Kraken Anticheat:
Kraken is likely one of the best anticheats on Minehut at the moment and can assist your staff team allowing them to focus on other more important things. I designed it to deal with your average hacker originally and it grew into more than that. While it may not be the best at catching small-scale autoclickers or closet cheaters, I saw fit to add a suspects list and the anticheat will routinely check on those it has detected small oddities from. Kraken Anticheat includes:
• Killaura Detection which uses bots that fly around the player's head.
• Reach detection which bans hackers based on the distance they hit an entity from, distance is fully configurable.
• Autoclicker detection that includes both a speed test and a consistency check, basically saying if you are clicking fast or if you are clicking inhumanly consistent it will alert staff with the cheater's average clicks.
• Speed detection which also can detect fly hackers, this has an option to "lag back" the player, if you are moving too fast it will teleport you back to your original position and send an alert to staff, it is not recommended you enable this setting in the config if you have launch pads or any other device that propels players in any direction at high speeds. Generally falling isn't detected unless it's unnaturally fast.
• Toggleable autobans.
• Every cheat detection is fully configurable in the configuration section of the skript.
• Suspect system for people who aren't quite suspicious enough to send alerts but you should still be watchful of.
• Latency checks so player's who are lagging do not get falsebanned.
Note: You are not required to do anything, for the best detections it is advised you follow the steps below carefully. If you do not follow the steps below you will have 6 errors when you reload and kilaura will not work, if you do not plan on using killaura detection then ignore these errors, everything else will work as it should.
Setup is fairly easy, for beginners the anticheat is already at a safe configuration, for more advanced players it is advised you use caution before editing anything, even in the config file.
/bans - This command will list the amount of people the anticheat has banned.
/ping - Tells you your ping.
/acHistory <player> - This command will list the punishments the player has received from the anticheat, usually to be used if you don't know why the anticheat banned them.
/ac suspects - This command lists all players suspected of using an unfair advantage, suspected players will randomly be chosen from the suspect list and they will be killaura botted. You will not get an alert if someone is added to the suspect list as generally people on here are not a huge worry but for people who may be autoclicking inconspicuously, it is certainly a good tool to have. Suspected players will automatically be removed from the list after 5 minutes or if they disconnect.
/ac ignore <player> - (example: /ac ignore Owen145) This command will cause the anticheat to avoid putting a certain person on the suspect list.
/ac unignore <player> - (example: /ac unignore Owen145) This command will unignore someone who has already been ignored.
/ac watch <player> - (example: /ac watch Owen145) This command will manually add a player to the suspects list, useful if you think someone is hacking but you can't catch them at it.
/ac clearwatched - Removes everyone who is on the suspect list from the suspect list.
/ac detections - Opens a GUI to enable/disable different checks/toggle autobans.
Required Plugins:
Kraken is likely one of the best anticheats on Minehut at the moment and can assist your staff team allowing them to focus on other more important things. I designed it to deal with your average hacker originally and it grew into more than that. While it may not be the best at catching small-scale autoclickers or closet cheaters, I saw fit to add a suspects list and the anticheat will routinely check on those it has detected small oddities from. Kraken Anticheat includes:
• Killaura Detection which uses bots that fly around the player's head.
• Reach detection which bans hackers based on the distance they hit an entity from, distance is fully configurable.
• Autoclicker detection that includes both a speed test and a consistency check, basically saying if you are clicking fast or if you are clicking inhumanly consistent it will alert staff with the cheater's average clicks.
• Speed detection which also can detect fly hackers, this has an option to "lag back" the player, if you are moving too fast it will teleport you back to your original position and send an alert to staff, it is not recommended you enable this setting in the config if you have launch pads or any other device that propels players in any direction at high speeds. Generally falling isn't detected unless it's unnaturally fast.
• Toggleable autobans.
• Every cheat detection is fully configurable in the configuration section of the skript.
• Suspect system for people who aren't quite suspicious enough to send alerts but you should still be watchful of.
• Latency checks so player's who are lagging do not get falsebanned.
Note: You are not required to do anything, for the best detections it is advised you follow the steps below carefully. If you do not follow the steps below you will have 6 errors when you reload and kilaura will not work, if you do not plan on using killaura detection then ignore these errors, everything else will work as it should.
Setup is fairly easy, for beginners the anticheat is already at a safe configuration, for more advanced players it is advised you use caution before editing anything, even in the config file.
- Killaura is the only part of the anticheat that needs setup to work, go over to your file manager and find the file "Plugins", next find the plugin "Skellet", click on it then go into the file named "Config.yml", scroll to the bottom and it will say "Npc: false", all you need to do is change the "false" to "true" then make sure you have citizens plugin installed. Now restart your server and the change will have been made, there is only one slight problem, you will have to do this before you restart/stop your server every time because the config file is bugged and wont' save. It will apply your save after restarting but it will not actually save it. Once you have restarted you will be all set!
- If you wish to change the ban times for hacking you may do so in the beginning of the configuration section. The setting will be "banLength" followed by either 1, 2, or 3 representing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd ban by the anticheat. This will be followed by a number which is the amount of days that person will be banned for, by default the first ban is 7 days, the second ban is 30 days, and the third ban is 365 days.
- If you want to increase/decrease the amount of ping a player needs to be ignored by the anticheat due to false detections the option is called "PingIgnore" and by default is set to 175.
- In order to give other staff permission to see anticheat alerts they need the permission "kraken.alerts", it will allow them to view the suspect list with /ac suspects and see alerts.
- In order to give other staff permission to edit the state of the anticheat, for example, toggle the reach detection on or enabling killaura autobans.
/bans - This command will list the amount of people the anticheat has banned.
/ping - Tells you your ping.
/acHistory <player> - This command will list the punishments the player has received from the anticheat, usually to be used if you don't know why the anticheat banned them.
/ac suspects - This command lists all players suspected of using an unfair advantage, suspected players will randomly be chosen from the suspect list and they will be killaura botted. You will not get an alert if someone is added to the suspect list as generally people on here are not a huge worry but for people who may be autoclicking inconspicuously, it is certainly a good tool to have. Suspected players will automatically be removed from the list after 5 minutes or if they disconnect.
/ac ignore <player> - (example: /ac ignore Owen145) This command will cause the anticheat to avoid putting a certain person on the suspect list.
/ac unignore <player> - (example: /ac unignore Owen145) This command will unignore someone who has already been ignored.
/ac watch <player> - (example: /ac watch Owen145) This command will manually add a player to the suspects list, useful if you think someone is hacking but you can't catch them at it.
/ac clearwatched - Removes everyone who is on the suspect list from the suspect list.
/ac detections - Opens a GUI to enable/disable different checks/toggle autobans.
Required Plugins:
- Skript
- Skellet
- skQuery
- Citizens
- tuSKe