
SpigotVIP Epidemic


1.13 & 1.14 Ready


Epidemic allows you to add illness and injury to your server, making survival that much more difficult.

Whether you want to have your players risk a cut or broken leg from being attacked or from a fall, to food poisoning when they eat, to a light fever all the way up to a full blown plague that causes blindness and confusion, Epidemic has you covered.

Epidemic is highly configurable, allowing you to create your own illnesses and injuries, letting you decide how likely a player is to suffer and how badly. You can even decide if you want the illness to be contagious or if a broken leg can develop into an infection! Potion effects such as slowness, blindness and confusion can all be added to an illness, making the player work to stay alive. Real consequences to a fall beyond losing a half-heart of health means real survival.

With Epidemic on your server, your players can even hide their symptoms and infect other players, adding a level of biological warfare.

Each injury or illness can have its own cure added, so if your player suffers a broken leg, no problem - they can craft a splint, or travel into town and buy one from a store.

Players in op or with epidemic.invincible cannot gain injury/illness.

Visit the wiki for more details! - https://gitlab.com/torpkev/epidemic/wikis/home

Craft Cures!

Or take them from the menu for your admin stores!

Epidemic is available on Brave New World - play.bnwmc.com - Come try it out!

Whether you've purchased Epidemic or not, please feel free to send me a message on Spigot, use the discussion page or use the Issue Tracker to get in touch.

Issue Tracker: https://gitlab.com/torpkev/epidemic/issues


epidemic.admin gives access all permissions except epidemic.invincible
epidemic.cure gives access to /cure
epidemic.cures.display gives access to cures via /epidemic cures
epidemic.cures.take allows player to take the cure from /epidemic cures
epidemic.health gives access to /health
epidemic.infect gives access to /infect
epidemic.invincible makes the player immune to all ailments


/epidemic cures - This gives you a list of all the available cures and when you click them, shows you how to craft them
/health - This allows a player to view their current health status
/infect <player> <ailment> - You can inflict an ailment on any online player
/cure <player> - Cure any player quickly and easily


Epidemic is highly configurable, and you can create as many injuries and illnesses as you'd like. Each ailment has its own yml configuration file, and should be referenced in the main config.yml file.

Full details on configuration are available on http//epidemic.torp.work

Code (YAML):
# internal name is the name that is used when you use /infect - it should not include spaces or special characters
internal_name: burn
# display_name is the name that is displayed in game - feel free to use color codes
display_name: Burn
# infectious is a true/-Redacted- for if the player can naturally become infected
infectious: false
# infectious_chance is a number between 0 and 1000 for how likely the player is to become infected naturally (higher = more likely)
infectious_chance: 0
# non_infectious_chance is a number between 0 and 1000 for how likely the player is to gain the ailment via an event such as a fall (higher = more likely)
non_infectious_chance: 500
# warn_on_afflicted is a true/-Redacted- for if the player should be warned when they gain the injury or illness
warn_on_afflicted: true
# afflicted_text is the text displayed to the player when they gain the injury or illness if warn_on_afflicted is true
afflicted_text: Ow! that was hot
# symptom_text is the text displayed to the player when they start suffering from symptoms (symptoms don't have to start right away)
symptom_text: Your skin is red and blistered
# healed_text is the text displayed to the player when they are healed
healed_text: The burn is soothed
# unable_heal_infection_text is the text displayed to the player if their illness/injury becomes infectious and they try to treat the original ailment
unable_heal_infection_text: The burn is infected, you'll need to take care of that
# natural_cure_text is the text displayed to the player if their ailment heals naturally
natural_cure_text: The burn heals up
# time_to_symptoms is the number of seconds between the player being afflicted with the injury/illness and when they start to show symptoms:
# - For contagious illnesses, it may be wise to make symptoms appear long after they've had a chance to infect others
time_to_symptoms: 0
# can_be_infected is a true/-Redacted- which indicates if the ailment can become infected. If it does, the infection must be cured first
can_be_infected: true
# time_to_infected is the number of seconds until an ailment becomes infect(if can_be_infected = true, otherwise, leave as 0)
time_to_infected: 31
# warn_on_infected is a true/-Redacted- which indicates if a player should be told when their ailment has become infected
warn_on_infected: true
# infected_text is the text displayed to the player when their ailment becomes infected (if warn_on_afflicted = true)
infected_text: The burned skin is oozing pus
# is_fatal is a true/-Redacted- which indicates if the injury/illness is fatal, if it is not, damage effects will stop when the player is close to death
is_fatal: true
# damage is the number of half-hearts of damage caused every 20 seconds
damage: 1
# infection_damage is the number of half-hearts of damage caused by the infection. This is added to the number from damage
infection_damage: 2
# display_vomit is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if the player should vomit due to the ailment
display_vomit: false
# display_bleeding is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if the player should bleed due to the ailment
face: false
head: false
chest: false
back: false
left_arm: false
right_arm: false
left_leg: true
right_leg: false
# display_bowel indicates if the player should lose control of their bowels
display_bowel: false
# display_urinateindicates if the player should lose control of their bladder
display_urinate: false
# display_sweat indicates if the player should sweat
display_sweat: false
# display_contagious indicates if the particle effect should play when contracting an illness
display_contagious: false
# display_injury indicates if the particle effect should play when injured
display_injury: true
# caused_by_fall is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by fall damage
caused_by_fall: false
# caused_by_injury is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by injury (being hit etc.)
caused_by_injury: false
# caused_by_explosion is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by explosion damage
caused_by_explosion: true
# caused_by_fire is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by fire damage
caused_by_fire: true
# caused_by_water is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by water damage
caused_by_water: false
# caused_by_consume is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by consuming an item
caused_by_consume: false
# caused_by_magic is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if a non-infectious ailment is caused by magic damage
caused_by_magic: false
# ailment_effects are the effects applied to the player due to the ailment. You can add any mix of effects,
# set the time and amplifier for them (just remember, if you kill the player too quickly, they won't have time to spread the illness!)
time: 30
amplifier: 1
time: 40
amplifier: 2
# infection_effects works the same as the ailment_effects, but are applied when the player has an infection
time: 3
amplifier: 2
# particle_on_afflicted is the particle displayed when the player becomes afflicted
sound_on_afflicted: EXTINGUISH
# particle_on_infection is the particle displayed when the player gains an infection
particle_on_infection: SPIT
# sound_on_infection is the sound played when the player gains an infection
sound_on_infection: EXTINGUISH
# particle_on_heal is the particle displayed when the player is healed
particle_on_heal: VILLAGER_HAPPY
# sound_on_heal is the sound played when a player is healed
sound_on_heal: BREWING_STAND_BREW
# can_cure is a true/-Redacted- indicating if the player can be cured
can_cure: true
# cure_internal_name is the internal name used for the cure, it should not include spaces or special characters
cure_internal_name: cooling_compress
# cure_display_name is the name of the cure used in game - feel free to use color codes!
cure_display_name: §aCooling Compress
# cure_lore is the lore applied to the cure item. You can use multiple lines
- A cooling compress to apply to burns
- It is sticky and wet
# cure_item is the in-game item used as the basis for the cure item. It does NOT replace the original item
# cure_ingredients is a list of letters and in-game materials used to create the cure. Each letter can only
# be used once, and all materials used MUST be listed here. The letter is used to indicate the position in cure_shape

# cure_shape is the shape in the crafting table for the cure. It is split out by row in the crafting table (TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM)
# You must enter 3 letters for each row (1 to indicate each column in the crafting table. If you want a blank space, use a period .
# cure_not_sick_text is the text displayed to the player if they use a cure item without being afflicted with its illness
cure_not_sick_text: The compress is cold and slimy and eventually just falls off
# is_active is a true/-Redacted- to indicate if the ailment and cure should be used in game
is_active: true


Using the "/epidemic cures" command gives access to all the cures available in the game

Player contracts the plague which causes intermittent blindness - Until the cure is crafted!

A fall causes a broken leg and bleeding

Infection sets in and includes additional effects, including dizziness/confusion

A broken leg is cured after the player makes a splint


Epidemic is being actively developed. New features are being added that will take survival to the next level.

Features Coming Soon!

Immunity - Become immune to common illnesses through vaccinations or having overcome the illness before

Temperature - Heat and cold will play their part in your well-being.. if you get too cold you better get to a fire quickly, but if heat exhaustion strikes, you could well pass out!

Thirst - Go too long without drinking and you might find yourself slowing down - Added!

Exhaustion - It isn't just phantoms out to get you if you don't sleep - exhaustion can strike if you burn the candle at both ends

Insomnia - If insomnia is part of your ailment, you won't be able to rest, forcing exhaustion on you

Upgraded biological warfare - Create illness tipped arrows and splash potions. Don't forget, you can already hide your symptoms and become Typhoid Steve!

Cure Lookup - Need to know how to make that cure on the go? A template can be call via a command - Added!

Additional effects - You can already vomit and bleed - new effects are coming, including sweating and loose bowels (uh oh!) - Added!

Hallucinations - Maybe you're seeing things, or maybe there really is a creeper that was sneaking up behind you

You tell me! - I'm always open to suggestions for how to make survival harder to deal with


  • You are not allowed to -Redacted- this plugin in any form
  • You may not decompile, modify or claim this code as your own
  • Only use it for your server/network

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  2. 5.2.4


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