Meteor Storms

SpigotVIP Meteor Storms 1.8.3

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Meteor Storms adds randomly spawning meteors to Minecraft worlds. When a meteor approaches, all online players will begin receiving alerts reporting the time until impact. The alerts also contain the location of the impact zone.


Approaching meteors should be done with caution. Meteors immediately after impact may emit dangerous lingering effects. Additionally, buried beneath their solid outer shells, meteors are filled with valuable ore that may attract competition.

- - - General - - -
/observatory - check for incoming meteors
/summonmeteor [meteor] - spawn a meteor at target block
/summonmeteor [meteor] [world] [x] [z] - spawn a meteor
- - - Fun - - -
/observatorysong - play the astral observatory song


Meteors will not spawn without first setting up a storm. A storm will randomly spawn meteors over an area. To create a storm, you must use one of the /storm create commands. The storm will use the sender's location as the storm's center.
Spoiler: Storm Commands

You can create as many storms as you want! Use /storms or /storm list to view all active storms.

When editing the spawn clock of a storm, the mean setting represents the mean rate (in minutes) that meteors will appear. The deviation setting represents the standard deviation of the spawn rate.


Meteor Types:
Meteor types can be created through using an in depth graphical interface. Meteors can be assigned size ranges, block chances for each layer, loot pools triggered by assignable source blocks, and effects that activate for a short period after impact. Meteor types can be managed by using the following commands:
Spoiler: Meteor Type Commands


Loot Pools:
Loot pools can also be created by using a graphical interface. You can pick the items and as well as the relative weights of each items. The commands for editing loot pools are as follows:
Spoiler: Loot Pool Commands

Website Companion
Meteor Storms comes with web page templates for an alert banner and observatory page. You can download the web files here.
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279.8 KB
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