Maximo - Better prefixes & tags

FREE Maximo - Better prefixes & tags




This pack contains amazing rank skins, npc tags, and item tags.

Ranks for players:

  • It contains 39 excellent rank designs for players that improves the experience of distinguishing between users, vips, mvp, mod, admin, etc...
Labels for npcs:

  • It contains 76 tags for npcs that help to distinguish the NPCs created with Citizens who perform different tasks or have different professions, for example, butcher, warps, menu, kits, enchanter, tinkerer, wizard, etc...
Labels for objects:

  • It contains 21 tags that help to categorize objects from the most common to the most powerful, for example, sword, axe or gem, etc...
In total they form a number of 136 excellent designs.


By downloading the pack you get full compatibility with ItemsAdder or Oraxen, you also get a vanilla texture pack without the need to use ItemsAdder or Oraxen.

  • How to use with ItemsAdder and Oraxen:
You just have to write :imc_(here the name of the range or label):

To make the rank ELITE display I am going to write as follows


Or for example LEGEND or ULTRA range



The same method applies to npc tags and item tags.

  • How to use with the vanilla texture pack:
To show the range or label correctly you must open the texture pack premade by me. Once open you must go to the folder [ assets > minecraft > font > default.json ]

You open the default.json file with a text editor and you should see which symbol corresponds to each rank or tag, copy and paste it where you want to show the range or tag.

For example, the symbol "ꑤ" corresponds to showing the PETS tag

This pack does not include character skins, blocks, mobs or items.


  • For ItemsAdder:
  1. Drag and drop contents of "ItemsAdder IMC" into the ItemsAdder folder of your server
  2. Execute /iareload and then /iazip
  3. Done!
  • For Oraxen:
  1. Drag and drop contents of "Oraxen IMC" into the Oraxen folder of your server
  2. Execute /o reload all
  3. Done!






  1. By using or installing these assets, you are agreeing to the terms of use as follows:
  2. You agree to not -Redacted- this product or claim it as your own.
  3. By Purchasing this there will be no refund
  4. You can contact me through Discord _maxgh for any questions
  5. Modification is allowed after you bought this.
  6. Never Re-sell this or share the product to other people.
  7. Don't impersonate as me, and selling this product to others.
  8. MaxGH assets are protected under International Copyright and Intellectual Property Law.
    Actions will be taken upon any misuse of these assets.


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170.5 KB
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