Resource icon
*This is a fully customizable UHC plugin made by M4ssivo
* This plugin contains: InGame config, Config file, UHC scenarios, Scoreboard, Spectating system, Teams, Shrinking Borders, Stats (SQL) and more.
*How to download:
1.Download the plugin.
2. Move it to your plugins folder.
3. Restart your server and a folder called UHC will appear in the plugins folder. Open the UHC folder and open the config.yml file.
4. Edit the config to your liking.
5. Restart your server.
*You will also need:
*PaperSpigot 1.7.10
/border <MassiveUHC.BorderCommand>
/start < MassiveUHC.commandstart >
/hoster y MassiveUHC.CommandHost
MassiveUHC.spectate | Spec the UHC
MassiveUHC.JoinLate | Join after the UHC has started
MassiveUHC.BypassWhitelist | Bypass the whitelist
MassiveUHC.BypassFull | Join after the server is full
MassiveUHC.BypassGeneration | Join while the world is generating
MassiveUHC.giveallcommand | Acess /giveall
MassiveUHC.TeleCommand | Tp while spec
MassiveUHC.Staff | Staffmode
MassiveUHC.RespawnCommand | Acess to /respawn
MassiveUHC.Whitelister | Add 2 people to the whitelist
MassiveUHC.revivecommand | Acess to /revive
MassiveUHC.adminscenarios | Acess to scenarios config
MassiveUHC.AdminCommand - Acess to /uhcadmin
MassiveUHC.ModCommand | Acess to /mod
MassiveUHC.practiceadmin | Acess to /practice on/off
MassiveUHC.PracticeBypass | Join practice while its full
MassiveUHC.RescatterCommand Acess to /rescatter
MassiveUHC.Spectate.500 | Spec 500x500
MassiveUHC.Spectate.1000 | Spec1000x1000
MassiveUHC.TwitterAdmin | Acess to /twitter
List of scenarios
- GoldenRetriever
- Timber
- TripleOres
- Bowless
- CoalLucky
- Limitations
- NoFallDamage
- SwordLess
- WebCage
- LuckyLeaves
- BareBones
- TripleExp
- BackPacks
- Ore Frenzy
- DoubleOres
- ColdWeapons
- Broadcaster
- NoClean
- Rodless
- RiskyRetrieval
- Goldless
- Vanilla+
- GoneFishing
- Diamondless
- Fireless
- Ironless
- Shared Health
- TimeBomb
- Soup
- Horseless
- BloodEnchant
- BloodDiamonds
- CutClean
- Absorptionless
After starting the plugin you well need to do /setspawn in the server spawn
then after you do /setspawn restart the server.
To edit the UHC you could use this commands > /config admin < UHC Edit
> /scenarios config < Add or remove scenarios
After everything is all setup the command to start the uhc is /start the automaticly the rules well start that are located at rules.yml
If the person was not scatter for what ever reason or he joined late the command is /latescatter <nick>
The command to revive a player is /respawn <nick>
At the end of the uhc you are going to have to delete the world with the command /deleteworlds this only deletes the world and sends you to your spawn.
The command /stop you can use and it well not delete the world and well leave the world loaded
Plugin Showcase
* This plugin contains: InGame config, Config file, UHC scenarios, Scoreboard, Spectating system, Teams, Shrinking Borders, Stats (SQL) and more.
*How to download:
1.Download the plugin.
2. Move it to your plugins folder.
3. Restart your server and a folder called UHC will appear in the plugins folder. Open the UHC folder and open the config.yml file.
4. Edit the config to your liking.
5. Restart your server.
*You will also need:
*PaperSpigot 1.7.10
/border <MassiveUHC.BorderCommand>
/start < MassiveUHC.commandstart >
/hoster y MassiveUHC.CommandHost
MassiveUHC.spectate | Spec the UHC
MassiveUHC.JoinLate | Join after the UHC has started
MassiveUHC.BypassWhitelist | Bypass the whitelist
MassiveUHC.BypassFull | Join after the server is full
MassiveUHC.BypassGeneration | Join while the world is generating
MassiveUHC.giveallcommand | Acess /giveall
MassiveUHC.TeleCommand | Tp while spec
MassiveUHC.Staff | Staffmode
MassiveUHC.RespawnCommand | Acess to /respawn
MassiveUHC.Whitelister | Add 2 people to the whitelist
MassiveUHC.revivecommand | Acess to /revive
MassiveUHC.adminscenarios | Acess to scenarios config
MassiveUHC.AdminCommand - Acess to /uhcadmin
MassiveUHC.ModCommand | Acess to /mod
MassiveUHC.practiceadmin | Acess to /practice on/off
MassiveUHC.PracticeBypass | Join practice while its full
MassiveUHC.RescatterCommand Acess to /rescatter
MassiveUHC.Spectate.500 | Spec 500x500
MassiveUHC.Spectate.1000 | Spec1000x1000
MassiveUHC.TwitterAdmin | Acess to /twitter
List of scenarios
- GoldenRetriever
- Timber
- TripleOres
- Bowless
- CoalLucky
- Limitations
- NoFallDamage
- SwordLess
- WebCage
- LuckyLeaves
- BareBones
- TripleExp
- BackPacks
- Ore Frenzy
- DoubleOres
- ColdWeapons
- Broadcaster
- NoClean
- Rodless
- RiskyRetrieval
- Goldless
- Vanilla+
- GoneFishing
- Diamondless
- Fireless
- Ironless
- Shared Health
- TimeBomb
- Soup
- Horseless
- BloodEnchant
- BloodDiamonds
- CutClean
- Absorptionless
After starting the plugin you well need to do /setspawn in the server spawn
then after you do /setspawn restart the server.
To edit the UHC you could use this commands > /config admin < UHC Edit
> /scenarios config < Add or remove scenarios
After everything is all setup the command to start the uhc is /start the automaticly the rules well start that are located at rules.yml
If the person was not scatter for what ever reason or he joined late the command is /latescatter <nick>
The command to revive a player is /respawn <nick>
At the end of the uhc you are going to have to delete the world with the command /deleteworlds this only deletes the world and sends you to your spawn.
The command /stop you can use and it well not delete the world and well leave the world loaded
Plugin Showcase