A simple system for creating MMO-style respawn points



Graveyards is a simple RPG plugin that allows you to turn blocks into "graveyards". After dying, players will spawn at the nearest graveyard they are eligible for, based on options you can set. Graveyards lets you set up respawn locations that function just like in most MMORPGs.

Each graveyard supports permissions/factions, and you can even make certain graveyards only function if a player has discovered them first.

Special Effects

Graveyards also integrates with MythicMobs, so you can trigger Mythic skills and effects on people when they respawn, allowing you to give your graveyards special effects (such as making someone invulnerable for a certain amount of time after respawn, or triggering particle effects, or anything!)


  • /gy or /graveyards- Lists all commands available.
  • /gy add [name] - Turns the block you are looking at into a graveyard. Players will spawn on top of this block if they are sent to this graveyard (admin command).
  • /gy set - Lists off all available options for graveyards.
  • /gy set [name] [option] [value] - Allows you to change graveyard options from in-game (admin command).
  • /gy remove [name] - Removes the given graveyard (admin command).
  • /gy list <range> - Lists all graveyards, optionally within <range> blocks. If the player doesn't have admin permissions, it will only list graveyards they know of.
  • /gy listall - Lists all graveyards on the server (admin command).
  • /gy info [name] - Gives you information about the given graveyard (admin command).
  • /gy tp [name] - Teleport to the given graveyard (admin command).
  • graveyards.admin - Gives access to all Graveyards admin commands.
  • - Gives access to the basic info commands (/gy nearest and /gy list), for regular players.
  • graveyards.faction.<faction> - Allows players to spawn at a graveyard owned by <faction>

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If you'd like a demonstration of what Graveyards does, I can occasionally be found on the Minecraft survival server, which is a private server I use for testing my plugins. Going on there and dying will quickly show you what this does...

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