The gMoney plugin is a plugin for economy, but not a normal economy. The gMoney have as disable or enable Vault use.
- /money - Create Account or Check your money.
- /money <player> - Look player money.
- /money give <player> <money> - Give money to a player.
- /money pay <player> <money> - Send money to a player.
- /money set <player> <money> - Set money to a player.
- /money reset <player> - Reset player account.
- /money converter <plugin> - Convert plugins of economy to gMoney economy.
- /money top - Look 5 rich of server.
- /money permissions - Look all permissions.
- /money help - All Commands And Your Description.
Put the plugin in the plugins folder, restart the server and enjoy! xD
soft dependencies:
Sorry for the mistakes in English, I am Brazilian
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