DeluxeChat 1.16.2 Cracked works on 1.8x - 1.17.1x

FREE DeluxeChat 1.16.2 Cracked works on 1.8x - 1.17.1x 1.16.2

DeluxeChat 1.16.2 Cracked works on 1.8x - 1.17.1x


Customize your chat with a powerful formatting system that allow you to add tooltip messages when you hover over different chat sections!
Now includes bungee compatibility for cross server chat!

DeluxeChat allows you to create endless customizable chat formats that add "hover tooltips" and also "suggest/execute command on click" to your chat!

This plugin should be compatible with most chat spam+chat utility plugins but it will override your chat format to be displayed through the formats defined in the DeluxeChat config.yml. (This will override any essentials chat formats/chat channel plugins to display the DeluxeChat format)
DeluxeChat is made to handle all aspects of how your chat formatting looks.


Command: /dchat
Description: View plugin version / info
Permission: deluxechat.admin

Command: /dchat reload
Description: Reload DeluxeChat configuration
Permission: deluxechat.admin

Command: /gtoggle
Description: Switch from global to local chat if bungee is enabled
Permission: deluxechat.bungee.toggle

Command: /msg <player> <message>
Description: Send a player a private message
Aliases: [message, pm, tell]

Command: /reply <message>
Description: reply to a private message
Aliases: [r]

Command: /socialspy:
Description: spy on private messages
Aliases: [deluxesocialspy]
Permission: deluxechat.socialspy

Chat formats are loaded from the config.yml and are tied to permission nodes.
To give a player/group a specific/custom chat format, you will need to give the player/group the permission "chatformat.<yourFormatIdentifier>".

If a player has multiple chat format permissions available, the chat format priority will determine what format should be active for the player/group.
You can assign the priority of each chat format!

If you have bungeecord enabled, players need permission to speak across servers! Give the player the permission to allow them to chat across servers!

All formats require a special permission node for the format to be applied to a player/group:


The <formatIdentifier> is the key for the format section which you want to apply to the player

All of your chat formats are loaded from the config.yml

To create a custom chat format just copy the default chat format section from the formats: section and paste it below default!
Here is an example config!

DeluxeChat is also fully compatible with Towny. It will work alongside TownyChat so you can manage your chat channels within TownyChat and allow DeluxeChat to handle your chat formatting. If you would like To use TownyChat integration, there is only one requirement. In your Towny channels.yml you must add a new option to every channel - hooked: true


DeluxeChat 1.12.0 or higher uses any placeholder provided by Placeholderapi.
You must have PlaceholderAPI installed on your server for DeluxeChat 1.12+ to work.


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