Micro Battle is a fun minigame team pvp, there are 4 teams (blue, red, green and yellow), all are on a separate island by lava and kits can choose to compete. The last team standing wins. Require Skript and Addons.
Servers using this plugin:
LostMC -
- Multiworld Support!
- Multiarena mode!
- Signs!
- Team selector!
- Vault Support!
- Custom prefix!
- Rewards! (Money and Command)
- Keep inventory!
- Custom Kits!
- Kit Shop! (Vault economy)
- Custom item to select kit in pre-lobby!
- Custom item to select team in pre-lobby!
- Regeneration of map without lag!
- Main lobby!
- Pre lobby Game!
- Min player support!
- +24 custom messages!
- Custom countdown for start the game!
- Easy setup!
- Admin Commands!
- Custom Scoreboard! (Lobby and Ingame)
- Fireworks for the winner!
- Colored tab and prefix per team! (Currently disabled)
- YAML Support!
- Much more...
Commands for users (ALL):
/microbattles - aliases: /mb, microbattle
/microbattles shop - Open kit shop.
/microbattles join <arena> - Command to enter a game. (microbattles.user)
/microbattles leave - Command to leave a game.
/microbattles info - Command to view information about the plugin.
Commands for setup arena (microbattles.admin):
/microbattles setmainlobby - Command to set the main lobby.
/microbattles create <arena> - Command to create game.
/microbattles delete <arena> - Command to remove game.
/microbattles setlobby <arena> - Command to set the game lobby.
/microbattles setminplayers <arena> <integer> - Command to set min player to start the game.
/microbattles setplayersperteam <arena> <integer> - Command to set max players per team for arena.
/microbattles setpos1 <arena> - Set border 1 to map of arena!
/microbattles setpos2 <arena> - Set border 2 to map of arena!
/microbattles setbluespawn <arena> - Command to set the spawn of players!
/microbattles setredspawn <arena>- Command to set the spawn of players!
/microbattles setgreenspawn <arena>- Command to set the spawn of players!
/microbattles setyellowspawn <arena>- Command to set the spawn of players!
/microbattles save <arena> - Command to save settings of the arena.
Commands for Admins (pizza.admin):
/microbattles list - Command to see list of all arenas.
/microbattles check <arena> - (pizza.admin) - Command to view the game settings.
/microbattles edit <arena> - Command to edit settings of the arena.
/microbattles stop <arena> - Command to stop the arena.
/microbattles reload - Command to reload.
/microbattles update - Command to check for updates.
This plugin needs to run several units, the can be downloaded from:
> SkQuery for Skript 2.2: http://-Redacted-/1U8ZPk4
> Skript 2.2: http://-Redacted-/1Mod48f
> SkRayFall: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skrayfall/files/
> Vault: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vault/files/
> Umbaska: http://umbaska.gatt.space/
If you have a problem with dependencies (crash or incompatibility), please contact me by private.
Installing this plugin is very simple, just follow these steps correctly:
1.- Download dependencies, and paste them into the plugin folder of your server.
2.- Start Server to load the dependencies correctly.
3.- Stop Server.
4.- Download the script and paste into "plugins/Skript/scripts" folder on your server.
5.- Start Server. And enjoy the plugin!.
By purchasing this plugin you agree to the following terms and conditions
- You are not allowed to distribute the script in any way.
- You are not allowed to copy the code of the script. (You modify the code is allowed only for private use)
- Only use on your server or network.
- At any time and without notice the content this script can be modified or updated by the author.
- No refunds. Requesting charge backs in paypal will result in you getting banned on spigot.