
 FactionsEssentials 1.5.9



This plugin handles a lot of the necessary perks and commands that factions servers need, all in one plugin! Refer to the Commands & Permissions section! This plugin includes the following features:
  • Configurable messages & prefixes
  • Anti-swear system (with auto-mute!)
  • Tnt crafting with one command
  • Nightvision Handler
  • Freeze players
  • Toggle nofall damage
  • Anti-World downloader
  • Fill nearby dispensers with tnt in inventory
  • Smelt ores / food
  • Lightning on death
  • Disable Death Screen (Instant respawn)
  • Fake op / deop
  • Chat management! (Clear chat, toggle chat)
  • Color / formats list (to help the players that do not know the minecraft color codes)
  • Custom gamemode that is an improvement on the "spectator" game mode, which prevents abuse by staff, and allows them to freely spectate players!
  • Staff list / online players list! (/who)
  • Golden Apple Cooldown
  • Enchanted Golden Apple Cooldowns
  • Death Messages (in the action bar! ;o)
  • No fall damage (toggleable)
  • /wild teleporter with Faction support
  • Player Spy! - View a targets inventory / armor they're wearing!
  • Allow shift+right clicking on others to PlayerSpy them!
  • Keep XP on death
  • Armor break notifications (toggleable)
  • No plain old glass bottles when you drink a potion
  • Ping
  • Trash GUI
  • Login / logout messages in the action bar instead of chat
  • Disables wither creation
  • Chat mentions! (when a player mentions your name in chat, you get a notification!)
  • Sponge absorbs lava!
  • Command blocker
  • Anti-Wither creation
  • Disable hunger (permissible)
  • Auto Lapis Lazuli filler for Enchanting Tables
  • Auto Blaze Powder filler for Brewing Stands (1.9+ versions only)


[ENGLISH] Full Video Tutorial
(Plugin version 1.2.4 in video)
Special thanks to @xGardiac_ for offering to make this!

[GERMAN] - Review / Video Tutorial
(Plugin version 1.2.4 in video)
Special thanks to @ToxienPvP for offering to make this!


This plugin REQUIRES BountifulAPI to work properly, please do not complain about errors if you do not have this installed. [Click here]

This plugin supports GroupManager and PermissionsEx. If you do not use these permission handlers, the toggle feature may not work for you.

This plugin IS compatible with FactionsUUID & MassiveCore Factions



Code (Text):

Give this permission to staff: fess.staff & this to admins: fess.admin
/fess - no permission needed, given to everyone.
/colors - no permission needed, given to everyone.
/formats - no permission needed, given to everyone.
/who - no permission needed, given to everyone.
- fess.freeze
/nightvision (alias: /nv)
- fess.nightvision
- fess.nofall
- fess.nofalltoggle (give both to groups)
- fess.creeper
- fess.tnt
- (given by default)
people who have the permission: fess.staff will be shown in the staff list​
- fess.ping
- fess.smelt
- fess.fakeop
- fess.fakedeop
/staffchat (alias: /sc)
- fess.staff
- fess.filltnt
- fess.wild
- fess.trash
/playerspy <player> (alias: /ps <player>)
- fess.playerspy
- fess.admin​
- fess.nofalltoggle
- fess.armorbreaktoggle
/spectate <toggle / tp / vanish> (Alias: /spec)
- fess.spectate​
- fess.vanish
- fess.tp[/INDENT]
- fess.glear (Clear global chat)
- fess.pclear (Clear your own chat)
- fess.toggle (Toggle the chat)
- fess.togglebypass (Players that have this permission can talk when chat is toggled - give to staff)

Extra perms which you can give to donors:
fess.nofall - gives no fall damage
fess.keepxp - allows player to keep xp on death
fess.nohunger - disables hunger for player
fess.nofalltoggle - Allows players to toggle their no fall.
fess.armorbreak - Alerts users when their armor breaks
fess.nobottle - Removes empty bottles from inventory when player drinks potions
fess.armorbreaktoggle - allows toggling of the armor break notifications (titles)
fess.lapis - allows enchanting tables to auto-fill lapis for this player
fess.blaze - allows enchanting tables to auto-fill blaze for this player
fess.bypass - Allows bypassing of cooldowns + the command blocker!


Code (Text):

#Here, you can modify majority of the action bar messages / chat messages of the plugin!
#I've put it all in one file, so you don't have to fiddle with multiple files.
#Please don't forget to review this plugin. - ENJOY!

#Define which plugins you have here to enable compatibility. Failure to do so, will lessen the quality
#of your experience. -- Also, if you use FactionsOne, please enable the "Factions" setting. it's compatible!
Factions: false
FactionsUUID: false
WorldGuard: false
GroupManager: false
PermissionsEx: false

Prefix: "&9Factions&bEssentials&e>"
No-Permission: "&4No permission&c - If you believe this to be an error, contact an Administrator."
Cooldown-Bypass-Msg: "&bYou were granted a cooldown bypass from the magical gods."
Logout-ActionBar-Msg: "&a{PLAYER} &2has left the server."
Login-ActionBar-Msg: "&a{PLAYER} &2has joined the server."
Item-Smelted: "&6Item(s) smelted!"
Cant-Smelt-Item: "&cYou can't smelt this item!"
Mention-Msg: "&a{PLAYER} &2has mentioned you in chat!"
Freeze-Msg: "&4(&c&l!&4) &cYou have 5 minutes to get on teamspeak, or face the consequences - &e/teamspeak &4(&c&l!&4)"
Potion-No-Glass-Bottle: "&6&lYou automagically discarded the empty XP Bottle due to your rank. &e&lThanks for donating!"
Keep-XP-on-death: "&6&lYou have kept your XP due to your rank. &e&lThanks for donating!"
No-Fall-Damage: "&6&lYou took no fall damage due to your rank. &e&lThanks for donating!"
Blocked-Message: "&cYou have been punished for using a blocked word!"
Notify-Staff-Blocked-Message: "&4{PLAYER} &chas used a naughty word! They have been automatically punished. #fessProfanity"
Armor-Break-Subtitle-Msg: "&eYou'd better replace it!"
Spawned-Creeper: "&e&lYou have spawned a creeper."
Fall-damage-toggle-on: "&eNo-fall &aEnabled&e."
Fall-damage-toggle-off: "&eNo-fall has been &cDisabled &euntil toggled again or you relog."
No-TNT-in-inventory: "&c&lYou do not have any TNT!"
No-Nearby-Dispensers: "&7There are no dispensers near you."
Filled-Dispensers: "&c&lYou have filled &c{DISPENSERS} &7dispensers with &c{TNT} &7TNT!"
Armor-break-notification-toggle-on: "&7You will now be notified when your armor breaks!"
Armor-break-notification-toggle-off: "&7You will no longer be notified when your armor breaks!"
StaffChat-Enabled: "&eYou have &aenabled &eStaff Chat!"
StaffChat-Disabled: "&eYou have &cdisabled &eStaff Chat!"
StaffChat-Prefix: "&9Staff>"
Trash-Name: "&9Trash bin"
Enderpearl-Cooldown-Message: "&cYou cannot use an enderpearl for another &4{COOLDOWN} &cseconds."

#Set the cooldown in seconds.
#To bypass the cooldowns, add the permission: fess.bypasscd
Creeper-Cooldown: 600
Tnt-Cooldown: 120
setWaypoint-Cooldown: 3600
Enderpearl-Cooldown: 150
Filltnt-Radius: 15

#Here you can modify the ticks which the title bars show. (works for freeze and the blocked-words feature)
#I suggest leaving it as i have set. [20 Ticks = 1 second]
TitleBar-FadeIn: 15
TitleBar-FadeOut: 15
TitleBar-ShowTime: 90

#/spectator configuration! (placeholders: {PLAYER} & {TARGET})
#Permission for notifications (to help prevent abuse) is: Fess.notify
#If you don't know what this does, it allows staff to spectate others, without being dmged and
#it also prevents abuse! - It's pretty much spectator mode.. but with more protective features. (Yes, i pretty much created my own game mode. lol
Enable-Alerts: false
AlertPrefix: "&c&lWARNING>"
Activated-Spectating-Mode: "&6{PLAYER} &ehas &a&lactivated &espectator mode!"
Deactivated-Spectating-Mode: "&6{PLAYER} &ehas &c&ldeactivated &espectator mode!"
Not-In-Spectating-Mode: "&4ERROR: You cannot do this when you are not in spectator mode!"
SpectatingFalseTp: "&c{PLAYER} &etried to tp to &c{TARGET} &ewhen not in spectator mode!"
SpectatingFalseVanish: "&6{PLAYER} &etried activate vanish when not in spectator mode!"
TeleportedMessage: "&eYou have been teleported to &6{TARGET}&e!"
HasTpedTo: "&6{PLAYER} &ehas teleported to &6{TARGET}&e in spectator mode!"
VanishedMessage: "&eYou are now vanished!"
UnvanishedMessage: "&eYou are now un-vanished!"
HasVanished: "&6{PLAYER} &ehas vanished in spectator mode!"
HasUnvanished: "&6{PLAYER} &ehas un-vanished in spectator mode!"
NullTarget: "&cThere is no user online by the username of '&4{TARGET}&c!"
ActionBlocked: "&cYou cannot do that while in spectator mode!"

#/wild configuration (placeholders: <X> <Y> <Z>)
#Remember - you can leave titlebars / subtitle bar messages as "" if you dont want them!
Wild-Command-Cooldown: 300
Wild-Teleport-Message: "&eYou have been teleported to &a<X>&e, &a<Y>&e, &a<Z>"
Wild-Teleport-TitleBar-Message: "&aWilderness"
Wild-Teleport-SubtitleBar-Message: "&eCoordinates: &a<X>&e, &a<Y>&e, &a<Z>"
Wild-Minimum-X-Coordinate: -1000
Wild-Maximum-X-Coordinate: 1000
Wild-Minimum-Z-Coordinate: -1000
Wild-Maximum-Z-Coordinate: 1000
Minimum-Distance-From-Factions: 250

#Join/leave messages, titles and chat! Placeholders: {PLAYER} & {KILLED-BY}
Join-Title-Messages-Enabled: true
Join-Title-Message: "&9Factions&bEssentials"
Join-Subtitle-Message: "&eDeveloped by PurrfectMistake_"

Enable-Action-Bar-Join-Leave-Messages: true
Disable-Chat-Join-Leave-Messages: false
Server-Leave-Message: "&a{PLAYER} &ehas left the server"
Server-Join-Message: "&a{PLAYER} &ehas joined the server"

#Disable / Enable features(It is recommended that everything here be set to true, to get the most out of this plugin.)
#If you want to disable use of other features, just don't give the player/s that permission! Easy as that!
Disable-Wither-Creation: true
Enable-Mention-Notifications: true
Enable-Enderpearl-Cooldown: true
Enable-Sponge-Lava: false
Disable-Death-Screen: true
Enable-Shift-Rightclick-PlayerSpy: true

#Anti-World Downloader Settings (Placeholder: {PLAYER})
Enable-Anti-WorldDownloader: true
Punish-Command: kick {PLAYER} World Downloader is not allowed on this server!

#Disable / Enable commands (REMEMBER: Open the jar file up & remove the command from the plugin's file: plugin.yml
#as well, if you want another plugin to overwrite one of these commands. Otherwise, this will just disable it.
Enable-FakeOP-Command: true
Enable-FakeDeOP-Command: true
Enable-Chat-Command: true
Enable-Smelt-Command: true
Enable-Colors-Command: true
Enable-Formats-Command: true
Enable-Who-Command: true
Enable-Toggle-Command: true
Enable-FillTnT-Command: true
Enable-Trash-Command: true
Enable-Freeze-Command: true
Enable-Nightvision-Command: true
Enable-Creeper-Command: true
Enable-TnT-Command: true
Enable-Ping-Command: true
Enable-FReload-Command: true
Enable-StaffChat-Command: true
Enable-Wild-Command: true
Enable-PlayerSpy-Command: true
Enable-Waypoints-Command: true
Enable-PlayerBlock-Command: true
Enable-Spectate-Command: true

#Bypass the blocked commands with the permission: fess.bypass
- essentials:tpa
- ecreatehome
- esethome
- essentials:esethome
- essentials:ecreatehome
- essentials:sethome
- essentials:home
- essentials:espawn
- essentials:ewarp
- ?
- plugins
- pl
- espawn
- ewarp
- ehome
- essentials:ehome
- essentials:esethome
- fbasics:wild
- minecraft:me
- stop
- end
- bukkit:plugins
[Removed from this part, because it contains insensitive words, which would be frowned upon, so i removed it just for this spigot post.


  • Fix any bugs that may occur
  • I'm continually adding updates to this plugin, so be sure to check for them!
Do you have a suggestion? Let me know! I may add it!

By downloading this resource, you agree to the following terms of use:

  • You are not permitted to -Redacted- the plugin in any form.
  • You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
  • You will not receive any refunds.
  • You may only use this for one network / server. If you wish to purchase a license for multiple servers you own, please PM me.
  • You may not leave a "bad" review, if you're having problems. I'm online a lot, and I'll respond within 48h guaranteed!

Latest reviews

The plugin does not enable
Disables itself on startup with error "Inconsistent stackmap frames at branch target 510". Could do with a fix as without it the plugin is broken.
That's not my problem - it's on your end. Your the only one with this problem.

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