DevStack - Developers Network

DevStack - Developers Network 1.0

DevStack - Developers Network
DevStack : Devstack is a platform for developers , Where developers register into specific communities and can view articles , questions , projects , developers available in that community . Later a developer can also follow other communities .

Basically it is like a social network for developers , Where they can get all the stuff at one place .

Administrator Demo Details
Email : [email protected]
Password : admin

User Demo Details
Email : [email protected]
Password : pass@123

Advantages of the script
1 Specific Communities: A developer will only view the information needed by following specific communities .
2 Hire Freelancers : Can post projects and hire freelancers . Easily connect with them by Emails .
3 Solve Questions : Can post the question and get the instant answer by the experts .
4 Developer Information : Can get the detailed information of a developer in a developer profile section.
5 Following Communities : Can also search and follow the communities .

User Features
1 Creating Articles : Can Create , Edit , Delete articles .
2 Creating Questions : Can Create , Edit , Delete questions .
3 Creating Projects : Can Create , Edit , Delete Projects .
4 Find Developers : Search for developers and get detailed information regarding them
5 Find Communities : Search Communities and follow them .
6 Clean and responsive panel for users : Responsive dashboard for users from where they can manage articles , questions , projects , answers .
7 Managing Profile and settings : Can easily edit the profile details and also manage the user settings .
Admin Features
1 Managing Users : Get all information of users and manage them .
2 Managing Articles : Get all Articles and manage them . Such as deletion of article .
3 Managing Projects : Get all Projects and manage them . Such as deletion of Project .
4 Managing Questions : Get all Questions and manage them . Such as deletion of question .
5 Managing Communities : Can create communities and manage them .
6 Admin Settings : Easily manage admin settings from this section .
7 Site Settings : Easily Manage site title , Description , Meta tags .
Script Features
1 Responsive Design : The script works responsive on all type of devices .
2 Build on Laravel : It is developed on one of the top Framework of PHP i.e Laravel
3 SEO Optimized : The script is completely SEO optimized .
4 Secure Authentication : Secure authentication for both users and administrator .
5 Security : Can Prevent all type of attacks . Such as CSRF , XRF etc .
Thanks for reading the description , We also provide free installation .

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