GlobalTicketSystem | Best TicketSystem for Networks

 GlobalTicketSystem | Best TicketSystem for Networks 1.2


a performant, fast and good looking GUI-BUNGEECORD-Ticket System.
(This plugin uses Redis, redis is very simply installed on Linux and Windows, if you need help therefor simply pm me)

  • GUI based (a clear, structured gui)
  • Multi Server Supporting (BungeeCord)
    • Synchronized Tickets over the Redis-Database
    • Server-Comprehensive teleporting to the Ticket-creation-location
  • Redis based
    • fast performance
    • good structured
  • UUID-Name Support
    • GTS creates is own UUID-Playername Database which is always refreshed so a permanent use is guaranteed, also if a player changes his name
  • Ticket-System
    • A ticket has a random id which is guaranteed unique
    • It saves
      • the creation date
      • the creators UUID
      • the creators name
      • the location (also the server) where the ticket was created
      • a title
      • a content
      • the claimer
      • the date when the ticket gets closed
      • all added messages
    • The saved location is a global location so you can be on a different server and still get fluent teleported to the location of the ticket creation (You don't have to click on teleport twice)
    • Messages
      • Because sometimes the supporter/moderator/administrator has a question back the creator and any team-member can add a message to the ticket
      • An additional ticket-message is also saved per timestamp so it is comprehensible when which message was written (this feature also uses the UUID-Name System)
  • GUI
    • Every feature is accesible over a GUI-System
    • Over the command /ticket you open the GUI and dependent on your permissions you can see the manage item or you can't.
    • You create a ticket by clicking the 'Create Ticket' item and then simly type into the chat title/content
    • You can also take a look at your created tickets by clicking 'Show Tickets' and then click on the ticket you want to look at to
      • show the Ticket in your chat
      • respond to it
      • mark it as solved (only the creator can use this)
    • Marking a ticket as solved will make it appear as a green wool item so a manager knows he can close this ticket
    • By clicking 'Manage Tickets' you can manage all created tickets (maximal amount of tickets shown is configurable) and
      • show the Ticket in your chat
      • claim it (only if it is not claimed yet)
      • respond to it
      • close it
      • teleport to it
Special Details | Commands & Permissions:
GTS has some intelligent functions which might not be easy to
understand for everybody.

The 'Mark as solved' function is only availaible for the creator so it's guaranteed no staff-member will simply mark it as solved and close it.

Items which are not necessary for the current user aren't shown or accesible.

Over a 'Show/hide' item in the Show or Manage Menu you can choose if you won't to only see closed tickets or only tickets which are not closed.

To open the GUI - GlobalTicketSystem.ticket
To see the 'Manage'-item and manage tickets - GlobalTicketSystem.manage
To unclaim claimed Tickets - GlobalTicketSystem.admin

Features in the Future | Guarantee | Bugs:
I will add features when I want to but of course you can send me any idea you have. The usability of the software is not guaratneed and I try to fix bugs as fast as possible.

Put the plugin in every spigot plugins folder where you want to use it, configure your redis credentials and restart any server.

Code (Text):

# The BungeeCord server-name
server-name: server1
non-gui: '&4GlobalTicketSystem is GUI based and can only be used ingame!'
create-title-start: '&bType the title of your ticket:'
create-title-complete: '&2Title set!'
create-content-start: '&bType the content of your ticket:'
create-content-complete: '&2Content set! Ticket succesfully created!'
title-set: '&6Title set to &b{msg}'
content-set: '&6Content set to &b{msg}'
message-add: '&6Message added: &b{msg}'
- '&6Ticket &b{id}'
- '&6Created at &b{creation_date}'
- '&6Created by &b{creator_name} &6at &b{location}'
- '&6Title: &b{title}'
- '&6Content: &b{content}'
- '&6Claimed by: &b{claimer_name}'
- '&6Closed at &b{closed_date}'
- '&6Messages:{messages}'
message-layout: '&7{date} &6{author}: &b{msg}'
claimed: '&6Ticket claimed!'
unclaimed: '&6Ticket unclaimed.'
type-message: '&6Type your message:'
cantclose-before-claiming: '&cYou can not close a ticket before claming it!'
closed: '&cTicket closed!'
transfer-and-teleport: '&6Transfering and teleporting!'
mark-solved: '&aYou marked your ticket as solved!'
ticket-new-msg: '&aYou got a new message on one of your claimed tickets!'
item-lastpage: '&6Last page'
item-nextpage: '&6Next page'
item-hideshow-closed: '&6Show/hide closed'
item-hideshow-closed-lore: '&7Click to show/hide closed Tickets.'
item-back: '&6Back'
item-show: '&6Show'
item-claim: '&6Claim'
item-respond: '&6Respond'
item-close: '&6Close'
item-teleport: '&6Teleport'
item-solve: '&6Mark as solved.'
port: 6379
pass: 1234
use-pass: false
material: SIGN
title: '&2Create'
- '&3Create a'
- '&3new Ticket.'
material: WOOD_DOOR
title: '&2Show'
- '&3Show all'
- '&3Tickets.'
material: BOOK_AND_QUILL
title: '&2Manage'
- '&3Manage all'
- '&3Tickets.'
wool-claimed: BROWN
wool-closed: BLACK
wool-created: WHITE
wool-solved: GREEN
wool-default: CYAN
maximal-fetched-tickets: 100




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stealth-coders (c) 2016 All rights reserved.
Copyright by stealth-coders:
You are NOT allowed to share, upload or decompile this plugin at any time.
You are NOT allowed to share, upload or use code parts/snippets of this plugin without our consent.
You are allowed to use this software only for yourself and/or your server/servers.
The respective Owner of this Software is stealth-coders.
No refunds!
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607 KB
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