LiveSearch - Searchengine for your Website

LiveSearch - Searchengine for your Website V4.1

LiveSearch - Searchengine for your Website
LiveSearch 4.1 January 30th 2019

The Searchengine for your Site
  • Search for text, images and PDF files in your website
  • allow_url_fopen OR Curl OR auto
  • no database required
  • hide content from being indexed
  • just one PHP file needed for your search results
New since V4.1: pagination fix, added Bootstrap 4 pagination styles

The Search Engine for your Website.
You can use Live Search for smaller and medium websites. A database is not needed. The website will be crawled from the defined baseurl.
The links will be collected and the content cached – so future searches are faster. Already succeeded searches are stored in files too to increase search speed.
The textparts with the found searchstrings are cropped in the search results so only the part with the searchstring is displayed (like displaying the results on Google)

Various options help you to handle Live Search. A Search Word Cloud is available too.

A complete overview is available in the Online Documentation

Check out the Demo here

  • Easy to include and setup
  • Should work with every smaller and middle website
  • No need of any database
  • Pagination function
  • Caching of searchresults and content
  • Include unlinked files new since 1.2
  • Include external hosts (domains) new since 3.3
  • Define logical correlation between single words (AND, OR, as is) new since 3.4
  • Exclude paths and files from being searched for links new since 1.2
  • Exclude paths and files from being searched for links new since 1.2
  • Exclude < script > blocks new since 2.0
  • Added performance switch if necessary new since 2.0
  • Search for META-description new since 2.0
  • Search for META-keywords new since 2.0
  • Search for images new since 2.0
  • Possibility to hide images from being indexed new since 2.0
  • Thumbnail-Generation on the Fly new since 2.0
  • Search within PDF files new since 3.0
  • Select different methods of indexing (allow_url_fopen or Curl or auto) new since 3.0
  • LiveSearch Manager
  • you’re able to add a XML Sitemap (protocol based on even if located on external domains as long as they are listed in the $additionalHosts-Array
  • ...
  • PHP 5.x, PHP 7.x
  • activated allow_url_fopen or enabled Curl and allowed to access your webproject
  • optional GD-Library for thumbnail Generation (CSS thumbs are possible too)
  • optional for PDF-indexing (Linux-based Webserver with accessible pdftotext binary)

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