Spigot Link : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/better-realism-pro-makes-mc-feel-more-realistic.41599/
Leakers Note : Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7,1.8,1.9,1.11,1.12
My other Plugins:
UltimateFireworks - HelpPagePlus - ControllerBlock Reloaded - MessageMe - VoteReward
Have you ever missed an important message from a player? Guess what! MessageMe is solving this problem for you! Using @PLAYERNAME will send you a noticeable sound message!
MessageMe also supports the tab completion, so you won't have to type the whole player name by yourself.
/MessageMe last (This command lists your last @ messages.)
/MessageMe help (Page) (This command shows you the help page.)
/MessageMe info (This command shows you the info page.)
/MessageMe reload (This command is reloading the Config.yml and Messages.yml file.)
User Permissions:
MessageMe.Send (Sending a @ Message)
MessageMe.Receive (Receiving a @ Message)
Admin permissions:
MessageMe.All (Sending a @all Message)
MessageMe.Reload (/hpp reload)
MessageMe.UpdateMessage (You get a message, if there is a new update for this plugin.)
If you have a problem or a question about the Plugin, message me first before leaving a review!
Leakers Note : Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7,1.8,1.9,1.11,1.12
My other Plugins:
UltimateFireworks - HelpPagePlus - ControllerBlock Reloaded - MessageMe - VoteReward
Have you ever missed an important message from a player? Guess what! MessageMe is solving this problem for you! Using @PLAYERNAME will send you a noticeable sound message!
MessageMe also supports the tab completion, so you won't have to type the whole player name by yourself.
/MessageMe last (This command lists your last @ messages.)
/MessageMe help (Page) (This command shows you the help page.)
/MessageMe info (This command shows you the info page.)
/MessageMe reload (This command is reloading the Config.yml and Messages.yml file.)
User Permissions:
MessageMe.Send (Sending a @ Message)
MessageMe.Receive (Receiving a @ Message)
Admin permissions:
MessageMe.All (Sending a @all Message)
MessageMe.Reload (/hpp reload)
MessageMe.UpdateMessage (You get a message, if there is a new update for this plugin.)
Version: 1.21
# If you want to hide the Info-Page (/msgMe info) set this to false.
ShowInfoPage: true
# If the plugin is unable to get the right Server version (e.g. Forge 1.7 modded server), set "SetOwn" to true and "Version" to your server version.
#Valid versions are 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.12
SetOwn: false
Version: 1.12
# Set "ColoredConsoleText" to false, to disable the colored console text.
ColoredConsoleText: true
#You can change the MessageMe sound here. (List of sounds: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html )
# If true, MessageMe is replacing the player name with the player display name.
UsePlayerDisplayName: true
# If true, All @ Messages are Private Messages
PrivateMessage: false
# If true, MessageMe will send you a Bossbar notification. (Spigot 1.9+)
UseBossBar: true
# BossBarTime is the BossBar display time.
BossBarTime: 5
# The DefaultChatColoris the color which will be used after the colored PlayerDisplayName.
DefaultChatColor: '&f'
Version: 1.21
'[MessageMe]': '&2[&aMessageMe&2] '
'1': '&a'
'2': '&2'
'1': You have to be a player, to use this command.
'2': You do not have the permission for this command.
'3': There is a new update available for this plugin. &f( https://fof1092.de/Plugins/MSGME
'4': The plugin is reloading...
'5': Reloading completed.
'6': Try [COMMAND]
'7': No messages found.
'8': You've got a new Message!
PrivateMessage: '&a&lBy &2[PLAYER]&a&l:&r [MESSAGE]'
'1': '&2[&aClick to use this command&2]'
'2': '&2[&aNext page&2]'
'3': '&2[&aLast page&2]'
'4': '&2&oPage [PAGE]. &2Click on the arrows for the next page.'
'1': This command shows you the help page.
'2': This command shows you the info page.
'3': This command is reloading the Config.yml and Messages.yml file.
'4': This command lists your last @ messages.
If you have a problem or a question about the Plugin, message me first before leaving a review!