This is a network system with lot of functions. It allows you to ban, mute, kick, report players and many other features such as block chat messages and commands.
[Deutsch]Dies ist ein Netzwerk System mit diversen Funktionen. Es ermöglicht dir Spieler zu bannen, muten, kicken, reporten und viele weitere Funktionen wie zum Beispiel chat messages und commands zu blockieren.
Set up all reasons in the config.
name: is the name of the reason
permission: the player needs this permission for this reason
historytype: form which history the reason thaks the amount of bans/mutes, NETWORKBAN or NETWORKMUTE
reasonvalue: the 1 is for Players with 0 bans, the 2 for Players which 1 ban
time: the time in secconds, -1 is permanent
name: name of the reason
banid: autoban id on acccepting the report
subcommands: subnames of the reason
The AltManager will ban player which are banned an joining with a NEW account, the altmanager works with the ip of the client.
You can show the History of a player, it shows all bans, kicks and unbans.
The filter is to block messages and commands, ther are 4 types:
Message: is for block normal messages in the chat.
Promotion: is to block promotion messages (.eu).
Command: is to block commans
MuteCommand: is to block commands if the player is muted
You can set a color for a group of players, for example admins red and normal Players grey.
If the player has the permission dkbans.color.admin so he is red(&4);
Spigot Connection:
You can also install this plugin on the spigot server and use the API for PlayerMangement(in stats) or ban players from the whole network via the spigot/bukkit server(via API).
If you also install the bansystem on your spigot/bukkit server you can use the PlaceHolderAPI.
All messages are editable, a german message file is also in the download.
The German message file is translated by Tigerpanzer_02(
and @Priincee .
/ban <player> <banid> | dkbans.ban | Ban a player for a reason(editable in the config).
/tempban <player> <reason> <time> <timeutil> | dkbans.tempban ban a player with own reason and time.
/tempmute <player> <reason> <time> <timeutil> | dkbans.tempban mute a player with own reason and time.
/kick <player> <reason> | dkbans.kick | Kick a player form the server.
/unban <player.> | dkbans.unban | Unban a player.
/baninfo <player/banid> | dkbans.baninfo | Gives information about a ban.
/playerinfo <player> | dkbans.playerinfo Gives information about a player.
/history <player> | dkbans.history | Shows the history of a player.
/resethistory <player> dkbans.resethistory | reset the history of a player.
/report <player> <reason> | report a player.
/report <login/logout> | | login/logout to receive a report.
/reports | | Shows all open reports
/teamchat <message/login/logout> | dkbans.teamchat | Send messages in the team chat.
/jumpto <player> | dkbans.jumpto | Jump to a player.
/broadcast <message> | dkbans.broadcast | Broadcast a message.
/filter <reload/list/add/remove> <type> <message> | dkbans.filter | add blocked messages/commands.
/ipinfo <Player/ip> | dkbans.ipinfo | Shows all playerss which are joining from this IP
/chatlog player/server <player/server> dkbans.chatlog | Show all chatlogs
/autobroadcast | dkbans.autobroadcast | add/remove messages to the broadcast
/joinme | dkbans.joinme | send a joinme request.
Unban all players: dkbans.unban.all
Bypass: dkbans.bypass
Ignor bypass: dkbans.bypass.ignor
Bypass plugin block: dkbans.bypass.plugins
Bypass chat check:
Bypass TabComplete block: dkbans.bypass.tabcomplete
Receive a report:
For all commands: dkbans.*
Receive a ban: dkbans.extension.banbroadcast.ban
Receive a kick: dkbans.extension.banbroadcast.kick
Receive a unban: dkbans.extension.banbroadcast.unban
Examples of the API are in the download file.
If you have problems or questions, contact me about a conversation or discord(@Dkrieger#5142)
Please report bugs and errors over a connversation and not in a review.
This is a network system with lot of functions. It allows you to ban, mute, kick, report players and many other features such as block chat messages and commands.
[Deutsch]Dies ist ein Netzwerk System mit diversen Funktionen. Es ermöglicht dir Spieler zu bannen, muten, kicken, reporten und viele weitere Funktionen wie zum Beispiel chat messages und commands zu blockieren.
- UUID supported
- Offline player support
- AltManager, autoban
- Kick players from the network
- Mor bans = longer ban time(configurate able)
- Mute players
- Get player and ban information via commands
- Show the history of a player
- Block messages and commands via a command
- Everything is configurate able
- Report system with accepting and deny reports
- Jump to player or write in the teamchat
- /plugin block and make your own help command in the config
- Tabcomplete is blocked, you can add allowed commands
- SpigotAPI connection, connect from spigot to bungeecord
- ChatLog
- Information about a IP
- GUI addon
- CloudNet Multiproxy supported
- A BungeeCord network
- A MySQL server
- java 8
Set up all reasons in the config.
name: is the name of the reason
permission: the player needs this permission for this reason
historytype: form which history the reason thaks the amount of bans/mutes, NETWORKBAN or NETWORKMUTE
reasonvalue: the 1 is for Players with 0 bans, the 2 for Players which 1 ban
time: the time in secconds, -1 is permanent
name: name of the reason
banid: autoban id on acccepting the report
subcommands: subnames of the reason
The AltManager will ban player which are banned an joining with a NEW account, the altmanager works with the ip of the client.
You can show the History of a player, it shows all bans, kicks and unbans.
The filter is to block messages and commands, ther are 4 types:
Message: is for block normal messages in the chat.
Promotion: is to block promotion messages (.eu).
Command: is to block commans
MuteCommand: is to block commands if the player is muted
You can set a color for a group of players, for example admins red and normal Players grey.
If the player has the permission dkbans.color.admin so he is red(&4);
Spigot Connection:
You can also install this plugin on the spigot server and use the API for PlayerMangement(in stats) or ban players from the whole network via the spigot/bukkit server(via API).
If you also install the bansystem on your spigot/bukkit server you can use the PlaceHolderAPI.
All messages are editable, a german message file is also in the download.
The German message file is translated by Tigerpanzer_02(
and @Priincee .
/ban <player> <banid> | dkbans.ban | Ban a player for a reason(editable in the config).
/tempban <player> <reason> <time> <timeutil> | dkbans.tempban ban a player with own reason and time.
/tempmute <player> <reason> <time> <timeutil> | dkbans.tempban mute a player with own reason and time.
/kick <player> <reason> | dkbans.kick | Kick a player form the server.
/unban <player.> | dkbans.unban | Unban a player.
/baninfo <player/banid> | dkbans.baninfo | Gives information about a ban.
/playerinfo <player> | dkbans.playerinfo Gives information about a player.
/history <player> | dkbans.history | Shows the history of a player.
/resethistory <player> dkbans.resethistory | reset the history of a player.
/report <player> <reason> | report a player.
/report <login/logout> | | login/logout to receive a report.
/reports | | Shows all open reports
/teamchat <message/login/logout> | dkbans.teamchat | Send messages in the team chat.
/jumpto <player> | dkbans.jumpto | Jump to a player.
/broadcast <message> | dkbans.broadcast | Broadcast a message.
/filter <reload/list/add/remove> <type> <message> | dkbans.filter | add blocked messages/commands.
/ipinfo <Player/ip> | dkbans.ipinfo | Shows all playerss which are joining from this IP
/chatlog player/server <player/server> dkbans.chatlog | Show all chatlogs
/autobroadcast | dkbans.autobroadcast | add/remove messages to the broadcast
/joinme | dkbans.joinme | send a joinme request.
Unban all players: dkbans.unban.all
Bypass: dkbans.bypass
Ignor bypass: dkbans.bypass.ignor
Bypass plugin block: dkbans.bypass.plugins
Bypass chat check:
Bypass TabComplete block: dkbans.bypass.tabcomplete
Receive a report:
For all commands: dkbans.*
Receive a ban: dkbans.extension.banbroadcast.ban
Receive a kick: dkbans.extension.banbroadcast.kick
Receive a unban: dkbans.extension.banbroadcast.unban
Examples of the API are in the download file.
If you have problems or questions, contact me about a conversation or discord(@Dkrieger#5142)
Please report bugs and errors over a connversation and not in a review.