Infection is a game made by Laurenshup. The game was used on a server called BizarreMinigames. But BizarreMinigames stopped with the ‘minigames’ part of the server. That means that I was able to publish this plugin
Infection is similar to Tag. There are 2 teams: the Humans and the Infected. The game starts with one infected. When the infected kills a human, that human becomes an infected too. The only way for the humans to survive is to stay alive for 10 minutes. In the game lobby (lobby before the game starts) can you equip your items (weapon, armor, food, specials), select a kit and open a Mystery Crate.
A Mystery Crate is a Crate that gives you stuff for skulls (one kill = one skull). To open a mystery crate you need 10 skulls. A Mystery Crate gives you: weapons, armor, food, special items and kits.
There are 5 kits: Zombie, Skeleton, Blaze, Witch and Enderman. They all have their own special abilities. As default you have Zombie unlocked. You disguise as your chosen kit when you are infected. (Requires iDisguise to disguise)
Infection has a lot of features:
- Join with both Signs and NPCs
- Citizens Support (Allow join by click on the NPC)
- Custom Chat
- Custom Player List (TAB List)
- Team Chat
- Mystery Crate
- Many Configuration Options
- iDisguise Support (Disguise as a mob when infected)
- Vault Support (Economy)
- Custom Scoreboard
- Lag Free
- Auto Join after Game End
- More maps
- If there is a game already running you will join as Infected
/infection – The main command for the plugin.
/teamchat (aliases: /tc, /team) – Say a message to your team
/hub (aliases: /leave, /lobby, /spawn) – Teleports you to the hub and leaves the game
All commands (not /hub) use the same permission: infection
The permission ‘infection’ is the only permission in the plugin. This permission is default to Ops.
1. Download the plugin
2. Upload the plugin to your plugins folder of your server
3. Optionally: Upload iDisguise, Vault and Citizens to your plugins folder of your server
4. Restart your server
5. Optionally: Change the configuration files
6. Set your join NPC with /infection setnpc join or make a sign (sign formats below)
7. Set your kit NPCs with /infection setnpc kit <zombie:skeleton:blaze:witch:enderman> or make a sign (sign formats below)
8. Set your equipment NPC with /infection setnpc equipment or make a sign (sign formats below)
9. Run /infection setmystery and click on a ender chest to make it a Mystery Crate
10. Build your map and set the settings with /infection <create:setspawn:setmax:setauthor>
11. Set the game lobby and hub with /infection setlobby and /infection sethub
12. Have fun playing
All signs are the same as the NPC's. Here are the sign formats: