FlareAndQuests [EULA] [Factions/Survival]

 FlareAndQuests [EULA] [Factions/Survival] 4.2.2

FlareAndQuests [EULA] [Factions/Survival]
How it works

The rank quest is an item you use inside a warzone. Once you use the item, a timer starts and you have to stay alive inside that region until the timer ends. If you get killed, you drop the timer and it restarts(someone else can pick it up). If you get out of the region/warzone, the timer restarts. If you log out, the timer restarts. Once you complete the rq, you get a voucher and a time/configured amount of lives where you will not loose your inventory. Once you use the voucher, it will execute commands or give you the configured items.

The flare is a configurable item that when used, spawns a chest that falls from the sky containing some goods. The chest lands in a configurable range around the player and it also broadcast messages to all players inside a configured radius from where the flare was used. They can only be used inside faction warzones.

The witem(warzone item) is similar than the flare(you can only use it inside warzones) but instead of spawning a chest, you configure commands or items that are given/executed when the item is used. You can use this as a voucher.

Mystery mobs ! Now you can configure an item than when used, will give a random mob spawner. Configuration for this item is EXTREMELY easy and you can set the percentages for each spawner. This item can be used anywhere.

This plugin automatically detects if factions is installed. If it detects that indeed factions is installed, then warzones are going to be used, if factions is not installed, then the plugin is going to use the configured regions(the plugin always asks you to configure the regions via a wand tool in case you suddenly uninstall factions)

What makes this plugin Special?
  1. This plugin has been tested for quite some time. So you will not encounter a lot of bugs. If you find one, it will be fixed ASAP.
  2. The plugin itself is not EULA compliant, but you can make it EULA compliant making sure that players always get a chance to obtain the rq, witems or flares by making a shop where normal players can obtain all these items and also ensuring that the items can only be used inside warzones or the configured regions so everyone gets a chance to obtain them.
  3. My goal is to make this plugin VERY EASY to configure, in such a way that with literally no effort and in a short time you will have configured all the items you ever wanted. This is also something I am keeping in mind for the upcoming features.
  4. This is not the typical rank quest plugin. Keep in mind that there are 4 different items, each one of them with different features, so with this plugin you could make from simple rank quests or flares, to custom made vouchers with excutable commands and giveable items or even give random mob spawners.
  5. This is not going to be only a rank quest/voucher plugin. A lot of more features will be added in the future and with them, the price of the plugin will raise.
  6. It will be updated constantly.

Plugin Features
  • Easy configuration: For the items you don't even need to touch the config file, everything is configurable via command or a menu where you put all the items inside.
  • Does not require any dependencies.
  • You can configure unlimited rank quests, flares, mm or witems.
  • Automatically hooks with factionsUUID or Massive Factions if detected, if not installed, then regular region is used(for survival servers,etc.)
  • Every single message is configurable
  • Sounds and fireworks when players use/complete the rank quest or the items!
  • Placeholders for the messages: {player},{x},{y},{z}
  • Configurable range for the flares. Players inside that range from the player that used the flare will receive a message letting them know that a player used a flare near them.
  • When players start a rank quest, you have the option to configure extra hearts they get and also when they complete the rank quest, you can specify a "keep inventory" period or lives where they will not loose their inventory if they die.
  • Rank quests timed actions: You can execute commands based on the rank quest timer that the player has.
  • Item probability for chests from flares: You can configure the min/max amount of items that could show in the chests and the probability they have to appear.
  • Minimum players: You can configure how many players have to be online in the server in order for the players to be able to use the items.
  • Supports all kinds of enchantments!
  • Configurable particles for the chest that drops when the flare is used. What are the particle ID? Here they are: http://pastebin.com/uAGQYF09
    The first particle has the id 0, the second one 1 and so on..
  • Stop your server.
  • Download the latest version of the plugin
  • Put the "FlareAndQuests.jar" file in your "Plugins" folder.
  • Start your server. The plugin will create all the files/folders it needs. These will be put in the "/plugins/FlareAndQuests" folder
  • Configure the translations.yml or config.yml file at your likings.
  • If you are using a factions plugin, faq will use warzones as regions even if you configure the regions. If you want this to be different, make sure to set "always-use-regions:true" in the config.yml file. This way even if factions is installed, faq will use the configured regions instead of warzones.
description: Main command for FlareAndQuests
usage: /<command>
permission: faq.faq
description: Main command for Rank Quests
usage: /<command>
permission: faq.rq
description: Main command for Flares
usage: /<command>
permission: faq.flare
description: Main command for Witems
usage: /<command>
permission: faq.witem
description: Main command for Mystery Mobs
usage: /<command>
permission: faq.mm

flare: 1
witem: 1
rq: 1
chest-arrival: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE
Minimum Flare Contents: 2
Maximum Flare Contents: 6
Flare Max Tries: 100
Flare Drop Radius: 10.0
Flare Chest Particle ID: 24
rq-player-health: 10
always-use-regions: false
type: RANDOM
amount: 20
color: RANDOM
enabled: true
rate: 5
- time:20 broadcast:&4Player {player} has {left-seconds} seconds left until he finishes his rank quest!
- time:10 broadcast:&4Player {player} has {left-seconds} seconds left until he finishes his rank quest!
- time:5 msg:{player} &eYou are almost done!
Deaths Allowed For Keep-Inv: 1
Keep-Inv Duration: 10
Flare Arrival Delay: 5
Flare Alert Radius: 10.0
Code (Text):
Not in Region Message: '&4You must be inside the proper region!'
Not Enough Players: '&cYou can''t use that item right now! There must be at least
{min-online} players online.'
Flare Broadcast: '&e{player} &7has used a flare!'
Keep-Inventory Actionbar Message: '&b&lKeep-Inventory: &e{left} &7seconds'
mm-item-use: Congratulations! You have used a mystery mob item and got a {selectedspawner} spawner!
Not in Warzone Message: '&4You must be in a Warzone!'
Flare Arrived Message: '&7Your supplies have arrived! ({x}, {y}, {z})'
RQ Complete Broadcast: '&e{player} &7has completed their rank quest! ({x}, {y}, {z})'
Flare In Use: '&cYou can only use one flare at a time!'
RQ Quit Broadcast: '&e{player} &7left, so their rank quest was reset! ({x}, {y},
Already Doing Quest Message: '&4You are already doing a rank quest!'
Cannot Activate Stacked Rank Quests Message: '&4You cannot activate more than one
rank quest at the same time!'
Cannot Activate While in Keep Inv Message: '&4You cannot activate a rank quest while
in a keep inventory period!'
Cannot Activate Flare While Doing Other Function: '&4You cannot activate a flare while
doing another function!'
Flare Given Upon Join Message: '&7You have been given a flare because you disconnected
whilst waiting for a flare.'
Cannot Activate Rank Quest While Doing Other Function: '&4You cannot activate a rank
quest while doing another function!'
Flare Drop Failed Message: '&4Drop failed.'
Cannot Activate Mystery Mob While Doing Other Function: '&4You cannot activate a mystery
mob while doing another function!'
Cannot Activate Witem While Doing Other Function: '&4You cannot activate a witem while
doing another function!'
Keep-Inventory Start Message: '&7You now have &e{duration} &7seconds or &e{deaths}
&7deaths of keep-inventory.'
RQ Lost Broadcast: '&e{player} &7has lost their rank quest! ({x}, {y}, {z})'
Keep-Inventory Expire Message: '&7Your keep-inventory period has expired.'
Action Bar Message: '&b&lRank Quest: &e{left} &7seconds'
Flare Arriving In Action Bar Message: '&b&lSupplies arriving in: &e{time} &7seconds'
RQ Reset Broadcast: '&e{player} &7has reset their rank quest! ({x}, {y}, {z})'
RQ Start Broadcast: '&e{player} &7has started a rank quest! ({x}, {y}, {z})'

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