The best and most customizable /rankup plugin!
This plugin relies on Vault, and a Vault compatible economy and permissions plugin to function properly.
Compatible and tested with PermissionsEx, GroupManager, bPermissions, zPermissions
SQLPerms is also supported
This plugin does not store any player related data!
(never worry about players losing ranks because of your rankup plugin)
The rankup system was designed to be as flexible as possible and if setup correctly, will be the most custom and worry free /rankup setup you ever had!
You can customize every part of the plugin to make it one of a kind to fit your server exactly as you wish!
EZRanksPro has an API that allows developers to get rankup information, listen to events, and even modify events to allow endless customization!
Player Commands
Attempt to rankup from your current rank
permission: ezranks.rankup
View the current server ranks list with prices!
permission: ezranks.listranks
Toggle autorankup on or off
permission: ezranks.autorankup
Admin Commands
View plugin version
/ezadmin help
EZRanks admin help menu
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin createrankup <rankFrom> <rankTo> <cost>
Create and load default rankup section inside of the rankups.yml for the specific rankup specified in command.
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin deleterankup <rankFrom>
Delete an active rankup from memory and the rankups.yml
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin list
List all/rank specific rankups
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin info <rankFrom> <rankTo>
View detailed information about a specific rankup.
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin forcerankup <player>
Force a player to rankup at no cost
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin reload
Reload config/rankups.yml
permission: ezranks.admin
The first time EZRanksPro is started on your server, 4 configuration files will be created. Each file allows you to customize every aspect of your rankup plugin. In addition to these 4 files, there is also a "debug" option in the config which when enabled will create a debug.log file. There is also an option to log all rankups, if this config option is enabled, a rankup.log file will also be created.
To give a player or group access to a rankup, they need access to the permission node associated with it! Without it EZRanksPro does not know what rankup they have access to. If you create a rankup for rank A to B, you will need to give the A rank the permission node: ezranks.rank.A. This will tell EZRanksPro that players in A should have the rankup associated with A. Players can have access to multiple ezranks.rank,<rank> permission nodes, the highest order rankup will always be applied for the player.
For a player to be considered the last rank, they NEED to have the permission node: ezranks.lastrank
This tells EZRanksPro that the player is at the last rank and has no more rankups available.
Inside of your rankups.yml you will see a section with each rankup named rankup_actions.
In this section you may list many actions that the plugin will perform when a player ranks up. The format for actions are:
- '<action> <arguments>'
You must include required arguments
<required>, (optional)
You may delay any rankup action by ending the action String with <delay=(time in seconds)>
- '[consolecommand] eco give %player% 100 <delay=10>'
Rankup Action List
[consolecommand] <command>
- perform a console command
[playercommand] <command>
- make the player perform a command
[message] <message>
- send the player a message
[broadcast] <message>
- send the server a message
[jsonmessage] <json>
- send the player a json message
[jsonbroadcast] <json>
- send the server a json message
[actionbarmessage] <message>
- send the player an actionbar message
[actionbarbroadcast] <message>
- send the server an actionbar message
[addgroup] <group> (world)
- add the player to a permissions group
[removegroup] <group> (world)
- remove the player from a permissions group
[addpermission] <permission> (world)
- add a permission node to the player
[removepermission] <permission> (world)
- remove a permission node from a player
[setprefix] <prefix>
- set the players prefix
[setsuffix] <suffix>
- set the players suffix
[effect] <effect>
- play an effect at the players location
[sound] <sound> <volume> <pitch>
- play a sound at the players location
Placeholder List
%player% - players name
%displayname% - players displayname
%world% - players current world
%rank% - players current rank
%rankup% - players next rank (if they have one)
%cost% - cost to rankup
%cost_formatted% - formatted cost to rankup
%balance% - players balance
%balance_formatted% - players formatted balance
%difference% - amount still needed
%difference_formatted% - formatted amount still needed
%progress% - rounded % of rankup cost obtained
%progressexact% - exact % of rankup cost obtained
%rankprefix% - players current rank prefix defined in this file
%rankupprefix% - players next rank prefix defined in this file
%lastrank% - last rank available
%lastrankprefix% - last rank available prefix
%rankup_cost_<rankname>% - show the cost for a specific rank
%rankup_cost_formatted_<rankname>% - show the formatted cost for a specific rank
%rankup_is_completed_<rankname>% - show if a player has completed the specified rank
The best and most customizable /rankup plugin!
This plugin relies on Vault, and a Vault compatible economy and permissions plugin to function properly.
Compatible and tested with PermissionsEx, GroupManager, bPermissions, zPermissions
SQLPerms is also supported
This plugin does not store any player related data!
(never worry about players losing ranks because of your rankup plugin)
The rankup system was designed to be as flexible as possible and if setup correctly, will be the most custom and worry free /rankup setup you ever had!
You can customize every part of the plugin to make it one of a kind to fit your server exactly as you wish!
EZRanksPro has an API that allows developers to get rankup information, listen to events, and even modify events to allow endless customization!
Player Commands
Attempt to rankup from your current rank
permission: ezranks.rankup
View the current server ranks list with prices!
permission: ezranks.listranks
Toggle autorankup on or off
permission: ezranks.autorankup
Admin Commands
View plugin version
/ezadmin help
EZRanks admin help menu
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin createrankup <rankFrom> <rankTo> <cost>
Create and load default rankup section inside of the rankups.yml for the specific rankup specified in command.
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin deleterankup <rankFrom>
Delete an active rankup from memory and the rankups.yml
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin list
List all/rank specific rankups
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin info <rankFrom> <rankTo>
View detailed information about a specific rankup.
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin forcerankup <player>
Force a player to rankup at no cost
permission: ezranks.admin
/ezadmin reload
Reload config/rankups.yml
permission: ezranks.admin
The first time EZRanksPro is started on your server, 4 configuration files will be created. Each file allows you to customize every aspect of your rankup plugin. In addition to these 4 files, there is also a "debug" option in the config which when enabled will create a debug.log file. There is also an option to log all rankups, if this config option is enabled, a rankup.log file will also be created.
To give a player or group access to a rankup, they need access to the permission node associated with it! Without it EZRanksPro does not know what rankup they have access to. If you create a rankup for rank A to B, you will need to give the A rank the permission node: ezranks.rank.A. This will tell EZRanksPro that players in A should have the rankup associated with A. Players can have access to multiple ezranks.rank,<rank> permission nodes, the highest order rankup will always be applied for the player.
For a player to be considered the last rank, they NEED to have the permission node: ezranks.lastrank
This tells EZRanksPro that the player is at the last rank and has no more rankups available.
Inside of your rankups.yml you will see a section with each rankup named rankup_actions.
In this section you may list many actions that the plugin will perform when a player ranks up. The format for actions are:
- '<action> <arguments>'
You must include required arguments
<required>, (optional)
You may delay any rankup action by ending the action String with <delay=(time in seconds)>
- '[consolecommand] eco give %player% 100 <delay=10>'
Rankup Action List
[consolecommand] <command>
- perform a console command
[playercommand] <command>
- make the player perform a command
[message] <message>
- send the player a message
[broadcast] <message>
- send the server a message
[jsonmessage] <json>
- send the player a json message
[jsonbroadcast] <json>
- send the server a json message
[actionbarmessage] <message>
- send the player an actionbar message
[actionbarbroadcast] <message>
- send the server an actionbar message
[addgroup] <group> (world)
- add the player to a permissions group
[removegroup] <group> (world)
- remove the player from a permissions group
[addpermission] <permission> (world)
- add a permission node to the player
[removepermission] <permission> (world)
- remove a permission node from a player
[setprefix] <prefix>
- set the players prefix
[setsuffix] <suffix>
- set the players suffix
[effect] <effect>
- play an effect at the players location
[sound] <sound> <volume> <pitch>
- play a sound at the players location
Placeholder List
%player% - players name
%displayname% - players displayname
%world% - players current world
%rank% - players current rank
%rankup% - players next rank (if they have one)
%cost% - cost to rankup
%cost_formatted% - formatted cost to rankup
%balance% - players balance
%balance_formatted% - players formatted balance
%difference% - amount still needed
%difference_formatted% - formatted amount still needed
%progress% - rounded % of rankup cost obtained
%progressexact% - exact % of rankup cost obtained
%rankprefix% - players current rank prefix defined in this file
%rankupprefix% - players next rank prefix defined in this file
%lastrank% - last rank available
%lastrankprefix% - last rank available prefix
%rankup_cost_<rankname>% - show the cost for a specific rank
%rankup_cost_formatted_<rankname>% - show the formatted cost for a specific rank
%rankup_is_completed_<rankname>% - show if a player has completed the specified rank