Native Minecraft Version: Legacy (< 1.13)
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Languages Supported: English
Donation Link:
LostSkyWars is a simple skywars plugin based on hy servers!
PartySystem needs LostParties addon.
MysteryVault needs LostBoxes addon.
Spoiler: API Details
Player Commands
Spoiler: Config Files
Join our Discord server to get support or add me: lostedd#5285.
Send messages to me on private in the spigot chat for help.
Please rate this plugin. You will make me happy!
Tested Minecraft Versions:
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
Languages Supported: English
Donation Link:
LostSkyWars is a simple skywars plugin based on hy servers!
PartySystem needs LostParties addon.
MysteryVault needs LostBoxes addon.
- v1_8_R3
- v1_9_R1 (Not fully tested)
- v1_10_R1 (Not fully tested)
- v1_11_R1 (Not fully tested)
- v1_12_R1 (Not fully tested)
- SQLite
- Kits System
- Souls System
- Soul Well System
- Custom Messages
- Custom Options
- Custom Menus
- Multi Arena mode (multi world)
- NPCs for play game
Spoiler: API Details
Player Commands
- /stats <player> - Shows player stats.
- /watch <player> - Watch a player match.
- /lsw - Main command.
- /lsw setlobby - Set the lobby of your server.
- /lsw build - Enable builder mode.
- /lsw leaderboard - Manage LeaderBoards.
- /lsw leaderboard add - Add a LeaderBoard.
- /lsw leaderboard remove - Remove a LeaderBoard.
- /lsw playnpc - Manage PlayNPCs.
- /lsw playnpc add - Add a PlayNPC.
- /lsw playnpc remove - Remove a PlayNPC.
- /lsw playnpc setskin <mode> <user> - Set skin of the NPCs to a skin from user.
- /lsw boxnpc - Manage MysteryVaults.
- /lsw boxnpc add - Add a MysteryVault.
- /lsw boxnpc remove - Remove a MysteryVault.
- /lsw wellnpc - Manage SoulWell NPCs.
- /lsw wellnpc add - Add a WellNPC.
- /lsw wellnpc remove - Remove a WellNPC.
- /lsw give - Give coins/souls to players.
- /lsw give coins <player> <amount> - Give coins to a player.
- /lsw give souls <player> <amount> - Give souls to a player.
- /lsw remove - Remove coins/souls from players.
- /lsw remove coins <player> <amount> - Remove coins from a player.
- /lsw remove souls <player> <amount> - Remove souls from a player.
- /lsw fstart - Force starts your current server.
- /lsw load - Load a world of server folder.
- /lsw unload - Unload a server world.
- /lsw teleport - Teleport to an server world.
- /lsw create - Create a new game.
- /lsw chest - Enter in the chest mode (Change ChestTypes of a game).
- - Fly in lobby.
- - Bypass delay to text on chat.
- - Use colors on chat.
- lostskywars.mapselector.infinite - Infinite map selector attempts.
- lostskywars.cmd.skywars - Use /lsw (All Commands).
- lostskywars.cmd.stats - Use /stats <username>.
- - Use /watch <username>.
Spoiler: Config Files
- You are not allowed to claim this plugin as your own.
- You are not allowed to modify the code and/or call it your own.
- You are not allowed to -Redacted- this plugin and call it yours.
- You are not allowed to decompile this plugin.
- You are not allowed to sell this plugin.
Join our Discord server to get support or add me: lostedd#5285.
Send messages to me on private in the spigot chat for help.
Please rate this plugin. You will make me happy!