LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @Batuzay
Original Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...-drop-plugin-now-with-random-locations.20357/
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Original Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...-drop-plugin-now-with-random-locations.20357/
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.9, 1.10, 1.11
Contributors: Foallow (Idea)
Envoys is a very configurable envoy/supply drop plugin. You can set locations for envoys (Loot chests) which will respawn every x seconds with loot configurable in the configuration file or, you can let them spawn randomly around your worlds.
/Envoy - About Command
/Envoy Create - Creates a new location for envoys to spawn at, at your current location
/Envoy Remove [ID] - Removes an envoy, the IDs are all listed in the configuration file with their locations
/Envoy Refill - Force refill all envoys and generate new if you have random locations on
/Envoy Amount - Displays how many envoys there are
/Envoy List - Displays all envoy IDs, worlds, X positions, Y positions and Z positions
/Envoy Reload - Reloads the configuration
/Envoy SaveData - Saves the data file (envoys.yml)
/Envoy AddItem [Name] [Chance] - Saves the item in your hand to the contents section in the config
Envoys.* - Gives you access to all permissions
Envoys.Create - Gives you permission to use /Envoy Create
Envoys.Remove - Gives you permission to use /Envoy Remove [ID]
Envoys.Refill - Gives you permission to use /Envoy Refill
Envoys.Amount - Gives you permission to use /Envoy Amount
Envoys.List - Gives you permission to use /Envoy List
Envoys.Help - Gives you permission to use /Envoy Help
Envoys.Reload - Gives you permission to use /Envoy Reload
Envoys.SaveData - Gives you permission to use /Envoy SaveData
Envoys.AddItem - Gives you permission for /Envoy AddItem
Developer API
I have created a very small API: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/25108/
config-version: 24
prefix: "&8[&4Envoys&8] &4" #The prefix to all messages
no-permission: "You do not have permission for this" #No permission
setup-finished: "Envoy setup successfully" #When an envoy is successfully created
not-a-valid-id: "That ID does not exist / is not valid" #When you try to remove an envoy but there is no envoy with the ID you specified
removed-envoy: "Successfully removed envoy." #When an envoy is successfully removed
envoys-refilled: "ALL ENVOYS HAVE BEEN REFILLED" #When envoys are refilled
amount: "There are %amount envoys (%worldAmount in your world)" #The response to the ammount sub-command
list: "%id - World: %world X: %x Y: %y Z: %z" #The response to the list sub-command
random-envoy-locations: "An envoy spawned at X: %x Y: %y Z: %z!" #If random-location.broadcast-locations is set to true, for every random envoy spawned, this message will be displayed
reload: "Reloaded successfully"
data-saved: "Data file saved successfully"
invalid-syntax: "Invalid syntax, type /envoys help for help"
add-item-no-name-or-chance: "You must specify a name and a chance" #If /envoys additem is entered with 0 or 1 arguments
no-item-in-hand: "You must have an item in your hand" #If /envoys additem is entered without an item in the user's hand
name-already-exists: "This name already exists in the config" #If /envoys additem is entered and the name specified already exists under contents in the config
added-item: "Successfully added item" #When an item is successfully added to the contents
chance: 70
id: 276
data: 0
name: '&4My &9Item'
amount: 3
- '&3Lore &4Line &21'
- '&3Lore &4Line &12'
chance: 32
id: 364
data: 0
name: 'Another item'
amount: 64
chance: 78.9
id: 339
data: 0
name: '&9Token'
amount: 1
- '&3This is a crate token'
- '&eRight click a crate to open it'
envoys-refilled-by-command-only: false #Should the envoys reset after a set amount of time or only be reset by a command?
envoy-refill-delay: 1800 #How often the envoys refill, in seconds
random-location: #Envoys can be created at random locations each time
enabled: false #To enable random envoys, set this to true
amount: 50 #The amount of random envoys you would like created each time
min-xz: -10000 #The random envoys will be spawned between this...
max-xz: 10000 #and this.
always-on-top: true #If set to true, the envoys will always spawn at the highest block so they are not underground
custom-y: 200 #If always-on-top is set to false, the envoys will be spawned at this y level
disabled-worlds: #You can disable random envoys for specific worlds
- 'world1'
- 'exampleWorld'
broadcast-locations: false #If set to true, the locations of random envoys will be broadcasted.
only-refill-random-location-envoys: false #If set to true, only random location envoys will be spawned every x seconds (set in envoy-refill-delay)
delete-old-envoys: true #If set to true, when new random envoys spawn, the old ones will be deleted.
float: true #If set to true, random envoys that spawn in water will always float at the top.
1.12.1 -> 1.12.2: The plugin will automatically update the configuration.
1.11 -> 1.12: The plugin will automatically update the configuration.
1.10 -> 1.11: The plugin will automatically update the configuration.
1.9.1 -> 1.10: The plugin will automatically update the configuration.
1.8.5 -> 1.8.8: The plugin will automatically add
lang.data-saved to the configuration file. No manual intervention is required unless you want to change the message.
You will need to rename your data.yml to envoys.yml
1.8.3 -> 1.8.4: The plugin will automatically add
envoys-refilled-by-command-only to the configuration file. No manual intervention is required unless you want to change the message.
1.7 -> 1.8: The plugin will automatically add lang.reload to the configuration file. No manual intervention is required unless you want to change the message.
If you are not updating from the second latest version to the latest, please convert your config.yml.old file to the new file in config.yml!
Questions & Bugs
If you have any questions of find any bugs, please PM me about them, I will answer you within 24 hours (99% of the time)
- All purchases are final
- You will not share this resource
- You will only run this resource on 1 network
- You are allowed to modify the source code, but you will not get any support with it
- The resource is provided "as-is" without warranty
- I am not obligated to update this resource (This doesn't mean I will not though)
Premium Plugin License Version 1 (PPLv1)
"This license" refers to version 1 of the Premium Plugin License (PPL), this edition is refered to as PPLv1
“Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.
"This software" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and “recipients” may be individuals or organizations.
"This plugin" refers to this software, and or any parts of it
To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.
"End user" refers to anyone who installs the software on their server, any licensees of this software or anyone who downloads this laptop
"The author" refers to the author of this software
"Server" refers to the end user's game server (typically Minecraft), no matter what modifications have been applied to it
This license allows the end user to use features of this plugin commercially and to modify it for private use.
Distribution permissions are covered in 2. DISTRIBUTION
You must make an honest assessment on what you are doing is breaking this license agreement
This license does not allow copies or modifications to be distributed by anyone, other than the author.
All distributed copies or modifications must be distributed on this page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/20357/
The author is never liable for any damages
The end user is always liable for all damages (including, but not limited to, loss of data, losses sustained or a failure to operate with other software)
This software is distributed without warranty, to the extent permitted by law.
This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
This software is applicable to the local laws of England.
The end user automatically agrees to this license by running this software on their server.
"This license" refers to version 1 of the Premium Plugin License (PPL), this edition is refered to as PPLv1
“Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.
"This software" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and “recipients” may be individuals or organizations.
"This plugin" refers to this software, and or any parts of it
To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.
"End user" refers to anyone who installs the software on their server, any licensees of this software or anyone who downloads this laptop
"The author" refers to the author of this software
"Server" refers to the end user's game server (typically Minecraft), no matter what modifications have been applied to it
This license allows the end user to use features of this plugin commercially and to modify it for private use.
Distribution permissions are covered in 2. DISTRIBUTION
You must make an honest assessment on what you are doing is breaking this license agreement
This license does not allow copies or modifications to be distributed by anyone, other than the author.
All distributed copies or modifications must be distributed on this page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/20357/
The author is never liable for any damages
The end user is always liable for all damages (including, but not limited to, loss of data, losses sustained or a failure to operate with other software)
This software is distributed without warranty, to the extent permitted by law.
This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
This software is applicable to the local laws of England.
The end user automatically agrees to this license by running this software on their server.