- Premium HCF Core fully modifiable.
- 7+ Koths builds.
- Base System, Falltrap this includes a queue system.
- Custom Worlds 2000x2000 + End/Nether Uniques + Good Builds.
- ChatReactions with rewards and ChatGames with rewards.
- Custom menus | Many custom menus made like, /shop, /sellshop, /kits, /enchantshop and more...
- Custom enchantment system +20 unique possibilities.
- Script Custom con ServerInfo, MediaInfo, SocialInfo, Hats, Near.
- NPC's and holograms | Unique decoration and NPCs make it easy for you to navigate.
- Custom Leaderboards in Holograms | It shows the top 10 players.
- 20+ Global Ranges (donor and staff): All permissions are configured for the ranges.
- 6+ Crates with personalized menu with many other unique items.
- Personalized Messages | All messages were made with a professional design.
- Automatic Messages | They will be displayed in the chat, all customizable. Like OnlineDonators, ChatGames and ChatReactions and Tips.
- Anti Chat spam | Donors and staff ranks have less chat delay time.
- This setup includes +10 premium plugins, to ensure security, automation and performance.
- Skript Custom with CommandBlocker, AntiExploits.
- Detection system to prevent Exploits, Anti-Crash, Anti-Redstone Exploit.
- Detection system for lag machines and redstone exploit
- 24-hour automatic backup system
- Generation system of biomes, lakes, rivers, minerals, caves.
- AntiGlitch & Tali Pearls Pearl System.
- Knockback and potions modification system in detail, from .yml or from the game.
- Redstone system, and fully optimized Chunks charging for maximum performance.