
 Hi-BattleGrounds 1.6.7

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13



Hi-BattleGrounds is battle royale minigame type. Player must kill each other to be the last player in the game. With shrinking border, chest loots, and airdrops system, this game will give player an enormous gameplay. This resource is based on Hi-System which allow you to run unlimited arena at the same times.

Border Randomized Test

Implemented Hi-System Diagram (EXCLUSIVE)


An Amazing Feature List
  • Smooth shrinking border with configurable size and phase
  • Fully configurable from message to the arena
  • Bus system (First you spawn riding enderdragon, you deploy and fly with elytra, after few blocks above highest block, elytra removed and you will be riding chicken as parachute. Similar to other BattleRoyale deploy system)
  • Multiarena (Each arena must have its own world)
  • Extremely Easy Setup
  • CrackShot support
  • Loots, airdrops, and redzone system (Configurable)
  • A lot of Tags (Can be used in scoreboard / message)
  • Team
  • Ranks
  • MySQL
  • Auto reset maps
  • Nice Spectator System!!!
  • API for developer (Check wiki)
  • Awesome bungee system with built-in game selector (Didnt required external plugins such as bungee sign) The bungee sever will recieve the arena data automatically and didnt need to do command if you adding more server when the lobby server is already online :D
  • Need more? PM me
TODO List :
  • Matchmaking based with rank



  • BG || Main commands
  • BG loots || Opening loots GUI
  • BG arena || Arena setup command
  • BG edit [Maps] || Edit your maps world
  • BG join || Join game lobby
  • BG leave || Leave game command
  • BG reload || Safe reload game config and arena
  • BG list || Showing list of active arena
  • BG setlobby || Set your game lobby
  • BG addholo || Add leaderboards holo (Use HolographicDisplay)

Setup Tutorial [FULL]


Setup tutorial

Setup tutorial by @vy_vu

Bus System Showcase

Setup tutorial (TEXT)
https://bitbucket.org/battlegrounds81/battlegrounds-repo/wiki/How to setup bungee

  • Our bungee system is not like other minigame, its using external library, it fetch data from your game server that install this plugin and sending it to configured lobby server, then lobby server will store data. Game server will send update data for configured interval. And will not occuring invalid -Redacted- attack. MAKE SURE YOUR SERVER DATA STORER IS IN FREE PORT. Server data port must be different from your lobby server port, because this plugin will generate WebServer that handle HTTP servlet request from game server.
  • Host system allow you to run same arena without duplicating it, when player first join lobby, they will given a watch that can be used for choosing arena. When player click the arena icon, they will added to that arena Queue, after there's enough player in that arena Queue, Lobby will contact game server where that arena located (If you use bungee), the game server (or main server if you dont use bungee) will load the arena and player will teleported to that arena. Once the game is done, the arena will be erased along with the arena world folder. Feel free to contact me for any help, suggestion or bug report. Host system didnt require config change, leave the old config there and dont delete it, just change the jar file. For host system setup tutorial, please send me a message or check the WIKI site.


can be used in scoreboard / message
  • [PLAYER] = Return player name
  • [RANK] = Return player rank
  • [ARENA] = Arena name
  • [LE/FT] = Return player left to start the game (remove the "/")
  • [KILL] = Return total kill
  • [ALIVE] = Return number of alive player
  • [KILLER] = Return player's killer name
  • [VICTIM] = Return player's victim name
  • [GUN] = Return player gun name, "Fist" if player kill other player with hand
  • [CHAT] = Used for chat formating *See message.yml
  • [SCORE] = Return game winner score (kills)
  • [TIME] = Return lefted time
  • [COUNTDOWN] = Return game start countdown left
  • [WINNER] = Return winner's name
  • [SZ_STATUS] = Return player safezone status (Inside safe zone or not)
  • [LOOTS_DIRECTION] = Return direction from player to airdrops location
  • [LOOTS_TIMER] = Return lefted time for airdrops to vanish
  • [LOOTS_DISTANCE] = Return distance between player and airdrops
  • [RZ_TIMER] = Return redzone timer
  • [RZ_LOCATION] = Return redzone coordinate

can be used in scoreboard / message

Lobby only
  • %bg_kill% = Return player kills
  • %bg_death% = Return player deaths
  • %bg_played% = Return how many player have play the game
  • %bg_exp% = Return player exp
  • %bg_level% = Return player level
  • %bg_next_level% = Return player next level
  • %bg_exp_proggres% = Return player exp proggres
  • %bg_selected_queue% = Return player selected queue
  • %bg_selected_queue_min% = Return player selected queue minimum player
  • %bg_selected_queue_current% = Return player selected queue current player


Arena YML:
Code (Text):

test: ##Name of the arena

Center: 20.084240062274503;64.0;78.2634761322218;7.200023;-88.499855 ##Arena center point
Red_Zone_Interval: 20 ##When the red zone will appear
Red_Zone_Last: 40 ##How long the red zone will last
Red_Zone_Size: 5 ##Size of the redzone
Min_Players: 2 ##Minimal player to start the game
Max_Players: 10 ##Maximum player per arena
Max_Member: 2 ##Maximum member per team (Set to 1 if you want SOLO game)
Min_Team_Ready: 10 ##Minimal team percentage to start the game (Set to 100 if you want to start the game after all team is ready)
Start_Size: 500 ##Size of the first border size
Shrinks: ##Border phase, make sure u set the value descending
- '100'
- '50'
- '20'
Start_Countdown: 10 ##Arena start countdown
Shrink_Damage: 0.1 ##How much player will take damage outside the border (safe zone)
Shrink_Delay: 60 ##When the border will shrink
Shrink_Time: 20 ##How long border will take to shrink into next size
Drops_Interval: 60 ##When the airdrops will spawn
Drops_Max_Item: 5 ##How many item that will spawn in airdrops chest
Loots_Max_Item: 3 ##How many item that will spawn in normal chest
Drops_Last: 20 ##How long the airdrops will last
Scoreboard_Title: '&6[ARENA] Scoreboard' ##See TAG section for the placeholder
- ''
- '&6&lLoots:'
- ''
- '&6[SZ_STATUS]'
- '&6&lSafe Zone:'
- ''
- 'Player left:
Maps: map2 ##Arena maps name, defined from maps list that you place in BattleGrounds/Maps/ folder

Code (Text):

9b624dae-805e-45be-8377-68681679fd53: ##Auto generated UUID
airdropsOnly: false ##True if this loots is only spawned in airdrops
canStack: true ##Can this loots stacked?
chance: 100.0 ##Chance this loots spawn
isCS: false ##True if this item is crackshot item
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
max: 1 ##Maximum item that will spawn in chest
min: 1 ##Minumum item that will spawn in chest
weight: 10.0 ##Loots weight
type: BANDAGE ##

#Note : To setup the loots, simply drag and drops item or crackshot gun in inventory (/bg loots), the plugin will auto generating config file that u can edit later.

Stress test
Link: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=7d810b55f4534d57bb6da780cdb49690 (NEW)
Server: Paperspigot 1.11.2
Tested on Acer Aspire E5-475G-5115
Processor: Intel Core i5-7200U 2.5GHz (turbo 3.1GHz)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 940MX 2GB VRAM
Running program: 2 Minecraft jar, Eclipse, LoL client, Chromium, Rainmeter, Microsoft Edge

Reason to buy my resource
  1. Quality code
  2. Very good and smooth border system that will randomized border center every shrink phase but still remain in your arena
  3. Using own code for fetching and sending data between server, if you use bungee mode and player click the icon on game selector, player will automatically sended to that arena instead of just sended to the server
  4. Multi arena per game server support with built-in game selector in lobby!!!! Many plugins didnt have this thing or you need to use other thing to set things like this
  5. You have access to all future update
  6. You will get support everytime you need it with friendly developer from Indonesia!!! (Most of Indonesian people is friendly as fuck, so feel free to contact me if you need support)
  7. Advanced Queue system, very close to real games (PUBG, Fortnite, and any shooting games).
  • If you have right to download the BattleGrounds plugin, you are claimed as "buyer" of BattleGrounds plugin, who has no right on refund.
  • Author of this plugin has full right to change the price of the plugin anytime.
  • You are not permitted to -Redacted- my plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package
  • You are not allowed to resell the plugin or post it elsewhere
  • You are not permited to reverse engine or modify the plugin in any form
  • You will get unlimited support for the plugin you payed for it
  • You are accepting the Premium Resource Guidelines and Terms of Service of spigotmc.org.


Why your resource size is 4MB large?
A: Im shading the maven library into the resource so you dont have to download it manually. The resource it self has 1MB size.

Q: What are you using for pinging the game server?
A: Im using external library to POST and GET Http connection

Q: Is that ur pinger system will make occurr invalid -Redacted- attack?
A: Im not using ICMP to ping the server, so it will not.

Q: My server cannot run because there's a chunk error while loading arena, how can i fix it?
A: Use region fixer by https://github.com/Fenixin/Minecraft-Region-Fixer to fix your maps file
Please delete the old loots.yml config before updating to 1.5.0Sv3+ if you use QualityArmory


If you get error or bug, please submit it to

This minigames based on Hi-System

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