Versão nativa do Minecraft:
Legado (<1,13)
Versões Minecraft testadas:
* BossBar works only for the players who use Minecraft 1.9+
Legado (<1,13)
Versões Minecraft testadas:
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1,10
- 1.11
- 1,12
- 1,13
- 1,14
- 1,15
- O JPremium funciona apenas no servidor BungeeCord!
- O plugin possui um sistema de autorização avançado para jogadores.
- Os jogadores premium são registrados automaticamente pelo plug-in imediatamente após ingressar no servidor.
- Os jogadores rachados podem se registrar no servidor (pelo comando register) ou no site.
- The plugin requires at least two servers connect to your BungeeCord network.
- The first server (authorization server) - the cracked players will be connected with that server to login or register.
- The second server (lobby server) - the premium players (will be connected with that server when join to the server) and the cracked players will be connected with that server after successful login or register.
- The premium players is authorized by Mojang server and the the cracked players by your JPremium database.
- The plugin supports changing nicknames by the premium players.
- You do not need afraid of stealing a cracked account by change nickname of a premium player - if a premium player change nickname to the nickname of existed cracked player on your server, the plugin requires enter password.
- The plugin has AuthMe database converter.
- The converter converts only players which password is hashed in SHA-256.
- The converter works only for MySQL and SQLite databases.
- The plugin has website template with a register form.
- The form contains Google reCaptcha.
- The plugin forbids connect directly with Spigot server, without your proxy server.
- The plugin has a lot of commands for staff.
- You can...
- change all commands names.
- set default skin for the cracked players.
- set maximum amount of account registered by a IP address.
- change all messages in configuration file.
- add several languages of the messages (and a player can change language by /language <language>).
- The plugin changes the players UUIDs!
- You can read more on wiki page.
- The plugin changes UUIDs for all players, even for the players which are existed before the plugin installed!
- Please remember that the plugins which changing skins may not work correctly!
- You can disable that feature, but you lose some other features, (e.g.) the cracked players with premium nicknames cannot join to your server.
- The plugin works on 1.8 - 1.15.1 version of Minecraft.
- BungeeCord server
- At least two Spigot servers
- MySQL or SQLite database
- Internet connection
- Java 8+
- First steps with JPremium
- Frequently asked questions
- Commands & permssions
- Application programming interface
- Configuration file
* BossBar works only for the players who use Minecraft 1.9+
1. Definitions
A. Forum/Page - site
B. Product - JPremium plugin
C. Source Code - Product source code
D. Seller/Author - user Jakubson on Forum
E. Buyer - buyer of the Product
2. Source code/Product
A. All source code is subject to legal protection and is owned by the author.
B. Buyer does not have the right to distribute the source code/product.
C. Buyer has no right to edit the source code without the author's permission.
D. The buyer has no right to mislead himself with the source code/product.
E. The Buyer has the right to use the Product only on its own servers.
3. Complaints
A. The Buyer waives the right to claim the Product.
B. Seller does not need to take into account Buyer's complaint.
C. However, if the complaint was to be considered only on Seller's terms.
D. If Buyer makes a complaint which will be rejected, the Author can not add again Buyer to list of buyers of Product.
4. The author shall not be liable for damages caused by the Buyer resulting from his use of the product.
5. O autor não é responsável por usar a versão antiga do plugin
6. O autor não é responsável pelo mal-entendido destas regras.
7. O autor não é responsável pela configuração incorreta do plugin.
8. O autor não se compromete a atualizar o plugin.
9. O autor reserva-se o direito de alterar unilateralmente as disposições deste regulamento a qualquer momento e sem a necessidade de justificar o motivo.
10. O Regulamento entra em vigor no dia da publicação no Site. [/ SPOILER]
Se você encontrar um bug, tiver uma nova ideia ou precisar de ajuda, entre em contato em mensagem privada ! Não está na seleção de resenhas!
Desfrutar? Escreva uma crítica de 5 estrelas! É simples assim!
A. Forum/Page - site
B. Product - JPremium plugin
C. Source Code - Product source code
D. Seller/Author - user Jakubson on Forum
E. Buyer - buyer of the Product
2. Source code/Product
A. All source code is subject to legal protection and is owned by the author.
B. Buyer does not have the right to distribute the source code/product.
C. Buyer has no right to edit the source code without the author's permission.
D. The buyer has no right to mislead himself with the source code/product.
E. The Buyer has the right to use the Product only on its own servers.
3. Complaints
A. The Buyer waives the right to claim the Product.
B. Seller does not need to take into account Buyer's complaint.
C. However, if the complaint was to be considered only on Seller's terms.
D. If Buyer makes a complaint which will be rejected, the Author can not add again Buyer to list of buyers of Product.
4. The author shall not be liable for damages caused by the Buyer resulting from his use of the product.
5. O autor não é responsável por usar a versão antiga do plugin
6. O autor não é responsável pelo mal-entendido destas regras.
7. O autor não é responsável pela configuração incorreta do plugin.
8. O autor não se compromete a atualizar o plugin.
9. O autor reserva-se o direito de alterar unilateralmente as disposições deste regulamento a qualquer momento e sem a necessidade de justificar o motivo.
10. O Regulamento entra em vigor no dia da publicação no Site. [/ SPOILER]
Se você encontrar um bug, tiver uma nova ideia ou precisar de ajuda, entre em contato em mensagem privada ! Não está na seleção de resenhas!
Desfrutar? Escreva uma crítica de 5 estrelas! É simples assim!