Included in the Megalodon:
- Megalodon model
- Megalodon mounted trophy head
- Megalogon fin, meat and tooth
- MythicMobs configs
- Custom sound effects
- Megalodon is made to work with VOTS, it will instakill players in the water otherwise
- it will drag ships under water
- has huge ram and collision damage
- creates whirlpools under water
- it’s suggested to have 2 fully occupied frigates to defeat him (can be configured as usual)
- it catches up to ships very fast
- can stop the ship on spot
- suggested fighting area deep ocean, if it’s too shallow he will strand and rip the ships on the seafloor
- MythicMobs
- ModelEngine
- LibsDisguise
- ProtocolLib
- Voyage of the Seas pack (Click here)
- Mythic Mobs drag and drop configs