DivineItemsRPG | 1.9 - 1.13

 DivineItemsRPG | 1.9 - 1.13 3.9.5

DivineItemsRPG | 1.9 - 1.13
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
CapitalisM (me)

DivineItemsRPG - It's a plugin which add great RPG experience to your server! RPG Items with more than 15 custom stats, socket gems for upgrading item stats, more than 20 new enchantments for all item types, rune stones with permanent potion effects and more!

NOTE: Plugin doesn't support Spigot 1.8 !!! Plugin WON'T WORK on version 1.8 and lower. Only 1.9+

NOTE: Plugin works on item Lore and NBT tags! Make sure your server support NBT Tags.

• Easy to use!
• 95% customizable!
• Fully customizable item stats.
• Change the global damage modifiers.
• Repair custom items by Anvils/Gems!
• Soulbound for use items.
• Soulbound block commands and conditions.
• Socket Gems for upgrading item stats.
• Magic Dust for increasing success chance of enchant.
• Abyss Gem for unbind the items.
• Repair Gem and GUI with different currency for repair items.
• Change the all item data by in-game commands!
• Drop Divine items/gems/runes/enchants in the world by command
• Enchantment books with new enchantments.
• Rune Stones with permanently potion effects.
• Item tiers for random drops from mobs.
• Success and Destroy rate for Gems, Enchants, Runes
• 4 Damage types: Physical, Poison, Fire and Magical
• Random colors for Leather armor and Shields.
• Random drops for Items/Gems/Books/Runes.
• Random prefixes and suffixes for items.
• Random stats values for items.
• GUI for Soulbound, Enchanting, Socketting, Repair.
• Global drop rates for Items, Gems, Runes, Enchants.
• Drop rates per every Tier, Gem, Rune, Enchant.
• Global drop rate multipliers for player groups (like VIP, etc).
• Sounds and cool particles for enchantments.
• Damage indicators (Holograms)
• MythicMobs support
• SkillAPI support (level)
• BattleLevels support (level)
• Combat chat messages.

Item Stats (Total 18):
Damage - Damage of an item. [Double/Integer] [Range/+/-]
PvPDamage - Increase damage in PvP [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
PvEDamage - Increase damage in PvE [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
DodgeChance - Chance to dodge the attack [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
BlockChance - Chance to block the attack [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
BlockRate - Amount of blocked damage [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
Defense - Physical defense [Double/Integer] [Number/+/-]
PvPDefense - Additional defense in PvP [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
PvEDefense - Additional defense in PvE [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
PoisonDefense - Reduce damage from poison [Double/Integer/+/-] [Percent]
FireDefense - Reduce all fire damage [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
MagicDefense - Reduce damage caused by magic, lighting, dragon. [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
CritChance - Chance to deal critical strike [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
Critical - Modifier of damage on crit. strike [Double/Integer] [Number/+/-]
MovementSpeed - Increase movement speed [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
Durability - Durability of an item [Integer] [Number]
Durability8 - Unbreakable item [Boolean]
Penetration - Ignore the part of enemy armour [Double/Integer] [Percent/+/-]
AttackSpeed - Increase the attack speed of weapon [Double/Integer] [Percent/+]

Socket Gems (Total 16):

Damage - Increase your damage
Defense - Increase your physical defense
Critical - Increase your damage of critical strike
CritChance - Increase your crit chance chance
BlockChance - Increase your block chance
BlockRate - Increase your block damage
Magic Defense - Increase your magic defense
Poison Defense - Increase your poison defense
Fire Defense - Increase your fire defense
PvP Defense - Increase your PvP Defense
PvE Defense - Increase your PvE Defense
PvP Damage - Increase your PvP Damage
PvE Damage - Increase your PvE Damage
DodgeChance - Increase your dodge chance
MovementSpeed - Increase your speed
Penetration - Increase your armor penetration

Enchantments (Total 21):

Executioner (Weapon) - Chance to get enemy head on kill
Leg Grab (Weapon) - Chance to apply Slowness on enemy
Venom (Weapon) - Chance to apply Poison on enemy
Wither (Weapon) - Chance to apply Wither on enemy
Eye Burn (Weapon) - Chance to apply Blindness on enemy
Exhaust (Weapon) - Chance to apply Weakness on enemy
Paralyze (Weapon) - Chance to make enemy unable to attack
Justice (Weapon) - Chance to strike lighting on enemy and do additional damage
Exp Hunter (Weapon) - Chance to get more exp on mob kill
Magic Implosion (Weapon) - Chance to remove all buffs from enemy
Grand Thief Money (Weapon) - Chance to steal money from enemy
Flame Spray (Armor) - Chance to set enemy on fire when get damage when get damage
Punishing Wave (Armor) - Chance to pull out all nearby enemies and do additional damage when get damage
Prayer of Victory (Armor) - Chance to remove all debuffs from self when get damage.
Ambush (Armor) - Chance to teleported behind the enemy and do additional damage when get damage
Eternal Denial (Armor) - Chance to strike lighting on enemy when get damage
Lava Walker (Armor) - Ability to walk on lava and chance to ignore fire damage
Malice Joke (Bow) - Chance to launch TNT instead of Arrow
Minigun (Bow) - Chance to launch 3(+1 per level) arrows in a row.
Lucky Miner (Pickaxe) - Chance to get double/triple drop from ore (Works with silk touch)
Divine Touch (Pickaxe) - Chance to mine mob spawner with mob type.

Rune Stones (Total 10):
You can add your Runes (with valid potion effects)

Strength (Weapon) - Grants Strength effect
Regen (Armor) - Grants Regeneration effect
Speed (Armor) - Grants Speed effect
Jump (Armor) - Grants Jump effect
Shield (Armor) - Grants Damage Resistance effect
Haste (Tool) - Grants Haste effect
Tiger Eye (Helmet) - Grants Night Vision effect
Flame Cloak (Armor) - Grants Fire Resistance effect
Assasin (Weapon) - Grants Invisibility effect

Abilities (Currently 4 total):
Launch Fireball - Launch a fireball
Launch Arrow - Launch an arrow
Launch Wither - Launch a wither skull
Launch Block - Launch a random block

MythicMobs Drops:
If you want to drop Divine Items from MythicMobs, you can do something like this in MM configs:
Code (Text):
- divineitem <Tier> <Amount> <Chance>
- divinebook <Enchant> <level> <amount> <chance>
- divinerune <Rune> <level> <amount> <chance>
- divinerepairgem <level> <amount> <chance>
- divinegem <Gem> <level> <amount> <chance>
- divinemagicdust <level> <amount> <chance>
- divineabyssgem <amount> <chance>
- divinecustom <name> <amount> <chance>
Code (Text):
- divineitem Rare 1 0.45
- divinebook Venom 1 5 0.15
- divinerune Speed 1 1 0.05
- divinerepairgem 1 4 0.72
- divinegem Critical 1 3 0.33
- divinemagicdust 2 0.42
- divineabyssgem 5 13.37
Placeholder is: %dirpg_attribute_<name>%
Where <name> is valid attribute name like damage, defense, etc.


/di get item <Tier> <Amount> - Get divine items.
/di get <Gem/Enchbook/Rune/AbilityGem> <Type/Random> <Level> <Amount> - Get divine gems/books/runes.
/di get MagicDust <Level> <Amount> - Get magic dust.
/di get RepairGem <Level> <Amount> - Get repair gem.
/di get AbyssGem <Amount> - Get abyss gem.
/di give item <Player> <Tier> <Amount> - Give divine items to player.
/di give <Gem/Enchbook/Rune/AbilityGem> <Player> <Type> <Level> <Amount> - Give divine items/gems/books/runes to player.
/di give MagicDust <Player> <Level> <Amount> - Give magic dust to player.
/di give RepairGem <Player> <Level> <Amount> - Give repair gem to player.
/di give AbyssGem <Player> <Amount> - Give abyss gem to player.
/di drop item <World> <X> <Y> <Z> <Tier> <Amount> - Drop divine items at the specified location.
/di drop <Gem/Enchbook/Rune/AbilityGem> <World> <X> <Y> <Z> <Type> <Level> <Amount> - Drop divine gems/books/runes at the specified location.
/di drop MagicDust <World> <X> <Y> <Z> <Level> <Amount> - Drop magic dust at the specified location.
/di drop RepairGem <World> <X> <Y> <Z> <Level> <Amount> - Drop repair gem at the specified location.
/di drop AbyssGem <World> <X> <Y> <Z> <Amount> - Drop abyss gem at the specified location.
/di set attribute <Attribute> <Value> [line] - Set the attribute to item (from this plugin like Attack, etc).
• /di set ability <Ability> <Level> <RIGHT/LEFT> <false/true> <Cooldown> [line] - Set the attribute to item (from this plugin like Attack, etc).
/di set damagetype <Type> [line] - Set the type of damage to the item.
/di set nbt <Tag> <Value> - Set NBT tag to item.
/di set transfer <true/false> [line] - Set the transfer state of the item.
• /di set soulbound <true/false> [line] - Set the soulbound state of the item.
• /di set level <Level> [line] - Set level requires for the item.
• /di set class <Class1,Class2> [line] - Set class requires for the item.
• /di custom save <name> - Save a custom item in your hand
• /di custom get <name> - Get a custom item
• /di custom give <name> <player> - Give a custom item to player
/di add slot <Type> - Add empty socket slot for <Type>.
/di add flag <ItemFlag> - Add flags to item.
/di modify display <Value> - Modify display name of an item.
/di modify lore <add/remove> <string> [position] - Modify item lore.
/di fix [amount] - Repair the item with custom durability.
/di reload - Reload all configs.

Permission for all commands is divineitems.admin
Permission for item repair is divineitems.fix
Bypass permissions:

  • divineitems.bypass.soulbound - Bypass item soulbound/bind
  • divineitems.bypass.level - Bypass item level
  • divineitems.bypass.owner - Bypass item owner


Items with stats, gems, enchants, runes:
Socket Gems:
Enchantment books:
Rune Stones:




Spigot 1.9+
Java 7+
• (Optional) HolographicDisplays (for Indicators)
• (Optional) MythicMobs
• (Optional) SkillAPI
• (Optional) Skills (Pro)
• (Optional) Heroes
• (Optional) BattleLevels
• (Optional) PlaceholderAPI
• (Optional) Citizens
• (Optional) WorldGuard



• You can not to -Redacted- this plugin.
• You can to decompile/change plugin for yourself only.
• There are no refunds.

If you found any bug or getting any errors, first of all tell me about this and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

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