Helium - Ranks | Tags | Punishments v2.0.0

FREE Helium - Ranks | Tags | Punishments v2.0.0 2.0

Helium - Ranks | Tags | Punishments v2.0.0
Test server: demo.plasma.services


  • MongoDB.
  • Redis
  • Java 8+
  • 1.8-1.20 Spigot
  • Punishments include all types of punishments such as Bans, Mutes, Kicks, and others.
  • Commands
    • /blacklist <player> <reason> [-s]
    • /ban <player> [duration] <reason> [-s]
    • /mute <player> [duration] <reason> [-s]
    • /ipban <player> [duration] <reason> [-s]
    • /warn <player> [duration] <reason> [-s]
    • /unban <player> <reason> [-s]
    • /unmute <player> <reason> [-s]
    • /unblacklist <player> <reason> [-s]
    • /kick <player> <reason> [-s]
    • /check <player>
    • /alts <player>
  • [-s] punishes the player silently and punishment message will not be broadcasted to everyone.
  • About
    1. Bans
      You can ban players permanently or for a specified period of time. Players can also be IP-banned. If a player is IP-banned no one from the banned IP can join the server.
      Spoiler: Bans
    2. Mutes
      You can mute players permanently or for a specified period of time. If a player has active mute the player can't be muted until the previous mute expires.
      Spoiler: Mutes
    3. Warns
      You can warn players permanently or for a specified period of time.
      If a player reaches a configurable amount of warns they will be banned for a configurable amount of time. All warns can be set to inactive after they get banned.
      Spoiler: Warns
    4. Blacklists
      The player and the IP of the player will be blacklisted and no one from the IP won't be able to join the server.
      Spoiler: Blacklists
    5. Alts
      You can check all alts from the last IP of the user.
      - Alts are scanned on the last IP of the user.
    6. History
      All punishments are saved in Mongo Database, it will save all active and in-active punishments which means that you can check them by doing /checkpunishments <user>.
      Spoiler: History

  • All player ranks are handled by the grant system.
  • The player can have one or more grants, all permissions from the grants will be synchronized and the grant with the highest rank weight will be displayed and used as a player's main grant/rank.
    Spoiler: Grants

  • Ranks
    • All ranks are synchronized and updated on every server
    • Ranks can be either global or per-server.
    • You can specify the rank type as Default or a Purchasable Rank
    • To give a rank with more priority than your rank use the following command in console: /rawgrant <type:rank, tag, bukkitpermission, and bungeepermission> <context: the rank, tag, or permission you want to give> <target> <duration> <reason>
      Spoiler: Commands

  • Reports and Requests
    • Reports and requests are synchronized between all servers.
    • Both reports and requests cooldowns are global to prevent feature abusing.
    • Reports are saved in the database and will be marked as "Unsolved" until a staff member decides to solve them. Also, all reports can be viewed in /reports <player>, you can choose which one to show, either solved or unsolved and solved ones.
      Spoiler: Reports

  • Tags
    • Chat tags are tags that will be shown in the chat when the player is typing.
    • All tags are synchronized between all servers
    • To give a tag you need to give the following permission to the player: helium.tag.(tag_name)
    • To access the tags menu you can type /tags
    • Spoiler: Tags

  • Admin and Staff Chat
    • Staff chat can be toggled by doing /staffchat or used by doing /staffchat <message...>
    • Admin chat can be toggled by doing /adminchat or used by doing /adminchat <message...>
    • Staff chat and Admin chat have their quick access prefixes that can be put before your message to access to chats.
      Spoiler: Staff and Admin Chat

Staff connect messages
  • When a staff member joins, leave, or switches server on your proxy all online staff will be alerted.
    Spoiler: Messages

  • Private messages
    • A player can message other players using /message <player>, other players can reply using /reply <player>.
    • A player can ignore players to prevent private messages receiving from that player.
    • The player can't send a message to the ignored player unless they decide to un-ignore the player.
      Spoiler: Ignoring a Player
      Spoiler: Toggling Messages

  • Chat Management
    • Ability to mute, unmute, clear, and delay chat.
    • This is not synchronized on every server.
    • Commands
      • /chat mute - used to mute server chat
      • /chat unmute - used to unmute server chat
      • /chat slow <delay> - used to slow down server chat
      • /chat clear - used to clear server chat
        Spoiler: Chat Management

  • Server Management
    • Messages whenever the server goes offline or comes online.
    • Commands
      • /servermonitor - main command
      • /servermonitor runcommand<server> <command> - used to run console command on a specific server or on all servers
      • /servermonitor info <server> - used to get info of server
      • /servermonitor list - used to get a list of all connected servers.
        Spoiler: Screenshots

  • Filter system
    • All IPs and links will be filtered through the filter system unless you decide to disable it or add allowed links.
    • All configurable toxic worlds will be able filtered
      Spoiler: Filtered Messages

Permissions per player
  • This will not override a player's rank permissions, players will have ranks permissions + its own permissions if added.
  • Command
    • /grant <user>
  • Options to set ranks to bold or italic colors
  • To set rank bold or italic use of the following rank command arguments
    • /rank edit <name> - in menu search for the option to set italic color
    • /rank edit <name> - in menu search for the option to set bold color
  • Added messages if someone is ban evading, this will message staff with all alts and will show alt color depending on alt status (Online, Banned, Offline).
  • Now if the player's message is filtered it will send the message as regular but only player will see it, staff will also be alerted, this doesn't apply to private messages!
    Spoiler: Grant Permissions

  • Coins system
    • Players will be able to purchase ranks using their coins.
    • They can only purchase purchasable ranks.
    • You can easily add points to the player's account by executing /coinsadmin add <player> <amount>, this is also executable from the console.
    • To set rank to be purchasable you can use next commands:
      • /rank edit <rank> - in the menu theres the option to make the rank purchasable
      • /rank edit <rank> - in the menu theres the option to make the rank cost
    • All purchased ranks will last for only 30 days!
    • This is very useful to make players stay on the server.
      Spoiler: Commands

  • Whitelistmode Command - when enabled players will not be able to join the server unless they have bypass permission.
  • Spoiler: WhitelistMode
  • Spoiler: WhitelistMode MOTD

  • Command to view your playtime or playtime of the other users.
  • Spoiler: Playtime
  • Command to view your profile or the profile of other users.
  • Ability to link your Discord, YouTube, Twitch, And Twitter
  • Ability to view your current level and progress until next level
    Spoiler: Profile
Jail System
  • Helium has a jail system where banned players can go to earn their unban.
  • You can set certain ores to regenerate after a certain amount of time
  • You can set how many points each ore is worth
  • You can set how many points are required for an unban and unblacklist
  • You can auto-give players a pickaxe
  • You can choose whether or not you want blacklisted players to be able to go to the jail
Notes System
  • Notes GUI to view a player's notes
  • Ability to add notes via the GUI
  • Ability to add notes with a command
  • Ability to clear a player's notes with a command
    Spoiler: Notes
Disguise System
  • Ability to choose from any rank
  • Ability to select a name
  • Ability to choose as custom skin or a premade skin
  • Ability to clear a player's notes with a command
    Spoiler: Disguise System

Data Importers
  • Ability to import data from LuckPerms
  • Ability to import data from Alchemist Core
  • Ability to import data from AquaCore
  • Ability to import data from Phoenix Core

To use the plugin you need a license
If you purchase Helium create a ticket at:

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To claim, just create a ticket in our Discord!

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  1. N/A


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