⭐️HQ⭐ShopGUIPlus Configuration⭐️1.8-1.14⭐️Added Support For 1.14 Version⭐️

FREE CONFIG ⭐️HQ⭐ShopGUIPlus Configuration⭐️1.8-1.14⭐️Added Support For 1.14 Version⭐️ 2.6 - [STABLE]

⭐️HQ⭐ShopGUIPlus Configuration⭐️1.8-1.14⭐️Added Support For 1.14 Version⭐️
Supported MC Versions:
1.8.8, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2, 1.13.2
Req. Server Software:
Spigot, CraftBukkit, PaperSpigot, TacoSpigot

This configuration was made for ultimate shop experience.
Custom design and extremely balanced economy guarantee
quality gameplay and satisfied community.


»» Extremely Balanced Economy for:
- Survival - SkyBlock - Factions -
»» Supported Versions:
1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14
»» Custom Design
»» 5 Color Themes For Messages
»» Advanced and Simple Configurations
(Advanced - 14 Categories and more items)
(Simple - 10 Categories, but more organised and easy)
»» Various Asortiments of items
»» Posibility To Make Donor Shops
»» High Quality!
»» No infinite money glitches!
»» Premium Support!



1. Download Configuration.
2. Extract and select configuration that you need.
3. Copy it on ShopGUIPlus folder on plugins.
4. Reload server or do /shop reload.
5. Enjoy Configuration!


- ShopGUIPlus [Premium]
- SlikSpawners(For Spawners) [FREE]


- Add Support for 1.13 [DONE]
- Fix Potions on 1.12 [DONE]
- Add Tipped Arrows Category [DONE]
- Balance The Economy To Perfection [By Every Update Config Gets More Close To Perfection]

Latest reviews

tysm but can u update that to latest version ? <3
I love it!
Thank you for this!
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