killed by suicide, environment (lava, drowing fall etc) or by an entity mob a Death Chest is spawned (if allowed) otherwise a Kill Chest (killed by another player) is spawned (if allowed). A percentage of the player's inventory items are randomly selected and transferred to the chest. The remainder stay in the player's inventory or are removed (depending on config.yml settings)

Animated / custom Title/Subtitle is broadcasted to the player upon death (if they have permission node and world isn't excluded).
Either a single or double chest is spawned at the player's death location, along with a custom/optional grave schematic; animated attached signs to the chest; animated sign posts left and right of the chest; animated hologram and special effect (provided by EffectsLib).

When Death/Kill chest de-spawns after a configurable period (config.yml). Hologram/signs, chest removed and blocks where custom grave spawned are restored to previous contents. Chest items are either removed or dropped (depending on ClearPDC/ClearKDC config key values).

Items can be moved from Death Chests by any players.
Items can be moved from Kill Chests by the player that was killed or the player's killer only (if the KDCKillerAccess: config.yml key value is true).

Example Screenshots:-

Animated Title & Sub-Title (scrolling left) sent to player when killed (death/kill chest spawned):-

DeathChest with animated effect, attached animated wall signs, animated hologram, death double chest placed on grave schematic:-






Just a quick side note, DeathChests.admin is a special permission node that allows access to ALL Deluxe DeathChests'scommands. Grant this to users/groups with caution ;-)

/deathchests help <sub-command>

(executable by: console/player)
(perm. node. required:
Lists specific help on [sub-command] or all sub-commands with description, usage info.

/deathchests reload
(executable by: console/player)
(perm. node. required: DeathChests.reload)

Reloads plugins, re-reads all configuration files (config.yml;holograms.yml;signs.yml;titles.yml;messages.yml).

/deathchests list <player>
(executable by: console/player)
(perm. node. required: DeathChests.list)
List All or Specific <player>'s Active/Spawned Death/Kill Chests.

/deathchests inspect <player> chest_no
(executable by: console/player)
(perm. node. required: DeathChests.inspect)

Displays (read-only) inventory style gui showing Death/Kill Chest chest_no items. chest_no relates to chest_no from list sub-command specific to optional <player> filter.
If you have DeathChests.admin or OP permission then you'll be able to EDIT the chest too!

/deathchests remove <player> chest_no
(executable by: console/player)
(perm. node. required: DeathChests.remove)
Removes/de-spawns active Death/Kill chest chest_no. Chest chest_no relates to chest_no from list sub-command specific to optional <player> parameter.

/deathchests tp <chest_player> chest_no
(executable by: console/player)

(perm. node. required:
Teleports you to active Death/Kill Chest chest_no relevant to list sub-command specific to optional <chest_player> parameter.


The following (soft-dependency) plug-ins are only required to enable the features described below. If you don't need that feature, then you don't have to install the relevant plug-in.

EffectsLib (
For Death/Kill Chest Spawn Effect(s))

Holographic Displays (For Death/Kill Chest Spawn Hologram(s))

Holograms (For Death/Kill Chest Spawn Hologram(s))

WorldGuard (To Use WorldGuard Regions For Chest Spawn Area)

(To Enable/Use Grave Schematics )

PlaceHolderAPI(For extra string variables)


Variables can be used in String based config values found in holograms.yml, signs.yml, titles.yml (& messages.yml although non in there by default).

{servername} - Current server name.
{date} - Current date/time formatted as per dateformat
key value from config.yml.

{player} - Full Minecraft user name of player that died
{uuid} - Full Minecraft UUID of player that died
{killer} - Name of player or mob type of player's killer
{newkiller} - Name of player or custom mob name (via
mobtypes.yml) of player's killer
{lineno} - Line number in hologram/sign.
{killreason} - Brief description for reason of player's death.
{killweapon} - Killer's (mob/player's) weapon that killed player.
{chesttype} - Either 'Death' or 'Kill' chest
{chestperiodsecs} - Current Death/Kill chest spawn period
(PDCKeepInterval or KDCKeepInterval key value from config.yml)
{chestdespawnsecs} - Time Left before current Death/Kill chest
{chestloc} - Chest location (World Name, X,Y, Z coordinates).
{chestxyz} - Chest Location's X,Y,Z coordinates.
{chestx} - Chest Location's X coordinate.
{chesty} - Chest Location's Y coordinate.
{chestz} - Chest Location's Z coordinate.
{defdeathmsg} - Default / full Minecraft Player's death message.

{newdeathmsg} - Custom Death message via corresponding
replmsg?? key value in deathmessages.yml
{deathdate} Player's Last death date/time formatted as per dateformat key value from config.yml.
{invsize} - Player's inventory size (number of items in
Death/Kill chest) upon death.

Hologram Variables (holograms.yml)

{icon:<materialname>} Create Hologram Line containing
rotating <materialname> item. e.g.
{icon:DIAMOND} creates rotating Diamond!
{icon:playerhead} or
{icon:playerskull} - Create Hologram Line containing rotating current
player's skull.

{icon:killerhead} or
{icon:killerskull} - Create Hologram Line containing rotating current
player's killer skull whether it actually be another
player or a mob entity's skull.
Mob skulls can be customised by editing

String Functions can be used in String based config values found in holograms.yml, signs.yml, titles.yml (& messages.yml although non in there by default).

Scroll <string> Left (including formatting codes) by 1 character left.
Single character & any relevant formatting codes at leftmost position (beginning) are wrapped around and placed at rightmost position (end) of string.


Scroll <string> Right (including formatting codes) by 1 character right.
Single character & any relevant formatting codes at rightmost position (end) are wrapped around and placed at leftmost position (start) of string.

characters in <string> converted to upper case.

All characters in <string> converted to lower case.

First character of each word in <string> (words are seperated by one or more spaces) is capitalized.

{substr <startpos>[,<endpos>]}<string>{substr}
Extract ALL characters from <startpos> position of <string> to either the end of the <string> or optional parameter <endpos>.position of <string>.
Character position starts at 0.

e.g. {substr 1,5}hello world{substr} returns


Code (Text):

#Master Enable/Disable Switch for this plugin!
Enable: true
# Enable/Disable plugin update check from
CheckUpdates: true
# Worlds to disable Player Death/Kill Chest spawning/de-spawning.
# This has precidence over the Spawning Region's.
- world1
- world2
# Disable Spawning PDC/KDC in specific WorldGuard Region.
# This has precidence over the Spawning Region's.
PDCDisableWGRegion: NoDeathChests
KDCDisableWGRegion: NoDeathChests
# Date format used for date based variables (if used on hologram, signs, titles)
dateformat: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
# If PlaceHolderAPI variable substitution fails, replace with string defined by PlaceHolderEmpty
PlaceHolderEmpty: ""
# Custom Titles Used for Death/Kill Chest Inventory GUI
PDCInvTitle: "&0{player}'s &4Death &0Chest"
KDCInvTitle: "&0{player}'s &aKill &0Chest"
# Protect Death/Kill Chests from being broken by any player who aren't in Creative Mode
ProtectChests: true
# Protect Graves from being broken by any player who aren't in Creative Mode
ProtectGraves: true
# Protect Signs from being broken by any player who aren't in Creative Mode
ProtectSigns: true
# Replace Default Minecraft Death Message with relevant Custom Death Message (deathmessages.yml)
ReplaceDeathMsg: true
# Log Kill/Death Stats for Mobs/Players in database (if active)
LogKillDeathStats: true
# Permission Node to allow Player Death/Kill Chest (PDC/KDC) Spawning
PDCPermNode: deathchests.spawnpdc
KDCPermNode: deathchests.spawnkdc
# Death / Kill Chest Spawn Period in Seconds.
# (When player dies and has permission Node defined in PDCPermNode/KDCPermNode
# Determines how long chest/hologram/signs/grave schematic will appear for)
PDCKeepInterval: 30
KDCKeepInterval: 30
# Switch to allow killer (Player) to open Kill chest that is spawned upon killing a player
KDCKillerAccess: true
# Switches to enable Looting (Crouch + Right Click) for Death/Kill chests
PDCAllowLoot: true
KDCAllowLoot: true
# Switches to enable immediate Chest/Grave/Hologram etc removal after Looting via Crouch + Right Click
PDCRemoveChestOnLoot: true
KDCRemoveChestOnLoot: true
# Switches to enable immediate Chest/Grave/Hologram etc removal if emptied.
PDCRemoveChestOnEmpty: true
KDCRemoveChestOnEmpty: true
# Percentage of player's inventory item's transferred to Death/Kill chest upon death
PDCStorePercent: 100
KDCStorePercent: 100
# Keep items left in inventory not transferred to Death/Kill chest upon death
PDCKeepInv: true
KDCKeepInv: true
# Clear Player Death/Kill Chest contents when they de-spawn
ClearPDC: true
ClearKDC: true
# Spawn Graves in specific PDC/KDC WorldGuard Region
PDCWGRegion: deathchests
KDCWGRegion: deathchests
# Spawn Graves in specific Area (leave PDCWGRegion/KDCWGRegion & PDCLoc/KDCLoc Blank for current Player Position)
# Format: <worldname>,<xmin>,<ymin>,<zmin>,<xmax>,<ymax>,<zmax>
# Spawn PDC/KDC single or double chest
PDCDoubleChest: true
KDCDoubleChest: true
# Switch to enable/disable PDC/KDC Grave Schematic Spawning using WorldEdit (if plugin loaded and hooked to DeathChests)
PDCGraves: true
KDCGraves: true
# Schematic file used for PDC/KDC Graves -
# default and user-created schematic files place in plugins/DeathChests/schematics folder
PDCGraveSchematic: deathchests_grave3.schematic
KDCGraveSchematic: deathchests_grave4.schematic
# Switch to Enable/Disable animated hologram upon PDC/KDC spawning
PDCHolograms: true
KDCHolograms: true
# Switches to Enable PDC/KDC Left & Right Signs
PDCSignLeft: true
PDCSignRight: true
KDCSignLeft: true
KDCSignRight: true
# Text Sent to Chest Owner (Player) upon Death
PDCTextOnDeath: "&f{chesttype} &aChest Spawned @ &f{chestloc}"
KDCTextOnDeath: "&f{chesttype} &aChest Spawned @ &f{chestloc}"
# Text sent to Chest Owner (Player) upon Looting
PDCTextOnLoot: "&f{chesttype} &aChest Looted & Removed From &f{chestloc}"
KDCTextOnLoot: "&f{chesttype} &aChest Looted & Removed From &f{chestloc}"
# Text sent to Chest Owner (Player) when Chest De-spawns
PDCTextOnDespawn: "&f{chesttype} &aChest Removed From &f{chestloc}"
KDCTextOnDespawn: "&f{chesttype} &aChest Removed From &f{chestloc}"
# Switch to enable/disable Animated Chest Spawn Title message sent to Player upon death
PDCTitleOnDeath: true
KDCTitleOnDeath: true
# Switch to enable/disable Animated Chest De-Spawn Title message sent after PDC/KDC de-spawns
PDCTitleDespawn: true
KDCTitleDespawn: true
# Switch to enable/disable Animated Chest Looted Title message sent after PDC/KDC is looted
# If this is false then PDCTitleDespawn/KDCTitleDespawn is checked instead.
PDCTitleLooted: true
KDCTitleLooted: true
# Specify EffectsLib effect on Death/Kill Chest spawning
PDCEffect: AnimatedBallEffect
KDCEffect: AnimatedBallEffect
# Specify EffectsLib effect Offsets From Chest
PDCEffectOffset: 0.4,4.0,0.3
KDCEffectOffset: 0.4,7.0,0.3
PDCEffectTgtOffset: 0.4,7.0,0.3
KDCEffectTgtOffset: 0.4,7.0,0.3
# Death / Kill Chest Grave Schematic offset From Chest
# Dependant on Chest Direction (N/S/E/W)
PDCNorthGraveOffset: -3.0,-1.0,-4.0
PDCSouthGraveOffset: -1.0,-1.0,-3.0
PDCEastGraveOffset: -3.0,-1.0,-3.0
PDCWestGraveOffset: -4.0,-1.0,-1.0
KDCNorthGraveOffset: -3.0,-1.0,-4.0
KDCSouthGraveOffset: -2.0,-1.0,-2.0
KDCEastGraveOffset: -2.0,-1.0,-3.0
KDCWestGraveOffset: -4.0,-1.0,-2.0
# Rotate Death / Kill Chest Grave Schematic (in degrees)
PDCGraveRotate: -90
KDCGraveRotate: -90
# Death / Kill Chest Hologram Offset from Chest
PDCHoloOffset: 0.0,4.5,0.0
KDCHoloOffset: 0.0,4.5,0.0
# Death / Kill Chest Sign Post Offset from Chest
PDCSignLeftOffset: 0.0,0.0,-4.0
PDCSignRightOffset: 0.0,0.0,-4.0
KDCSignLeftOffset: 0.0,0.0,-4.0
KDCSignRightOffset: 0.0,0.0,-4.0
# Switches to Enable/Disable Death / Kill Wall Signs attached around the chest
# 6 sides to a single or double chest:-
# a) FL = Front Left, b) FR = Front Right, c) BL = Back Left, d) Back Right, e) Left Side f) Right Side
PDCChestSignFL: true
PDCChestSignFR: true
PDCChestSignBL: true
PDCChestSignBR: true
PDCChestSignLeft: true
PDCChestSignRight: true
KDCChestSignFL: true
KDCChestSignFR: true
KDCChestSignBL: true
KDCChestSignBR: true
KDCChestSignLeft: true
KDCChestSignRight: true
# Persistent Storage Method PDC/KDC status/reporting
Filename: playerdeathchests.yml
Database: playerdeathchests.db
Host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: deluxedeathchests
Username: admin
Password: 12345
# Blocks in-world that are allowed to be replaced by chests and signs defined in this list
- "DIRT"
- "VINE"
- "LEAVES_2"
- "FIRE"
- "SOIL"
- "SNOW"
- "WEB"

signs.yml, holograms.yml, titles.yml
See file contents for default sign/hologram/title animations.
Edit these files to customise your animated signs/holograms and chest spawn/despawn Title/Subtitle(s). The format of this should be self-explanatory!

Update to set custom skull/mob head for hologram icon variables & custom mob name for each Minecraft mob type.

See file contents for default effects and settings.
Edit this with caution to customise your specific effect specified in config.yml


By purchasing Deluxe DeathChests you automatically agree to the following terms:

    • Purchase is final and no refund is available.

    • You will not -Redacted- the Deluxe DeathChests plugin to anyone publicly/privately.

    • Do not attempt to decompile the plugin to obtain source code (except Staff for approval purposes).

    • You will not attempt to modify the Deluxe DeathChests plugin source code without direct permission from me.

Future Ideas/Additions:-

I have some new ideas in mind, and I'm always open to suggestions for future versions. Those that come to mind are:-.

    • SQLite & MySQL database support for storing all statistical kill / death data, and current death/kill chest spawn data.

    • Additional variables, and string functions (Coming Soon !).

    • More grave schematics (maybe even have these as add-on packs to this plugin?).

    • PlaceHolderAPI plug-in variable support.

    • Custom Death Messages (replace default Minecraft msgs)

    • Player Death Command Events ( execute commands on certain player death type events).

    • Holograms plugin support
    • Export Death Chest variables available to other plugins via PlaceHolder API
In the meantime I hope you enjoy this plugin!

Skype: lozz29
(For premium support only)
Extention type
File size
146.1 KB
First release
Last update
3.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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Not work the plugin...
Thanks for this awesome leak man. Keep this resource up to date!

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