Full info here : http://www.mc-market.org/resources/3891/
Hello, yes its here. My first server setup, I put alot of effort in it 90 hours to be exact. But I think you guys will see that its worth it. This setup features alot of detail, from Bargambeling to SpawnerGUIs.You will see some custom menu's that no-one has. I hope you guys will like it!
There isn't a test server yet!
✔ Warp GUI ✔
✔ Custom Stats ✔
✔ Regular Shop✔ (/warp shop)
✔ Spawner Shop✔ (/spawnershop)
✔ Spawner Upgrading✔
✔ Personal Menu ✔ (/headmenu , /hm)
✔ Shop overlook ✔ (/shop)
✔ Kits Menu ✔ (/kit)
✔ GenShop ✔ (/buygenbucket)
- Cobblestone
- Obsidian
- Sand
✔ Factions Fly ✔ (/fly)
- You can choose were to allow fly (ownclaim, wilderness etc)
I've set it to Wilderness and your Own claim
✔ Bar Gambeling ✔ (NPC's at the spawn)
✔ Crates ✔ (/warp crates)
- Vote Crate
- Rare Crate
- Legendary Crate
- Message
✔ Custom messages & more ✔
- 2 types of messages
- Auctions (/ah)
- Tab (Premium plugin)
There are 5 donator ranks:
Staff ranks:
XP Boost
( /xpb ; /xpbooster)
Bank Notes
( /withdraw )
You will need some premium plugins for certain things to work:
EpicSpawners ( and Arconix wich you will get with EpicSpawners)
FactionsUUID (The dev made a free download site for it)
BlueShop (for the shops to work)
IF THERE ARE ANY ERRORS/BUGS REPORT IT TO ME BEFORE MAKING A REVIEUW OUT OF IT (You will be rewarded) [img src="http://www.mc-market.org/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/heart.png" class="mceSmilie" alt="<3>
- This setup is for a 1.8 spigot server with options to join with 1.8 - 1.12
(trough 1.8 viaversion) 1.8x 1.9x 1.10x 1.11x 1.12x
Hello, yes its here. My first server setup, I put alot of effort in it 90 hours to be exact. But I think you guys will see that its worth it. This setup features alot of detail, from Bargambeling to SpawnerGUIs.You will see some custom menu's that no-one has. I hope you guys will like it!
There isn't a test server yet!
- 1 Purchases
- 10 Purchases
- 15 Purchases
- 20 Purchases
- 25 Purchases
- 50 Purchases
- 100 Purchases
✔ Warp GUI ✔
✔ Custom Stats ✔
✔ Regular Shop✔ (/warp shop)
✔ Spawner Shop✔ (/spawnershop)
✔ Spawner Upgrading✔
✔ Personal Menu ✔ (/headmenu , /hm)
✔ Shop overlook ✔ (/shop)
✔ Kits Menu ✔ (/kit)
✔ GenShop ✔ (/buygenbucket)
- Cobblestone
- Obsidian
- Sand
✔ Factions Fly ✔ (/fly)
- You can choose were to allow fly (ownclaim, wilderness etc)
I've set it to Wilderness and your Own claim
✔ Bar Gambeling ✔ (NPC's at the spawn)
✔ Crates ✔ (/warp crates)
- Vote Crate
- Rare Crate
- Legendary Crate
- Message
✔ Custom messages & more ✔
- 2 types of messages
- Normal ( Automated )
- ActionBar ( Automated )
- Auctions (/ah)
- Tab (Premium plugin)
There are 5 donator ranks:
- Hunter
- Lord
- King
- Emperor
- Overlord
Staff ranks:
- Helper
- Moderator
- Admin
- Owner
XP Boost
( /xpb ; /xpbooster)
Bank Notes
( /withdraw )
You will need some premium plugins for certain things to work:
EpicSpawners ( and Arconix wich you will get with EpicSpawners)
FactionsUUID (The dev made a free download site for it)
BlueShop (for the shops to work)
- Custom Factions messages (when doing a /f command)
- Essentials MOTD (On Join)
- Custom Menu's (/hm /warp /kit /shop)
- Bar gambling (NPC's at spawn)
- Kit Menu's (/kit)
- Spawner Upgrades (Spawner GUI)
- ClearLag custom messages
- CombatLog configured
- PlayerVaults
- And more!
IF THERE ARE ANY ERRORS/BUGS REPORT IT TO ME BEFORE MAKING A REVIEUW OUT OF IT (You will be rewarded) [img src="http://www.mc-market.org/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/heart.png" class="mceSmilie" alt="<3>
- This setup is for a 1.8 spigot server with options to join with 1.8 - 1.12
(trough 1.8 viaversion) 1.8x 1.9x 1.10x 1.11x 1.12x