Heirteir's Anti-Cheat is a complete anti-cheat solution for your Minecraft server
- HAC is extremely configurable practically every hack check can be customized to your liking!
- HAC has an auto-updating config file so you never have to make sure you config is in sync with the latest one, it is done automatically!
- HAC blocks over 30+ hacks right now!
- Combat
- FastBow (Player/BadPackets)
- Criticals
- Kill Aura
- Aimbot (Combat/KillAura)
- Fight Bot (Combat/KillAura)
- Reach (Player/Reach)
- Movement
- Blink (Player/BadPackets)
- Checker Climb (Movement/Fly)
- Climb (Movement/Fly)
- FastFall (Movement/ImpossibleMovements)
- Floating (Movement/ImpossibleMovements)
- Fly
- Glide (Movement/Glide)
- HighJump (Movement/Fly)
- Impossible Movements
- NoFall
- NoSlowDown (Movement/Speed)
- Sneak (Movement/Speed)
- Speed
- Step
- Timer (Movement/Speed)
- Vclip
- Vehicle Fly (Movement/Fly)
- WaterWalk (Movement/ImpossibleMovements)
- Player
- Bad Packets
- Build (Player/FastPlace)
- FastBreak
- CivBreak (Player/FastBreak)
- FastEat
- FastPlace
- Ghost Hand (Player/ImpossibleInteraction)
- Headless (Player/Derp)
- Impossible Interaction
- Liquids (Player/ImpossibleInteractions)
- NoPotion/Zoot (Player/BadPackets)
- Nuker (Player/BadPackets)
- Ping Spoof (Player/BadPackets) (doesn't give warning)
- Regen (Player/BadPackets)
- Self Hit (Player/ImpossibleInteraction)
# Heirteir's Anti-Cheat 0.424a
# Valid threshold replacements are:
# %x% = player's x location
# %y% = player's y location
# %z% = player's z location
# %threshold% = how many times a player has been caught
# %ping% = the players ping at the time of being caught
# %tps% = The server's TPS at the time of being caught
# example use:
# 1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Glide at x=%x%,y=%y%,z=%z%. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%, VL=%threshold%)'
# If you don't want to run a command at all you can use:
# 0: ''
# You can split commands with a semicolon (;)
# example use:
# 1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Glide at x=%x%,y=%y%,z=%z%. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%, VL=%threshold%);eco take %player% 1000'
# Prefix for HAC notifications.
chat: '&7[&cHAC&7]'
# log HAC notify/kick information.
verbose: true
# The identified version of the config.
version: 'xxx'
# This section is for checks that have to do with player chatting.
# Do you want to check for spam?
enabled: true
# Do you want to cancel the event if a player is caught spamming?
cancel: true
# How many messages should a player be able to send in 5 seconds?
limit: 2
# What's the smallest amount of time (in ticks) that should be between each chat event?
speed: 10
# How many times should a player be caught spamming before having their threshold level increased?
violation_before_infraction: 4
# What do you want to send to the player when their chat is cancelled from spamming? (set to '' if you don't want to send message)
violation_message: '&cPlease slow down your messages!'
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Spamming. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Spamming is not allowed on this server.'
# This section is for hacks that give players an unfair advantage in combat.
# Criticals allows players to get critical hits when they shouldn't be.
# Do you want to check for Criticals?
enabled: true
# Do you want to cancel the attack if a player is caught using Criticals?
cancel: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Criticals. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Criticals is not allowed on this server.'
# Kill Aura allows players to hit other players outside of their field of view
# Do you want to check for Kill Aura?
enabled: true
# How many times can a player hit outside their field of attack within 10 hits before getting flagged for Kill Aura? (increase with false positives)
out_of_angle: 1
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Kill Aura. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
4: 'hac kick %player% Kill Aura is not allowed on this server.'
# This section is for hacks that give players an unfair advantage while moving.
# Fly allows players to fly when they shouldn't be able to.
# Do you want to check for Fly?
enabled: true
# Do you want to teleport the player back to their original location if they are caught using Fly?
teleport: true
3: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Flying. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
5: 'hac kick %player% Flying is not allowed on this server.'
# Glide allows players to fall slower than they should be.
# Do you want to check for Glide?
enabled: true
# Do you want to teleport the player back to their original location if they are caught using Glide?
teleport: true
# What is the slowest delta a player can fall?
min_fall_speed: 0.05
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Glide. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Glide hacking is not allowed on this server.'
# Impossible Movements allows players to move in ways they shouldn't be able to.
# Do you want to check for Impossible Movements?
enabled: true
# Do you want to teleport the player back to their original location if they are caught using Impossible Movements?
teleport: true
# Do you want Impossible Movments to stop players from floating?
validate_floating: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Impossible Movements. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
3: 'hac kick %player% Movement hacking is not allowed on this server.'
# Keeps players from walking on water.
# Do you want to check for Jesus?
enabled: true
# Do you want to teleport the player back if they are caught using Jesus?
teleport: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Jesus. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Jesus is not allowed on this server.'
# No Fall allows players to fall without taking any fall damage.
# Do you want to check for No Fall?
enabled: true
# Do you want to teleport the player to their original location if they are caught with No Fall?
teleport: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Nofall. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Nofall is not allowed on this server.'
# Speed allows players to move faster than should be able to.
# Do you want to check for Speed?
enabled: true
# Do you want to rubberband players if they are caught with Speed?
rubberband: true
# What is the max amount of movements a player can send in a second? (used to stop timer) (increase with false positives)
max_moves: 36
# Do you want to disable the check when a player has a speed potion active?
disable_when_speed_active: false
# The values the Speed check will use. (Default Minecraft walkspeed is '0.2')
# How fast should a player be moving on webs?
web_speed: 0.1
# How much time (in ticks) should a player be in water before being considered in water?
dive_time: 20
# How fast should a player be able to move while in water?
water_speed: 0.13
# How much should a player's speed be multiplied if they are jumping?
jump_multiplier: 1.808
# How much should a player's walk speed be multiplied if they are sneaking?
sneak_multiplier: 0.31
# How fast should a player be able to move on soulsand?
soulsand_speed: 0.12
# How much should a player's speed be amplified if they have a speed potion active?
speed_potion_modifier: 0.22
# How much should a player's walk speed be multiplied when moving with no modifiers?
sprint_multiplier: 1.135
# How much should a player's total speed be multiplied when moving on stairs?
stairs_multiplier: 2.693
# Values used to stop false positives.
# Whenever a player's actual speed is great than their expected speed this will be used.
# (actualspeed - expectedspeed) * violation_multiplier
multiplier: 8.0
# What must a player's speed violation level be before they are rubberbanded?
# This also is what increased their threshold level.
violation_before_rubberband: 2.0
# How much time (in ticks) should a player be violation free before their violation level is reset?
reset_time: 120
3: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Speed. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
5: 'hac kick %player% Speed is not allowed on this server.'
# Step allows players to scale terrain faster than usual.
# Do you want to check for Step?
enabled: true
# Do you want to teleport the player back to their original location if they are caught using Step?
teleport: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Step. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Step is not allowed on this server.'
# Values that are used in various movement checks.
# How high should a player be able to jump normally?
jump_height: 0.85
# How much shoud jump height get multiplied if a player has a jump potion?
jump_potion_modifier: 0.9
# How much should jump height be modified when a player is jumping on a slime block?
slime_block_modifier: 60.0
# This section is for hacks that give a player various advantages.
# Bad Packets allows players to exploit a server with packets that shouldn't be sent.
# Do you want to check for Bad Packets?
enabled: true
# How many packets should be sent in 150ms (3 ticks) before getting cancelled?
cancel_threshold: 14
# What is the max amount of packets that can be sent in 150ms (3 ticks) before being flagged for Bad Packets?
max_count: 50
# What is the hack threshold that must be reached before a player is giving a violation for Bad Packets? violation = (packet_count - max_packets) / 10
violation_threshold: 1.0
# How much time (in ticks) should a player be violation free before resetting their violation level?
violation_reset_time: 240
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Bad Packets. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% Packet Exploiting is not allowed on this server.'
# FastEat allows players to consume items faster than they should be able to.
# Do you want to check for FastEat?
enabled: true
# Do you want to cancel the event if the player is caught using FastEat?
cancel: true
# How much time (in ticks) should it take for player to consume an item?
time: 20
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of FastEat. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
2: 'hac kick %player% FastEat is not allowed on this server.'
# FastPlace allows players to place blocks faster than they should be able to.
# Do you want to check for FastPlace?
enabled: true
# Do you want to cancel the event if a player is caught using FastPlace?
cancel: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of FastPlace. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
3: 'hac kick %player% FastPlace is not allowed on this server.'
# Headroll allows players to move in a way that shouldn't be possible.
# Do you want to check for Headroll?
enabled: true
1: 'hac kick %player% Derp hacking is not allowed on this server.'
# Impossible Interactions allows players to interact with blocks they shouldn't be able to interact with.
# Do you want to check for Impossible Interactions?
enabled: true
# Do you want to cancel the interaction if a player is caught when impossible interactions?
cancel: true
1: 'hac notify %player% is suspected of Impossible Interactions. (ping=%ping%, tps=%tps%)'
5: 'hac kick %player% Impossible Interactions is not allowed on this server.'
- hac.kick: Use HAC to kick a player (Default: op)
- hac.notify: Receive HAC related notifications (Default: op)
- hac.reload: Reload the configuration for HAC (Default: op)
- hac.bypass.badpackets: Bypass Bad Packets check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.criticals: Bypass Criticals check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.fasteat: Bypass Fast Eat check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.fastplace: Bypass Fast Place check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.float Bypass Floating check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.fly: Bypass Fly check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.glide: Bypass Glide check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.headless: bypass Headless check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.impossibleinteractions: Bypass Impossible Interactions check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.impossiblemovements: Bypass Impossible Movements check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.jesus: Bypass Jesus check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.killaura: Bypass Kill Aura check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.nofall: Bypass No Fall check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.spam: Bypass Spam check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.speed: Bypass Speed check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.step: Bypass Step check (Default: false)
- hac.bypass.*: Bypass all HAC checks (Default: false)
- hac.*: Access to all HAC commands (Default: op)
- /hac notify [message(optional)] - Sends message to players with permission hac.notify
- /hac kick [player] [message] - Use HAC to kick a player
- /hac reload - Reloads configuration options