Master Badge
This add-on may not work well with the following add-ons
Trophies by Waindigo
Template Modification System (TMS)
Please disable them before installing/upgrading.


Master Badge is a massive improvement on the trophy system by allowing admin to motivate members to contribute to the forums in various ways.


Create badge

A badge is an icon that represents the trophy sets (a group of trophies) you've awarded or your members. There are 3 types of badge:
Visible: all trophies assign to this badge are visible.
Step by step: the next trophy details will be shown once the previous has been awarded.
Hidden: it will be shown once earned.

More option when create a new trophy

When creating a trophy, you can
Select a badge for trophy.
Add trophy key, an unique identifier for that trophy, allows retrieve and unlock trophy by this ID instead of auto increment id.
Add trophy callback, called when trophy cron fired. Allows you to implement your action without extending to criteria system.
Upload trophy icon.

Trophy management
Manually award a trophy to a user.
View users who has earned which trophies.
Remove earned trophy from user.
Import and Export.

Assign trophies to a badge

You can select a badge when creating a trophy or Drag and drop them in the trophies list page just like smilies.

Level system

Level is a summary of trophy points, you can set the amount of points for each level in AdminCP.
Level progress widget.
User Title Ladder supported.
User profile

Users can view their level, badge on profile page.
Users can feature a badge on their profile. The featured badge will display at the top of their profile and in the messages of thread under the avatar.


Badge graphs
List badges.

Download the zip file.
Upload files and directories from the upload folder to your XenForo's root directory.
Import the .xml file via the Admin CP.
First release
Last update
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