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Welcome. The old gamercheat plugin, was based of AAC and skript. Those are all on the ZIP download.
AAC was cracked.
/aac, I don't know more from AAC
/acban, command that banned people. Only executable by console, can be changed on the skript.
/staffnotify, command that sent alerts to staff members. Only executable by console, and requires gf.alert permission to the staff members.
/toggleacdebug, command that developers use to debug the anticheat, that stops anticheat bans, to test new settings.
AAC was cracked.
/aac, I don't know more from AAC
/acban, command that banned people. Only executable by console, can be changed on the skript.
/staffnotify, command that sent alerts to staff members. Only executable by console, and requires gf.alert permission to the staff members.
/toggleacdebug, command that developers use to debug the anticheat, that stops anticheat bans, to test new settings.