Freecam Glitching (Freecam Creeper Egging etc.) (Mainly for Factions)

 Freecam Glitching (Freecam Creeper Egging etc.) (Mainly for Factions) 2.1

This will protect your server from freecam creeper egging / creeper egg glitching. If you have experienced this form of glitching and you don't know what to do just download this and no one will be able to creeper egg glitch again! You can still creeper egg chests/hoppers etc no issues with that!

Added Thresholds for violations so its easier to determine whether its someone actually freecam creeper egging. (Note: doesn't include freecam chest messages!)

Highly recommend you get this fix if not done so already as it can ruins everyone base/economy if one person comes on and abuses this issue!

This is a very common form of freecam creeper egg glitching
How to install:

Open the and use FixFreecam1.7.x.jar for 1.7.x and use FixFreecam.jar for 1.8.x

Code (Text):
#I recommend you keep this to false as there is no real need to save these thresholds
saveThresholds: false
veryHigh: 15
high: 7
low: 1
Flint_and_Steel_Freecaming: "&4%player% Might be freecam glitching (Flint and Steel)"
Block_Clicking: "&4%player% Might be freecam glitching (Block Clicking)"
CreeperEgg_PhaseMethod: "&4%player% Might be freecam glitching (Phase Method)"
CreeperEgging: "&4%player% Might be freecam glitching"

Commands & Permissions:
/freecam - to enable/disable freecam messages

/freecam reset <player name> - This will reset thresholds for the player

/freecam check <player name> - This will check thresholds for the player

freecam.check - this will send the message that the player might be using a freecam creeper egg glitch and to send the /freecam command

Planed Features:
Adding fully configurable messages -- DONE!
Suggest something!
Extention type
File size
33.1 KB
First release
Last update
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