
 DrawMyThing 1.0.70_Release


Mineplex' Draw My Thing minigame for your Bukkit/Spigot server or BungeeCord network, a (currently) 100% Bug-free plugin.

DrawMyThing supports both 1.8.x and 1.7.x, and titles and action-bars work for both versions (1.7.10 Protocol hack and 1.8.x)
It has not been tested with Cauldron and was built and compiled using Java 7.

Agreement can be found at the bottom of this page as well as more info on creating arenas and such.

The Release version SHOULD NOT have bugs, but if you find any just tell me and I'll fix them.

Working on a 1.9 version, as the current version does NOT support 1.9 (only 1.7.10 - 1.8.x), will post in the Discussion when it's done!

If you don't have a Spigot account, and don't want to create one, you can purchase the plugin at Sellfy

I will never ask you to send me the plugin through any messaging system (like Skype), so don't get fooled by it if someone asks for it. My one and only public Skype is skype.xerik

To get in contact with me, if you have concerns or something you can add me on Skype (skype.xerik) or you can PM me here on Spigot!
My Timezone is GMT+1 (CET), so don't expect me to reply when I'm asleep.

Documentation can be found here

Draw My Thing can run on its own without any plugins needed, however they do help out and make it a lot better and cooler.
  • BarAPI - Optional - Displays a dragon-bar showing the HINT message (editable), you can disable this for 1.8.x users if you want to, but you will most likely need it for your 1.7.x users so they can get the HINT message as well. Read the page and make sure it works with your server version before purchasing.
  • WorldEdit - Optional - Pastes words (as blocks) using its Schematic utility, which are imported to the words folder (unique per arena). MAY NOT BE DONE WITH WORLDEDIT. CURRENTLY NOT WORKING, BUT IT IS PLANNED.

The hold & drag bug at 1:30 is fixed.


  • Multi-arena (unlimited)
  • Screen types (wool/stained-clay)
  • All arenas are unique (can be different per arena)
  • Arena-unique words.
  • Title & action-bar support.
  • 1.8.x and 1.7.x support, and will support future versions.
  • Always up-to-date.
  • BarAPI (and WorldEdit) support.
  • Top x players (unlimited)
  • Inventory color selector (NEW)
  • Chat-type, PRIVATE or PUBLIC for non dedicated servers (NEW)
  • Kits (NEW, /dmt kit <kit>)
  • Editable fill-tool (either like Paint, or so it fills the entire screen)
  • Colordata so you can choose colors from blocks, like on Mineplex.
  • Multi-world support.
  • Configure points for drawer, first guess, and other guesses.
  • Configure time once someone guessed word.
  • Sign support.
  • Vote-kick (planned feature)
  • Edit any message (except help messages)
  • Customizable scoreboard.
  • BungeeCord support. (Not as a Bungee plugin, but the plugin has features for Bukkit which makes it a lot more Bungee Friendly when setting it up.)
  • No scoreboard flicker.
  • Time-lock (set world time with no daylight cycle)
  • Sounds (guessed, join, quit, starting, draw, clear screen, fill screen etc.) with editable pitch.
  • Constant updates.
  • Action-bar hints and draw messages (100% configurable).
  • Shows new character in hint message every so often. Not predefined, it will show more often for longer words.
  • Thin and Bold brush and fill-screen and clear-screen tools.
  • Time left in exp bar and scoreboard placeholders.
  • Round, total rounds etc as placeholder.
  • Wand (selecting positions), used to set canvas and colordata.
  • Fully editable permissions (config.yml)
  • Forcestart arenas. (/dmt forcestart)
  • MySQL support ready IF implementing a points system.
  • Imgur Upload


- None


Code (Text):
# +-------------------------------------------+ #
# | Draw My Thing | #
# +-------------------------------------------+ #
# #
# Draw my Thing made by: #
# Coders | HeyImErik #
# Version | 1.0.01_Alpha #
# #
# Will print out what's happening in the console.
debug: true
# Locale can be anything but I've provided 2
# built-in languages for now:
# Norwegian (Bokmål) -> nb_NO
# English (US) -> en_US
# You can contribute with language files here: #
# Template; #
# Submit; http://goo.gl/forms/D3VxrXoxJM #
locale: en_US
# Current configuration version. Do NOT Edit this!
config-version: 1
# Will update the config if there is a new one.
update-config: true
# Will create backups of the deleted arenas.
create-backups: true
# Fancy message (tooltip, command suggestions etc.)
fancy-message: true
# ********************************************* #
permissions: # Define permissions, _none means no permission.
# If the permission is arena.create, the full node is "drawmything.arena.create"
command: _none
wand: wand
tasks: task.list
help: help
leave: _none
join: _none
import: arena.import
end: arena.end
colordata: colordata
sign-create: sign.create
# Allows players to join when instant join is enabled but the arena doesn't exist in the config.
arena-not-found-join: forcejoin
verify-integrity: verifyintegrity
force-start: force.start
arena-list: arena.list
arena-create: arena.create
arena-delete: arena.delete
arena-setspawn: arena.setspawn
arena-setdrawer: arena.setdrawer
arena-setlobby: arena.setlobby
arena-setcanvas: arena.setcanvas
signs: # Sign settings.
# Metadata will be added to the sign, so specifying the arena name is not necessary.
# This is server signs, not Bungee signs. You can download the free Bungee sign addon here;
# http://spigotmc.org/resources/0000/ (coming soon)
# Creating a sign:
# Line 1: '[dmt]'
# Line 2: <arena>
line1: '&2&lDrawMyThing'
line2: '&l{arena}'
line3: '{state}'
line4: '&4{players}&0/&4{maxplayers}'
vote-kick: # Vote kick settings (COMING SOON)
# This command is helpful against the trolls who doesn't draw their word or are drawing immature things
command: '/votekick'
percent-needed: 75.0
command: '/yes'
command: '/no'
server: # Server settings.
fake-plugins: # Will give out a fake plugins message when the command is performed.
enabled: false
list: # The List of plugins. DrawMyThing will do all the formatting, uses the Bukkit format.
- DrawMyThing
bungeecord: # Bungee Settings.
# The name of the server this plugin is being ran on. Must be in your BungeeCord config.
server-name: dmt-1
# The interval (20 = 1 second) to ping the hub server with information. Set to "-1" to disable
ping-interval: 40
# The name of the hub server (Will be pinged).
hub-server: lobby-1
instant-join: # Instant-join settings
# Enable/disable.
enabled: false
# The arena they will join.
arena: drawmything
instant-leave: # Instant-leave settings
# Enable/disable.
enabled: false
# The server they will connect to.
destination: lobby-1

Code (Text):
players: # Minimum and Maximum amount of players that can join.

min: 4
max: 8
starting: 10
# Set the time to x once someone guessed the word for the first time, set to "-1" to keep time.
time-once-guessed: 10
# The game after all rounds are done.
post-game: 10
# The amount of time after someone has drawn before it chooses the new one.
post-draw: 3
signs: # Interval in seconds that the signs update.
interval: 1
starting-broadcasts: 5,4,3,2,1
# "STAINED" or "WOOL", will be the type of block the screen is.
screen-type: WOOL
# "PRIVATE" or "PUBLIC", if private, only the DrawMyThing arena's players gets the chat. If public everyone sees the message.
chat-type: PRIVATE
# "SURROUNDING_COLORS", will behave like a normal fill-tool would, "ENTIRE" will fill the entire screen.
- house
- shield
- window
- bird
- zipper
- lake
- skype
- phone
- minecraft
- pencil
- steve
- waist
- bank
- light
- sun
- sugar
- spraycan
- pumpkin
- melon
- dragon
- clock
- stopwatch
- plane
- pear
- cookie
- chocolate
- diamonds
- iron ore
- skateboard
- surfing
- pie
- a very very very long word
- math
- bridge
- tnt
- apple
- machine gun
# The amount of times a player will be drawing per game.
# ** If set to 2 and there are 5 players in a game it will be a total of 10 rounds **
# In OMGPop's draw my thing every players draws 2 times.
player-rounds: 2
# The amount of points the first player that guesses gets.
first-points: 3
# Points for guessing after first guess.
points: 1
# The amount of points given to the drawer if someone guesses their drawing.
drawer-points: 2
# This will not output anything in the chat while the players are guessing the word.
# If set to false it will only cancel it if it contains the word or they already have guessed it.
force-cancel: false
# If set to true the drawer can talk, but cannot say the word.
drawer-can-talk: true
# The amount of time of a round (in seconds)
round-time: 60
# If the drawer can fly or not.
drawer-can-fly: true
# If the drawer can move or not.
drawer-can-move: true
# If the drawer hasn't drawn anything yet, it will cancel it if this is set to true.
cancel-movement: true
# The drawer's fly speed.
# 0.1 = normal (default) fly-speed.
drawer-speed: 0.4
# Ignores (Removes) 1.7 clients if there is no BarAPI plugin installed.
ignore-1_7: true
# Sends a Dragon Bar to 1.8 clients, even though they have Action bars.
send-dragon-bar-to-1_8: false
# The Empty symbol will be placed where there is a letter that has not been guessed.
empty-symbol: " _ "
# The text that will show for a word, use {l} where the letter will be.
letter: " &f{l} "
# If the word contains a space it will use this where the space is. E.g.: "Large Lake".
space: " "
# If this is set to true all the letters that have been guessed in the word will be upper-cased.
letter-in-upper-case: false
# First letter upper-case will put the first letter in the word(s) into upper-case in the Action bar + title + Dragon bar
first-letter-upper-case: true
# If you set this to true, words can appear more than once per game.
repeat-words: false
# Ignore spaces means that if the word is "Large Lake" and they type "largelake" it will allow it to be guessed.
ignore-spaces: false
start: # Message when teleported to game
- '&7&m===================================='
- '&7| &a&lDRAW&2&lMY&a&lTHING'
- '&7| '
- '&7| &6Guess the word that the player is drawing!'
- '&7| &6The player with the most amount of points wins.'
- '&7| '
- '&7| &d&lMap &7by &a&lSteve&7!'
- '&7&m===================================='
end: # Message when game ends.
- '&7&m===================================='
- '&7| &a&lDRAW&2&lMY&a&lTHING'
- '&7| '
- '&7| &e&l1. &7- &d{player1}'
- '&7| &f&l2. &7- &d{player2}'
- '&7| &6&l3. &7- &d{player3}'
- '&7| '
- '&7| &d&lMap &7by &a&lSteve&7!'
- '&7&m===================================='
- '&7'
- '&7You will be teleported in &a10 seconds&7.'
- '&7&m===================================='
- '&7|'
- '&7| &lDraw &a&l{word}'
- '&7|'
- '&7&m===================================='
word-in-title: # Show text about the word in the title.
use: false
title: '&f'
subtitle: '&e&lHINT - &f{formattedword}'
action-bar: # Action bar settings (Above hotbar)
use: true
# This can for example be a color and it will appear at the BEGGINING of the text.
prefix: '&f&lHINT - &e'
suffix: '&f'
drawer-bar: '&e&lDRAW: &f{word}'
bar: # BarAPI settings (Dragon Bar), YOU NEED THE BarAPI PLUGIN.
use: true
prefix: '&f&lHINT - &e'
suffix: '&f'
use: true
title: '&a&lDraw&2&lMy&a&lThing'
subtitle: '&7You have joined {arena}.'
fade-in: 10
stay: 40
fade-out: 20
use: true
title: '&a&lDraw&2&lMy&a&lThing'
subtitle: '&7You have left {arena}.'
fade-in: 10
stay: 40
fade-out: 20
use: true
title: '&f'
subtitle: '&e(+{points}) &aYou have guessed the word!'
fade-in: 10
stay: 40
fade-out: 20
use: true
title: '&a{timeleft}'
subtitle: '&f'
fade-in: 4
stay: 12
fade-out: 4
sounds: # VOLUME MAX = 2.0, PITCH MAX = 2.0
change-color: # Sound once changing color-type
type: successful_hit
pitch: 2.0
send-to: DRAWER
fill: # Sound once filling the screen.
type: splash2
pitch: 1.0
send-to: ALL
clear: # Sound once clearing the screen.
type: explode
pitch: 1.0
send-to: ALL
draw: # Sound while drawing.
type: fizz
pitch: 2.0
send-to: ALL
move-attempt: # Sound once attempting to move while not drew anything yet
type: note_bass
pitch: 1.0
send-to: DRAWER
guessed-word: # Sound once the player guessed the word
type: level_up
pitch: 1.0
send-to: ALL
type: note_pling
pitch: 1.0
send-to: ALL
type: successful_hit
start-index: 3
default: 1.0
'3': 1.0
'2': 1.5
'1': 2.0
type: successful_hit
default: 1.0
'5': 1.2
'4': 1.4
'3': 1.6
'2': 1.8
'1': 2.0
particles: # Particles support 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.8.3, 1.8.4. Ask me if you want me to add more version supports.
use: true
waiting: # Maximum 16 characters contents, 32 display-name
display-name: '&a&lWaiting for players'
- '&f'
- '&6&lTime Left'
- '{timeleft} seconds'
- '&r'
- '&a&lPlayers'
- '{players}/{maxplayers}'
- '&a'
- '&a&lNeeded'
- '{minplayers}'
- '--------------'
display-name: '&a&lStarting...'
- '&f'
- '&6&lStarting in'
- '{timeleft} seconds'
- '&r'
- '--------------'
display-name: '&a&lDraw&2&lMy&a&lThing'
contents: # If a player doesn't exist, it will not add that line.
- '&f'
- '&e&lRound'
- '{round}/{totalrounds}'
- '&e'
- '&6&lDrawer'
- '{drawer}'
- '&c'
- '&e{points1} &f{player1}'
- '&e{points2} &f{player2}'
- '&e{points3} &f{player3}'
- '&e{points4} &f{player4}'
- '&e{points5} &f{player5}'
- '----------------'
display-name: '&c&lGame over'
- '&7'
- '&4&lGame ending'
- '&6'
- '----------------'
type: woodsword
display-name: '&aDefault Pencil'
data: 0
- '&fDefault Pencil, right click to draw.'
type: ironsword
display-name: '&a&lBold Pencil'
data: 0
- '&fBold Pencil, right click to draw (Bold).'
type: tnt
display-name: '&cClear Screen'
data: 0
- '&fClear Screen, right click to clear screen.'
type: bucket
display-name: '&9Fill Entire Screen'
data: 0
- '&fFill Bucket, right click to fill entire screen.'
rewards: # Rewards, performed commands ({playerX} to target a player in place X). {player1} = first place
- eco give {player1} 100
- eco give {player2} 50
- eco give {player3} 25
enabled: true
name: '&4&lColor Selection'
size: 18
- 35:0 1 name:&f&lWhite_Color slot:1
- 35:1 1 name:&6&lOrange_Color slot:2
- 35:2 1 name:&d&lBright_Purple_Color slot:3
- 35:3 1 name:&b&lAqua_Color slot:4
- 35:4 1 name:&e&lYellow_Color slot:5
- 35:5 1 name:&a&lLime_Color slot:6
- 35:6 1 name:&d&lPink_Color slot:7
- 35:7 1 name:&8&lDark_Gray_Color slot:8
- 35:8 1 name:&7&lGray_Color slot:9
- 35:9 1 name:&3&lTeal_Color slot:11
- 35:10 1 name:&5&lPurple_Color slot:12
- 35:11 1 name:&1&lBlue_Color slot:13
- 35:12 1 name:&f&lBrown_Color slot:14
- 35:13 1 name:&2&lGreen_Color slot:15
- 35:14 1 name:&c&lRed_Color slot:16
- 35:15 1 name:&0&lBlack_Color slot:17

Code (Text):
#>---- MISC MESSAGES ----<#
prefix: '&a&lDRAW&2&lMY&a&lTHING&8 | &7'
arenaNotFound: '&cArena &4{0}&c not found.'
arenaNotExists: '&cArena &4{0}&c doesn''t exist.'
arenaAlreadyExists: 'Arena &4{0}&c alraeady exists.'
playerGuessedWord: '&e&l+{0} &7&lPlayer &c{1}&7&l guessed the word.'
canNotSpeak: '&cThe Drawer cannot talk.'
roundEnded: '&7&lRound &8&l#{0} &7&lover. The word was &a&l{1}&7&l.'
arenaList: 'Arenas (&c{0}&7): {1}'
drawingNext: '&c&l{0}&7&l is drawing.'
createdFiles: 'Created files for arena.'
creatingFiles: 'Creating files for arena...'
updatingAllArenas: 'Updating all arenas...'
playerWon: '&c{0} &7won.'
fileImported: 'Imported file &a{0} &7for &a{1}&7. Saved as &a{2}&7.'
fileNotFound: '&cFile &4{0} &cdoesn''t exist.'
noPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to do this.'
arenasUpdated: 'All arenas have been updated.'
regionsUpdated: 'Start and end region updated.'
colorsUpdated: 'Color-region updated.'
arenaCreated: 'Arena &a{0} &7has been created. Took &a{1}&7.'
unsupportedCharacter: 'The Character &a{0}&7 is not supported.'
drawerLocationNotSet: 'Drawer location not set.'
drawerLocationSet: 'The Drawer location has been set.'
lobbyLocationSet: 'The Drawer location has been set.'
lobbyLocationNotSet: 'Lobby location not set.'
noSpawnsSet: 'No spawns have been set.'
screenNotSet: 'The screen region has not been set.'
playerLeft: 'Player &c{0} &7has left. (&a{1}&7/&a{2}&7)'
playerJoined: 'Player &c{0} &7has joined. (&a{1}&7/&a{2}&7)'
arenaFullBungee: '&cFailed to join arena. &4Arena full&c.'
arenaIngameBungee: '&cFailed to join arena. &4Arena already in-game&c.'
arenaNotFoundBungee: '&cFailed to join arena. &4Arena not found&c.'
#>---- COMMAND MESSAGES ----<#
playerNotFound: '&cPlayer not found.'
playerNotInArena: '&cThat player is not in the same arena as you.'

voteKickUsage: '&c/votekick <player>'
voteKickError: '&cYou have to be in a game to start a vote-kick.'

#>---- KICK MESSAGES ----<#
kick1_7: '&cYou must be using 1.8 to join DrawMyThing.'
noSelection: '&cYou do not have any selection.'
pos1NotSet: '&cPosition 1 not set.'
pos2NotSet: '&cPosition 2 not set.'
pos1Set: '&7Position 1 set at &a{0}'
pos2Set: '&7Position 2 set at &a{0}'
#>---- CONSOLE MESSAGES ----<#
pluginEnabled: '&fDrawMyThing v{0} has been enabled.'
pluginDisabled: '&fDrawMyThing v{0} has been disabled.'
serverVersion: '&fServer version: &e{0}&f version &e{1}&f.'
#>---- INFO MESSAGES ----<#
header: '&7&m------------------&7[ &a{0} &7]&m------------------'
players: '&7Players ({0}): &c{1}'
state: '&7State: &a{0}&7.'
timeLeft: '&7Time Left: &a{0} seconds&7.'
round: '&7Round: &a{0}/{1}&7.'
drawer: '&7Drawer: &c{0}'
footer: '&7&m--------------------------------------------'
primaryColor: '&a'
secondaryColor: '&7'
thirdColor: '&c'
commandLine: '| '
falseColor: '&c'
trueColor: '&2'
no: No
yes: Yes
none: '&cNone'
false: '[utf8_crossmark]'
true: '[utf8_checkmark]'
arenastateWaiting: Waiting...
arenastateStarting: Starting...
arenastateStarted: Started.
arenastatePostgame: Post Game.
arenastateResetting: Resetting...
fancymessageAddword: '&a<arena> &7- The arena where the schematic file will be used.[newline]&a<schematic-file-path> &7- The path of the schematic file.[newline]&a<save-name> &7- This &nMUST&7 be the word that is being imported.'
fancymessageJoin: '&7Join an arena.'
fancymessageLeave: '&7Leave your current arena.'
fancymessageArenaList: '&7List of all the arenas.'
fancymessageDelete: '&7Delete an arena.'
fancymessageCreate: '&7Create an arena.'
fancymessageSetspawn: '&7Set the spawn of an arena.'
fancymessageSetlobby: '&7Set the lobby of an arena.'
fancymessageSetdrawer: '&7Set the drawer location of an arena.'
fancymessageForcestart: '&7Forcestart an arena, if none selected [newline]&7it will start the one you''re in.'
fancymessageInfo: '&7Shows info about an arena.'
fancymessageSetcanvas: '&7Sets the drawer-canvas.'

1) Type "/dmt arena create <name>"
2) Find the lobby and spectator spawn and type "/dmt arena set<lobby/spectator> <name>"
3) Add spawns using "/dmt arena addspawn <name>"
4) Set the canvas by using "/dmt wand" then right click and left click the two corners of your canvas and type "/dmt arena setcanvas <name>"
5) Use the wand again and select your color-blocks, like displayed here (select where the pink is), then type "/dmt colordata <wool/stained>" wool/stained being the screen-type, if you want a wool screen you use wool if you want a stained-clay screen you use stained.
6) Set the drawer location using "/dmt arena setdrawer <name>"

Don't leave a bad/stupid/negative review if you haven't got in contact with me to get some help from me with bugs or issues. Bad reviews doesn't fix bugs. And the reviews section is not made for questions, that's what the discussion is for.

< Click

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Plik, który próbujesz pobrać nie jest już dostępny
lol m8. taking credit for my buying xD xD xD wowowow. no no no. let me take over this so i can update it to the latest version m9
Nice!, please update to 1.9 <3 thanks. Version: 1.0.75
work perfect

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