- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
Iskyost (SkyoConfig), bram0101 (Animator Class), coco_gigpn (For his help)
The plugin is not perfect, do not hesitate to report the bugs
I create this free and open source plugin because I do not know very well Java and I count on you to help me to improve EpicPets
1. You can create your own textures and animations!
For more information, go to the documentation
2. Disguise and modify your pet in game
You can modify your equipment by using an inventory
3. You can modify the entire plugin as you want.
The configuration files are pretty complete
4.The plugin will not interfere with pvp
5. Your shots pass through the armorstand (Pets)
6. Your pet will follow you with special animations
7. Keep your stealth using the SneakProtection
The name of your pet will disappear when you sneak
8. The plugin don't need any resource pack.
9. You can change the name of your pet
You can change his name using a sign.
10. The plugin work in worldguard region.
11. The plugin supports Vault
Your pet can now have particles! Check out these gifs. (EpicPets V0.3)
I do not know very well Java and I count on you to help me to improve EpicPets
The documentation includes permissions and commands
You can test alpha build IP: (MY SERVER!)