LuckPerms | An advanced permissions plugin

LuckPerms | An advanced permissions plugin LATEST



LuckPerms is an advanced permissions implementation aiming to be a fast, reliable and flexible alternative to existing permission plugins. The project's main goals are centered around high performance and a wide feature set, filling the gaps of functionality and building upon existing features found in other plugins. LuckPerms also includes an extensive API for developers, and support for a variety of Minecraft server software & data storage options.

See the wiki article on Why LuckPerms?


The latest versions of the plugin can be found on Jenkins.

If you have a question, would like to report a bug, or would like help using or configuring the plugin, please go to the support section on the wiki homepage.

Got an issue / bug to report or feature you want to request? Please open a ticket on GitHub.

Don't understand something? LuckPerms has a huge set of Wiki pages available on GitHub, which explain a lot about how the plugin works.

Free free to join us on Discord if you'd like to chat! :)


Most of the other available permission plugins date back a number of years, and were created in the early Bukkit era. Whilst this may mean they're stable, it also means they're often abandoned by the original authors, and receive no updates, support or bug fixes.

LuckPerms is still a growing and active resource, and I endeavour to reply to all bug reports, issues and feature requests in a timely manner.

Need more convincing? Take a look at how LuckPerms compares in terms of features with other permission plugins. (click the image to enlarge it)


Features last compared on 20th Sept 2017. Note: this graphic was made by me (Luck), and not by an outside source. I endeavour to be as accurate and fair as possible, however, there may be minor mistakes. If you have specific concerns about any of the data, please contact me, and I will have it corrected. Thank you.


You can find a complete list of commands and detailed installation instructions on the GitHub Wiki page.

Wiki Homepage
There are also some YouTube videos linked below which introduce the basics of the plugin. (note: these videos aren't made or endorsed by me. They've just been made and sent to me by some kind members of the community.)

English (by Koz)
Italian (by Aspired Gamer)


LuckPerms supports fully automatic migration and data transfer from existing permissions plugins.

Currently supported:
  • GroupManager
  • PermissionsEx
  • zPermissions
  • PowerfulPerms
  • BungeePerms
  • bPermissions
  • PermissionsBukkit
For more information about this process, please read the wiki page.


WorldGuard Regions:
WorldGuard region support is provided via an add-on plugin called ExtraContexts. You can download that from here.

Chat Support:
LuckPerms does have support for setting prefixes and suffixes, however it will not format the chat for you. You need to install a Vault compatible chat formatting plugin to pull the data from LuckPerms and apply the chat formatting.


Please don't post bug reports/suggestions in the review section. The best approach is to post an issue report on GitHub (link at the top of this page), or in the discussion section.

If you just have a question, please leave a message in the discussion section or drop by the Discord channel. Either myself or somebody else will hopefully be able to assist.

This plugin took me while to make, so if you find it useful, a nice review would be appreciated. :) On the other hand, if you have suggestions, I'd love to hear those too!

If you're having issues using the plugin, please contact me BEFORE making a review. I *cannot* give support in the review section.
First release
Last update
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