JetsPrisonMines is a way to manage Mines through simple-to-use GUI's ingame.
Spigot Versions 1.8 - 1.14.3 (As well as Paper/Taco Spigot) supported.
JetsPrisonMines is written to be efficient, simple but feature rich - and with an active developer, you can expect more features to be added often
- GUI Based
- Timed / Percentage Resets
- Gradual / Instant reset types (Configurable & Efficient!) - As well as configure reset direction (I.E Reset blocks from Top-To-Bottom, or Bottom-To-Top) and the amount of blocks to paste per tick
- Player Effects (20 + Different Effects!)
- Mine Effects - SPAWN Fireworks when the mine resets - more to come soon!
- Statistic Holograms
- Schematics
- Configure reset percentages per block
- Messages
- Very Customisable
- Disable block placing within mines
- Support for TokenEnchant
- Support for 1.8 - 1.15
- PrisonMines (By Twyzl) and MineResetLite/MineResetLitePlus (By Boomclaw/vk2gpz) Conversion
- PlaceholderAPI support - integrate mine stats into any plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI!
- TokenEnchant support
- AutoSell support
The majority of configuration is done through ingame GUI's, rather than commands.
Admin Permissions:
- /PrisonMines createmine <name> - Creates a mine with the defined name - jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine
- /PrisonMines list - lists all the current mines that are acrive - jetsprisonmines.admin.list
- /PrisonMines panel <mine> - Opens the mine panel for a particular mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.panel
- /PrisonMines deletemine <mine> - Deletes the specified mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.delete
- /PrisonMines wand - Gives you the Mine Selection Tool - jetsprisonmines.admin.wand
- /PrisonMines convert <plugin> - Converts another mines plugin into this- jetsprisonmines.admin.convert
- /PrisonMines resize <mine> - resizes the mines region to the current selection this- jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine
- /PrisonMines reset <mine/all> - resets a mines block area- jetsprisonmines.admin.reset
- /PrisonMines resetdir <bottomtotop/toptobottom> <mine/all> - sets the reset direction of a mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.resetdir
- /PrisonMines settp <mine> - sets the teleport location of the mine - Jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine
- /PrisonMines srp <percentage> <mine/all> - Sets the percentage reset of a mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine
- /PrisonMines str <time> <mine/all> - Sets the timed reset of a mine - jetsprisonmines.admin.createmine
- /PrisonMines resettype <instant/gradual> <mine/all> - Sets the reset type for that particular mine, or all mines - jetsprisonmines.admin.resettype
- /PrisonMines debug <mine> - Debugs a mine with useful information - jetsprisonmines.admin.debug
jetsprisonmines.admin.blockbreak - Ability to place blocks in mines
Pretty simple, just drop the plugin in the /plugins folder
Currently only conversions from Twyzl's PrisonMines and Boomclaw's/vk2gpz MineresetLite/plus is supported/ It will only convert the mine regions, spawn location, and blocks in the mine - Nothing else.
To do a conversion
- Delete the old PrisonMines/MineResetLite plugin
- Put in my plugin and start the server up
- Type /prisonmines convert <plugin>
- Restart server
- done!
Placeholders using PlaceholderAPI
%jetsprisonmines_stat_percentageblocksleft_MINENAME% //Returns the percentage of blocks left in a mine
%jetsprisonmines_stat_blocksmined_MINENAME% //Returns the blocks mined, in a mine
%jetsprisonmines_stat_timetillreset_MINENAME% //Returns the time (in seconds) till a mine resets
%jetsprisonmines_stat_percentageblocksmined_MINENAME% //Returns the percentage of blocks left in a mine