This plugin is the ultimate solution to all the signs, the chests, the glitches. This plugin will put a stop to all
those head aches. I present to you, GUI shop. This plugin uses a sleek new way of making shops easy,
comfortable, and fun!

This plugin is easy to configure, Easy to use, and a great solution to your shop issues!
Using MobSpawners:
If you are trying to use Mob Spawners with this plugin, You may notice when you buy a Spawner, it gives you nothing? That is right! You need to install SilkSpawners!
You can download it by clicking the link above! This is required to use Spawners!

How to disable item from being sold?
As you guys know, A new update was released, Which allows you to disable certain items from being sold! You can do this buy:

1. Go to the item in the shops.yml
2. Erase - sell section entirely

How it works:
This plugin was designed to act like a large chest. you can simply click an item in the chest to buy it, or an item in your inventory to sell it. But it doesn't use a chest. It is a completely Virtual shop that will use any economy plugin you have. As long as you have vault of course. This plugin is
Sign-less, Frame less, and head ache-less. This plugin has a simple configuration that you can customize your shop with, and name your items in it! You can also access the shop by clicking a sign you customize yourself!
/shop: Opens the shops menu.
/guishop reload: Reloads configs.

Mod Support:
This plugin now supports items from modpacks! You can use this in Tekkit ETC!!!

guishop.use: Allows use of /shop.
guishop.reload: "Allows use of /guishop reload"
guishop.slot.[slotnumber] E.G guishop.slot.1 allows use of slot1.
OP IS NEEDED TO DO "/shop reload".
guishop.sign.use Allow usage of signs to open shop. Requires guishop.use as well! Allow users to place signs?
guishop.sell Allow users to open sell inventory
guishop.creator Allow user to enter creator mode

How to use:
Its quite simple to use this plugin. All you need to do is open the configuration. Follow the instructions provided within. once completed do /reload OR /shop reload. After that its simple. Do /shop to open the virtual shop. Click an item in the top inventory to buy, Click an item in your inventory to sell!

ADDED: Shift+click to buy any of one item. E.g i sell 16 stone for 1600, if i shift+click i will only get one stone for 100$. Does this for all items.

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This plugin is the ultimate solution to all the signs, the chests, the glitches.
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