[Factions All-In-One] - A factions server in 1 plugin! 》27 Features 》

 [Factions All-In-One] - A factions server in 1 plugin! 》27 Features 》 1.4.9 + LEGACY

[Factions All-In-One] - A factions server in 1 plugin! 》27 Features 》
  1. backgrounder-spigot-jpg.313972

    FAIO - Factions All-In-One

    Factions All-In-One is a complete factions add-on plugin system for Bukkit, Spigot, TacoSpigot & PaperSpigot. This plugin is an extension to FactionsUUID/MCore Factions/LegacyFactions and adds all the popular and well known faction features to your server. This is a highly optimized and efficient plugin that was developed for weeks and tested by a team of testers for bugs and exploits. This plugin contains all the popular features that faction servers use today with the additional bonus of configurability as well as stability and convenience - Flix.IO

    (A showcase & setup video will be posted soon to assist with setting up and configuration however it is quite simple if you follow the instructions in the config.yml & settings.yml files)

    Purchase Information:
    The FAIO jar can be purchased at the resource link below, please read the Ts & Cs before purchasing there will be no refunds. The plugin can be purchased for $20 per copy and you will receive all updates, bug fixes as well as support from me for issues.

    FAIO contains a total of 26 large unique features with many smaller features built in as well, they will be listed below along with GIFs and Screenshots to showcase them.
    • Factions Top System: FAIO contains its very own FTop system that is both performance friendly and quick. The system largely runs Asynchronously so that minimal stress is placed on your servers main thread and TPS.
  2. https://imgur.com/IxMGmEI
  3. Genbuckets: FAIO contains the ever popular genbuckets addition with 3 different types of genbuckets available. Cobblestone, Obsidian & Sand all available in both Horizontal & Vertical variants. The plugin also has a custom genbuckets shop where they can be purchased in bulk as well as one at a time.

  4. https://gyazo.com/c7b817d57edf3da806046ecb2b847d0d
  5. SellChest & SellInv: FAIO allows users with permission to use the following commands to sell items in nearby chests in their own claims as well as items in their inventory.

  6. https://imgur.com/hD5HJZ3
  7. TNTFill & Unfill: A must have for factions servers with large cannons, this command allows users to fill tnt into nearby dispensers as well as remove tnt from them with the unfill command.

  8. https://imgur.com/Z7W94Ax
  9. Crates System: FAIO contains a fully functional crates system whereby the server owner can easily create new crates with holograms, particles, as well as custom rewards and items. The system works with virtual cratekeys that can be given to players with a command. Each crate can be configured in practically every way including their rewards!

  10. https://gyazo.com/7fb1d5c0c065e7e6cc836949cd9b3db7
  11. Mob Stacking: A must have to improve server performance by reducing the amount of active entities on the server. Mobs spawned from spawners will stack into a single mob which upon killing will drop the appropriate loot and exp for the entire stack!

  12. https://imgur.com/cx18ZA7
  13. F Level System & EXP: A fully functional factions leveling system has been implemented into this plugin. There are 10 unique levels for factions to progress through each with their own rewards and perks. Factions will gain exp by having their players online which will give them an incentive to play for longer to gain the rewards that leveling brings!

  14. https://gyazo.com/90301b0348b9b0fc1834a7cb0ca96ddc
  15. Shockwave Tools: The base builders dream tool, these tools break blocks in a specified radius allowing trenching with ease. This plugin allows the creating of these tools with your own specified radius, for example you can create a pickaxe that will remove a 100x100 area with a single break. It is completely configurable!
  16. Combat Loggers: Everyone hates these guys who try and escape unfairly when you're about to gain their loot, this plugin contains a system that will prevent this by creating a combat logger villager containing the loot of the player who has combat logged. If you kill the villager you will gain the loot! There is also an option to block commands when a player is in combat.

  17. https://imgur.com/SFWKhRw
  18. Automatic Factions Fly: We all secretly would love to fly, well in factions this is possible in your own and allies claims. The best part is you don't have to do anything to make it happen! All you need to do is enter your or your allies claims and the fly will be automatically enabled, it will be disabled if there is a nearby enemy, you enter combat or if you leave the territory.
  19. AutoBroadcaster: FAIO contains an announcer system that will broadcast messages to the server every x amount of time
  20. Cooldowns: The plugin contains cooldowns for enderpearls, golden apples & super golden apples, the times are configurable and certain ones are also displayed on the scoreboard!
  21. NoCraft Items: Disable item crafting of any item you desire!
  22. Night Vision: A simple command to give the player permanent nightvision
  23. StaffMode: A fully functional staffmode built into the plugin to ensure maximum functionality and no conflicts! Upon entering staffmode you will be completely invisible to players, not even hacked clients will be able to see you! The staffmode has many features such as a StaffChat, Freeze Tool, CPS Checker, RandomTP & Knockback Tester.

  24. https://gyazo.com/3b99cce87c953bb8313e873860eeef53
  25. Scoreboard: We all love and hate scoreboards at the same time but this plugin contains a super sleek and clean scoreboard that provides you with useful information while not blocking half of your screen! It is based on a HCF scoreboard that only shows things when it needs to!

  26. https://imgur.com/URSMtHN
  27. JellyLegs: An old favourite, negate all fall damage with this amazing perk
  28. Custom Join/Leave Messages: Send custom messages to a player upon joining the server and broadcast a custom message to the server upon a player disconnecting!
  29. Homes/Logging In Territory: I have included this toggleable feature that allows or disallows homes to be set in any territory but your own or allies. It also will teleport a player to spawn if they log in other territory if enabled.
  30. Mob Drop Editing: This plugin allows you to edit the drops of each mob as well as include a drop chance for each item, it is also integrated into the mobstacking feature so you will gain your appropriate custom drops for the entire stack!

    • https://gyazo.com/3fb9e946c743ff2d287aab1cd07f5800
    • Redstone Protection: The toggleable option to allow water to not break redstone, repeaters, comparators, torches, etc.
    • Iron Golem Tweaks: The ability to set Iron Golem health on spawn as well toggle them spawning on fire automatically so lava is not needed for grinders.
    • Worldborder Patches: This is an important feature that I decided to include that will block all liquids and enderpearls from going past the worldborder, there is also an option to toggle stacking on the border.
    • SilentTNT: For some of the hardcore servers there is an option to toggle TNT and explosion sounds so that raiding can be done with less risk!
    • Koth Support: This plugin will hook into Subside Koth's plugin to display koth information on the scoreboard!
    • F Stealth: This was a requested feature that allows a player to enable /f stealth which will allow him/her to not affect nearby enemies flying abilities, useful for raiding situations!
    • Chunkbusters: This latest addition to FAIO allows users to remove entire chunks of blocks with a simple click of an item!
    • WebLimiter: This new feature allows administrators to set a limit on the amount of webs that can be placed along each y-axis location!
    • Banknotes: Transfer money with ease now using the /withdraw command to create a banknote item which can be given to other players to redeem!
    • CropHopper: Reduce server lag with this automatic addition to regular hoppers, for those huge cactus farms, this feature will automatically grab cactus drops and transfer them directly into the nearest hopper located!
    Commands & Permissions:
    • faio.sellchest - Allow /sellchest
    • faio.sellinv - Allow /sellinv
    • faio.tntfill - Allow /tntfill <number>
    • faio.untntfill - Allow /untntfill
    • faio.crates.manage - Allow creation of crates and giving of keys
    • faio.factionsfly - Allow the user to use factions fly
    • faio.factionsfly.all - Allows the user to fly in Wilderness as well
    • faio.ftop.refresh - Allow the user to refresh f top values
    • faio.flevel - Allow the user to access /f level
    • faio.fsetlevel - Allow the user to manually set a factions level
    • faio.jellylegs - Allow the user to negate fall damage
    • faio.nightvision - Allow the user to use /nv
    • faio.shockwave - Allow the user to create shockwave tools /shockwave give <Player> <Size> <Item>
    • faio.staffmode.lockchat - Allow the user to lockchat
    • faio.staffmode.clearchat - Allow to user to clear chat
    • faio.staffmode.use - Allow to user to enter staffmode /staff
    • faio.staffmode.chat - Allow the user to use staffchat
    • faio.staffmode.lockchat.bypass - Allow the user to bypass chatlock
    • faio.staffmode.interact - Allow the user in staffmode to interact with objects such as chests
    • faio.staffmode.blockbreak - Allow the user in staffmode to break blocks
    • faio.staffmode.hurt - Allow the user in staffmode to hurt players
    • faio.chunkbuster.give - Allows the user to give chunkbusters
    • faio.withdraw - Allows the user to use the /withdraw command
    Important Information:
    Required Dependencies:Optional dependencies:This plugin requires a MySQL Database to function!
    Working Versions: 1.7.10 - 1.12.x
    Source code price is negotiable! I also do custom faction plugins and add-ons!

    Below you can view the plugin configuration file and settings file which will show exact what is configurable and what is not in the plugin! Although mostly everything is configurable! Including messages and such. You can also toggle all plugin features as you desire with the settings.yml

    Code (Text):
    ##### #####
    ##### FAIO - Factions All-In-One #####
    ##### Created By @With/Flixion #####
    ##### #####

    # If you mess this file up by deleting things and the plugin no longer runs, just delete
    # this file and it will re-create a default file for you to change again!

    # MySQL database credentials as provided by a host or local server - The plugin will NOT work without this!
    password: pass
    username: user
    name: databaseName
    port: 3306

    # GenBucket settings:
    # blocksPerSecond - 20 Ticks = 1 Second, higher values can cause lag, recommended to be 1-2 blocks per second!
    # %material% - Material types: Sand, Cobblestone & Obsidian
    # %direction% - Direction types: Vertical & Horizontal
    # ItemID - The item you would like a GenBucket to be, changing this mid game will cause old items to be un-usable!
    # Costs - Self explanatory, the costs you would like each genbucket to cost, this goes for both horizontal and vertical

    blocksPerSecond: 1
    genBucketName: '&8[&4%direction% &e%material% GenBucket&8]'
    - '&eThis mystical bucket contains a liquid'
    - '&ecapable of creating %material% out of'
    - '&ethin air!'
    - ' '
    - '&cPlace against a block to use'
    genBucketItemID: 335
    obsidianCost: 10000
    sandCost: 5000
    cobblestoneCost: 100

    # SellChest & SellInv settings:
    # Radius - The block radius that will be searched around the player for chests (Shape cuboid around the player)
    # making this radius too big will result in lag if used by a lot of players (Recommended 5)
    # SellableItems - Format: ItemName#Price - Eg. STONE#50.0 (Must match the minecraft item name enum!)
    # %amount% - Quantity of an item sold
    # %item% - Name of the item
    # %money% - Amount the item quantity was sold for

    radius: 5
    sellText: '&4&l(!) &ex%amount% %item% sold for &a$%money%'
    - IRON_INGOT#50
    - DIAMOND#100
    - GOLD_INGOT#75
    - ARROW#5
    - BONE#5
    - SULPHUR#15
    - STRING#5

    # TNTFill settings:
    # Radius - The block radius that will be searched around the player for dispensers (Shape cuboid around player)
    # making this radius too big will result in lag if used by a lot of players (Recommended 5 blocks)
    # %amountFilled% - Number of dispeners successfully filled
    # %fillAmount% - The amount of TNT specified to be filled
    # %amountNotFilled% - Number of dispensers not filled due to insufficient TNT
    radius: 5
    successFillText: '&4&l(!) &ex%amountFilled% Dispensers filled with &ax%fillAmount% TNT'
    failFillText: '&4&l(!) &ex%amountNotFilled% Dispensers NOT filled with &ax%fillAmount% TNT'
    noNearbyDispensersText: '&4&l(!) There are no nearby dispensers to be filled!'

    # UnTNTFill settings:
    # Radius - The block radius that will be searched around the player for dispensers (Shape cuboid around player)
    # making this radius too big will result in lag if used by a lot of players (Recommended 5 blocks)
    # %unFilledAmount% - Amount of TNT accumulated by unfilling dispensers

    radius: 5
    unFillText: '&4&l(!) &ex%unFilledAmount% TNT was removed from nearby dispensers'
    noNearbyDispensersUnfillText: '&4&l(!) There are no nearby dispensers to be unfilled!'
    noInventorySpaceText: '&4&l(!) You do not have any available inventory space!'

    # Crates settings:
    # hologramTitleFormat - The format of the hologram that will be displayed above the crateParticleEffect
    # crateParticleEffect - The particle effect that will be played around the crate
    # %crateName% - Name of the crate being handled
    # %target% - Target receiving a key
    # %itemWon% - Item won from opening a key
    # %amount% - Amount of keys given

    hologramTitleFormat: '&4&l(!) &e%name% &bCrate &4&l(!)'
    createCrateSuccessText: '&eYou have successfully created a new crate: &4%crateName%'
    giveKeyTargetText: '&eYou have received &4x%amount% %crateName% &ekey!'
    giveKeySenderText: '&eYou have given &4x%amount% %crateName% &ekey to player: &4%target%'
    insufficientKeysText: '&eYou have insufficient keys to open this crate!'
    winItemText: '&eYou won the &a%itemWon% &efrom the &4%crateName% &ecrate!'

    # Level settings:
    # expPerMinute - The amount of exp generated per minute by each player in the faction (Double value)
    # upgradeCost - The total amount of exp required to upgrade to the next f level (Double value)
    # %faction% - Faction that has upgraded their level
    # %level% - Level that the above faction has upgraded to

    expPerMinute: 10.0
    notInAFactionText: '&4&l(!) You are not in a faction!'
    broadcastFactionUpgradeNotification: '&4&l(!) &eFaction: &a%faction% &ehas upgraded to level: &4%level%'
    - 2#100
    - 3#200
    - 4#300
    - 5#400
    - 6#500
    - 7#600
    - 8#700
    - 9#800
    - 10#1000

    # FTop Settings:
    # refreshRate - How often to refresh f top totals in minutes
    # blockValues - Block value, use block name Enums!
    # spawnerValues - Spawner values, use mob name Enums!
    # enchantValues - Enchantment values, use enchantment Enums!
    # displayInformationFormat - The format of text displayed when using the f top command to list factionsfly
    # %rank% - The rank of the faction
    # %factionName% - The name of the faction
    # %value% - The value of the faction

    includePlayerWealth: true
    displayInformationFormat: '&7* &4#%rank% &e%factionName% &7- &e$%value%'
    - GOLD_BLOCK#50
    - IRON_BLOCK#25
    - IRON_GOLEM#1000000
    - BLAZE#800000
    - ENDERMAN#700000
    - CREEPER#900000
    - ZOMBIE#200000
    - SKELETON#100000
    - SPIDER#50000
    - CAVE_SPIDER#50000

    # Mob Stacking:
    # stackRadius - Area to check for mobs to merge into a stack (Integer)
    # stackableEntities - Mob types that will be stacked from spawners, use mob Enums!

    stackRadius: 15
    - BLAZE
    - ZOMBIE

    # Shockwave settings:
    # shockwaveDefaultEnchantments - The default enchantments to be added to the item, format: enchantment Enum#Enchantment tier, eg. DURABILITY#3 - Unbreaking 3
    # %breakRadius% - The break radius of the pickaxe, eg. 3x3, 5x5
    # %toolType% - The shockwave tool type, shovel or pickaxe

    shockwaveName: '&8[&4%breakRadius% &eShockwave %toolType%&8]'
    - DIG_SPEED#5
    - '&eThis mystical tool is destructive'
    - '&ecapable of destroying a vast amount'
    - '&eof blocks in a %breakRadius% area'
    - ' '
    - '&cBreak a block to active the effect'

    # CombatLog settings:
    # tagTime - The duration that the combat tag will last in seconds
    # loggerNameFormat - The text that will be displayed above a players combat loggerNameFormat
    # %playerName% - The players name that has combat logged
    # blockedCommands - These commands will be unable to be used in combat (Do not include the /)
    tagTime: 30
    loggerNameFormat: '&4&l(!) &e%playerName%s &4Combat Logger! &4&l(!)'
    - warp
    - home
    - tpaccept
    - tpahere
    - tpyes

    # FactionsFly settings:
    # disableWhenNearbyEnemyBlocks - Radius to disable a players fly when an enemy is near (Blocks)

    disableWhenNearbyEnemyBlocks: 10
    nearbyEnemyWhileFlyingText: '&4&l(!) There is a nearby enemy, fly has been disabled'
    leaveOwnTerritoryWhileFlyingText: '&4&l(!) You have left your own/allies land, fly has been disabled'
    inCombatWhileFlyingText: '&4&l(!) You have entered combat, fly has been disabled'

    # Autobroadcaster settings:
    # broadcastInterval - How often messages should be broadcasted in seconds
    # broadcastHeader - The text above the actual broadcast message
    # broadcastFooter - The text below the actual broadcast message
    # broadcastPrefix - The text to display before the broadcast message
    # messagesToBroadcast - A list of the messages to broadcast, uses color codes as well as string formatting like \n or \t

    broadcastInterval: 30
    broadcastHeader: '&m--------------------------------'
    broadcastFooter: '&m--------------------------------'
    broadcasterPrefix: '&8[&6Broadcaster&8]'
    - '&aTell your all your friends to buy FAIO!'

    # Cooldown settings:
    # Item/Use cooldowns in Seconds

    superGoldenApple: 60
    regularGoldenApple: 3
    enderpearlThrow: 15

    # NoCraft settings:
    # items - The material Enums of the uncraftable items
    cannotCraftItemText: '&4&l(!) Crafting of this item has been disabled'
    - HOPPER

    enabledText: '&4&l(!) You have enabled NightVision'
    disabledText: '&4&l(!) You have disabled NightVision'

    # Player Management settings:
    # setHomeInEnemyTerritory - Should homes be allowed to be set in Neutral/Enemy territory
    # logoutInEnemyTerritory - Should logging out in Neutral/Enemy territory be allowed
    setHomeInOtherTerritory: true
    logoutInOtherTerritory: true

    # Staffmode settings:
    # ItemEnums - The item enum for each of the items to be used in the staffmode inventory
    # ItemName - The names of the items in staffmode inventory
    # ItemLore - The lore to be applied to each item in the staffmode inventory
    # %staffPlayer% - The player that has enabled or disabled staffmode
    # frozenInventory - Upon freezing a player an inventory is opened with a single item, you can set the lore and name of this item to tell
    # the player to join TS for example
    # %staffMember% - The player that performs a staff chat action

    freezeItemEnum: ICE
    randomTeleportItemEnum: LEASH
    leaveStaffModeEnum: REDSTONE
    knockbackItemEnum: BLAZE_ROD
    cpsCheckerItemEnum: SLIME_BALL

    freezeItemName: '&b&lFreeze Tool'
    randomTeleportItemName: '&e&lRandom TP'
    leaveStaffModeItemName: '&4&lLeave Staffmode'
    knockbackItemName: '&6&lKnockback Tool'
    cpsCheckerItemName: '&2&lCPS Checker'

    - '&6Left Click to toggle freeze'
    - '&6Right Click to randomly teleport to a player'
    - '&6Right Click to leave staffmode'
    - '&6Hit a player with this to test knockback'
    - '&6Right Click a player to test their CPS over 5 seconds'

    staffModeEnabledText: '&4&l(!) You have enabled staffmode, you are now completely invisible to all players'
    staffModeDisabledText: '&4&l(!) You have disabled staffmode, you are now visible to all players'
    staffEnteredStaffModeNotification: '&4&l(!) %staffPlayer% has entered staffmode'
    staffLeftStaffModeNotification: '&4&l(!) %staffPlayer% has left staffmode'

    frozenInventoryItemMessage: '&4&lYou have been frozen!'
    - '&6&lJoin ts.teamspeak.com in 5 minutes'
    - '&4&lLogging/Disconnecting will result in a ban'
    - '&aYou are being screenshared!'

    chatLockBroadcastMessage: '&4&l(!) &eChat is now &4Locked! by &6%staffMember%!'
    chatUnlockBroadcastMessage: '&a&l(!) &eChat is not &2Unlocked! by &6%staffMember%!'
    chatClearBroadcastMessage: '&4&l(!) Chat has been cleared by &6%staffMember%!'

    # Scoreboard settings:
    # Prefixes - These are the titles that appear before each line on the scoreboard eg. Rank: GOLDEN_APPLE
    # %kothName% - The name of the current active kothName%

    scoreboardTitle: '&4&lTest Scoreboard'
    rankPrefix: '&b&lRank:'
    onlinePrefix: '&2&lOnline:'
    factionPrefix: '&4&lFaction:'
    moneyPrefix: '&6&lMoney:'
    flyPrefix: '&3&lFly:'
    combatPrefix: '&c&lCombat:'
    enderpearlPrefix: '&5&lPearl:'
    kothPrefix: '&e&l%kothName%:'

    # Mob Drop settings:
    # Only the mobs listed below are enabled for custom drops (All mobs are planned for a future update)
    # You can configure the drops for the following mobs below, the default drops are CANCELLED.
    # The format is Material Enum#DropChance - The drop chance can be > 100, eg. 200 == 2 item drops, 500 == 5 item drops, < 100 == a chance to drop
    - TNT#25
    - SULPHUR#100
    - SAND#250
    - OBSIDIAN#50
    - ENDER_PEARL#100
    - IRON_INGOT#25
    - GOLD_NUGGET#50
    - ARROW#100
    - BONE#50
    - BLAZE_ROD#50
    - LEATHER#75
    - COOKED_BEEF#100
    - STRING#100
    - SPIDER_EYE#50
    - GOLD_INGOT#50
    - IRON_INGOT#250
    - IRON_BLOCK#10

    # Banknote Settings:
    # noteName - The default banknote item name
    # noteItemType - The item type for a banknote (Material ENUM)
    # itemLore - The default lore for the banknote item
    # %amount% - The amount applicable to the current note
    # noteUseMessage - The message displayed upon using a banknote
    # withdrawFailMessage - The message displayed upon using /withdraw with an invalid amount/insufficent amount
    # withdrawSuccessMessage - The message displayed upon using /withdraw successfully

    noteName: '&aBank Note: &e$%amount%'
    noteItemType: PAPER
    - '&eRight Click this note to apply this'
    - '&eto your balance'
    - '&4Amount: $%amount%'
    noteUseMessage: '&4&l(!) &eYou have redeemed a banknote for &a$%amount%'
    withdrawFailMessage: '&4&l(!) You cannot withdraw this amount!'
    withdrawSuccessMessage: '&4&l(!) You have successfully withdrawn &a$%amount%'

    # Chunkbuster Settings:
    # busterName - The default name for a chunkbuster item
    # busterItemType - The item type for a chunkbuster (Material ENUM)
    # busterLore - The default lore for a chunkbuster item
    # busterSuccessMessage - The message displayed upon using a chunkbuster
    # busterFailMessage - The message displayed upon using a chunkbuster but failing due to territory/permission
    # busterTargetCommandMessage - The message displayed to the target upon receiving a chunkbuster via commands
    # busterSenderCommandMessage - The message displayed to the sender of a chunkbuster via commands
    # %amount% - Amount of chunkbusters in transaction after command
    # %target% - The target player when sending chunkbusters
    # blacklistedBlocks - These blocks will not be removed upon using a chunkbuster, they will be ignored! (Material ENUMS only!)

    busterName: '&aChunkBuster Tool'
    busterItemType: TORCH
    - '&eThis mystical object is capable of removing'
    - '&elarge amounts of land in seconds!'
    - '&4Right Click to use this tool'
    busterSuccessMessage: '&4&l(!) &eThe ground beneath you crumbles as the chunkbuster works its magic'
    busterFailMessage: '&4&l(!) Chunkbusters are only usable in your own land!'
    busterTargetCommandMessage: '&4&l(!) You have received x%amount% chunkbuster(s)'
    busterSenderCommandMessage: '&4&l(!) You have sent x%amount% chunkbuster(s) to %target%'

    # Miscellanious settings:
    # customJoinMessages - These messages will be sent to the player on joining the server
    # customLeaveMessage - This message will be broadcasted to the server upon a player leaving
    # %player% - The name of the player joining or leaving the server
    # ironGolemHealth - Set the health of iron golems 1-100
    # ironGolemsSpawnOnFire - Removes the need for lava to kill iron golems as they spawn and die on fire
    # waterBreaksRedstone - Should flowing water break redstone, repeaters, and other redstone
    # stackingOnWorldborder - Should falling block entities like sand stack against the worldborder
    # silentTNT - Should TNT, Creeper Egg & Ghast explosions make noise
    # webLimit - Amount of web blocks allowed per y-axis location

    - '&m--------------------------------'
    - '&eWelcome &4%player% &eto the server!'
    - '&m--------------------------------'
    customLeaveMessage: '&4&l(!) %player% has left the server'
    ironGolemHealth: 5
    ironGolemsSpawnOnFire: true
    waterBreaksRedstone: false
    stackingOnWorldborder: true
    silentTNT: false
    webLimit: 2
    webLimitReachedMessage: '&4&l(!) You cannot place any more cobwebs in this location!'

    Code (Text):
    # This is the settings file for FAIO, in this file you can toggle all the features
    # of the plugin on the fly, if you happen to mess up this file for some reason
    # just delete this file and it will be regenerated the next time you restart the server! - FlixionYT
    # There are only two options (true = enabled) (false = disabled)

    # ftop - Refers to all /f top systems
    # genbuckets - Refers to /genbucket and using of genbuckets
    # tntfill - Refers to /tntfill
    # untntfill - Refers to /untntfill
    # sellchest - Refers to /sellchest
    # crates - Refers to entire crates system including keys, opening and holograms
    # mobstacking - Refers to mob stacking
    # levelSystem - Refers to the entire faction leveling system including /f level and exp generation for factionsFly
    # shockwaves - Refers to the /shockwave command as well as the use of shockwave tools
    # combatlog - Refers to the logger system as well as blocked commands in combat
    # factionsFly - Refers to the automatic factions fly in ally and own territoryManagement
    # broadcaster - Refers to the autobroadcast messaging system
    # cooldowns - Refers to the enderpearl, gapple and crapple usage cooldowns
    # nocraft - Refers to the disabling of crafting certain items
    # nightvision - Refers to the /nv command
    # staffmode - Refers to the entire staffmode system including staffmode and the freeze features
    # scoreboard - Refers to the entire scoreboard system
    # customMessages - Refers to the custom join and leave messages
    # territoryManagement - Refers to the toggling of setting homes and logging out in non ally or own territory
    # webLimit - Refers to limiting cobweb placement per y-axis location
    # borderPatches - Refers to all worldborder patches
    # chunkBusters - Refers to all chunkbuster features
    # banknotes - Refers to all banknote features

    ftop: true
    genbuckets: true
    sellchest: true
    tntfill: true
    untntfill: true
    crates: true
    mobstacking: true
    levelSystem: true
    shockwaves: true
    combatlog: true
    factionsFly: true
    broadcaster: true
    cooldowns: true
    nocraft: true
    nightvision: true
    staffmode: true
    scoreboard: true
    customMessages: true
    territoryManagement: true
    webLimit: true
    borderPatches: true
    chunkBusters: true
    banknotes: true

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  1. 1.4.9 + LEGACY

    1.4.9 + LEGACY

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