Discord Bot for Welcoming Users

FREE Discord Bot for Welcoming Users v2

Discord Bot for Welcoming Users
Welcomer Bot

Are people joining your server and leaving?
Are people asking how to do stuff on your server?

Are people leaving because they don't feel "welcomed"?

This is where Welcomer comes in.
Welcomer will send a configurable message to your server when a new user joins.

Here are some images of welcomer in use:



Here is the config for welcomer:
  "token": "Bot token",
  "prefix": "!",
  "welcome_channel": "welcome",
  "embed_emoji": "",
  "logchannel": "logs",
  "activity1": "for new users!",
  "type1": "WATCHING",
  "activity2": "version 2.0",
  "type2": "PLAYING",
  "activitytime": "15000",
  "ownerID": "ID For Owner",
  "customtext": "Have a nice time.",
  "embed_color": "363A3F",
  "embed_guildname": ""

Installation Guide
Skip all this with our hosting! Join our discord to get hosting and this bot setup.
1. Download .zip
2. Extract .zip
3. CD to the file path. e.g /desktop/welcomer
4. run: npm install
5. run node index.js or pm2 start index.js (requires pm2)
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    D @ DIkachuYT: i need mc models access