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Project Information
This plugin allows users to sell drugs to Drug Buyers! Users can right click the entity (configurable in the config) and sell their products! Prices and items are configurable in the config and you can include custom names for items! Messages are also configurable! The drug buyers won't move and can't take damage. When you change the drug buyer's name in the config and reload the plugin, the drug dealers' names will change in-game!

Hooks into ChestShop's command /iteminfo to display the dealer's price!

drugseller.* - allows a user to use all commands

drugseller.create- allows a user to create a new drug seller entity

drugseller.remove- allows a user to remove drug dealers. - allows a user to see the commands

drugseller.reload - allows a player to reload the config

drugseller.gui - Allows a player to use the /dealer gui command.

drugseller.set - Allows a player to use the /dealer set <EntityType> command

drugseller.entitylist - Allows a player to use the /dealer entitylist command.

/dealer help - The help menu

/dealer reload - Reloads the config

/dealer create <EntityType> (name) - Creates a new drug buyer where you are standing.

/dealer remove <name> - Removes the drug buyer the user clicks on or the entity that the name belongs to.

/dealer gui - Allows the player to view the trading gui without right clicking on an entity.

/dealer set <name> - Allows a player to teleport a dealer to the player's location.

/dealer entitylist - Allows a player to view all entity types.

You need Vault for this to work!

Additional Information
THIS IS COMPILED IN JAVA 8. Make sure your Java is up to date!

If there are any bugs you'd like to report, leave a comment and I will work on it asap. If you have a suggestion for me, leave a comment as well!
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