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SpigotVIP ⭐️HQ⭐ShopGUIPlus Configuration⭐️1.8-1.16⭐️1.16 NOW IS SUPPORTED⭐️ 2.8 2020-07-14

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TEST SERVER: 1.14.4-1.15.2


This configuration was made for the ultimate shop experience.
Custom design and extremely balanced economy guarantee
quality gameplay and satisfied community.


»» Extremely Balanced Economy for:
- Survival - SkyBlock - Factions -
»» Supported Versions:
1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
»» Custom Design
»» 5 Color Themes For Messages
»» Advanced and Simple Configurations
(Advanced - 14 Categories and more items)
(Simple - 10 Categories, but more organized and easy)
»» Various Asortiments of items
»» Possibility To Make Donor Shops
»» High Quality!
»» No infinite money glitches!
»» Premium Support!



1. Download Configuration.
2. Extract and select the configuration that you need.
3. Copy it in t ShopGUIPlus folder on plugins.
4. Reload server or do /shop reload.
5. Enjoy Configuration!



- ShopGUIPlus [Premium]
- SlikSpawners(For Spawners) [FREE]
- EpicSpawners(For Spawners) [Premium]
-PickUpSpawners(For Spawners) [FREE]


- Balance The Economy To Perfection [By Every Update Config Gets More Close To Perfection]


If you need any help, contact me through PM or Discord.

Don't review the resource for BUGS/ERRORS, PM me instead.
Remember, if you find a bug tell me via PM or Discord,
and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Making custom configs on command, on every plugin. CHEAP! Contact me if want!

By buying this resource you accept these terms and conditions:
- You are not allowed to share, -Redacted- or resell this resource.
- You may only use this plugin on your server, giving it to other servers isn't allowed.
- All purchases are final and no refunds will be given.
- Chargebacks/disputes will result in losing access to the plugin and future updates of it.
- I don't need to add requested updates or update it frequently. It is my choice when I choose to make an update.
- Under no circumstance can I be blamed if something bad happens to your server/player base as a result of a bug.
- The service that comes with this plugin is my choice, I am allowed to choose whether or not to give my services to a buyer based on the way they treat me.
- I am allowed to ignore service if (you) waste my time, be extremely rude, or give me a difficult time.
-Support will be provided to verified customers, I will deny support to anyone who can not show POF for the plugin.
-If you violate any of these plugin terms, I may remove you from the buyers list.
These terms and conditions can change at any time.

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