



This plugin allows you the ability to define "crate areas" where blocks broken in each defined "area" collectively contribute to a "reward counter".
Once this counter reaches the limit, the player broke the last block has a chance to get a reward.

You can define unlimited "areas" and even "reward tiers" that allow rewards / reward chances be based on the tier the player is in.
(great for giving better ranks better prizes or chances at prizes).

Rewards can both be items that are placed in the crate inventory when spawned, or commands that are executed by console when the reward crate is opened.

MineCrates optionally hooks into quite a few plugins by choice to offer support for defining "crate areas" based on things such as a "region" or "mine".
By default, "crate areas" are defined by world.


Everything related to customization is explained in the config.yml

Code (Text):
# MineCrates 2.9.0 configuration file
# Created by: extended_clip
# area_handler: World / WorldGuard / MRL / PrisonMines
# area_handler is the name of the hook you want to define crate areas for
# Crate areas are tied to the name of the world / mine / region you choose
# depending on the hook you use.
# crate_despawn_time: <time in seconds that crates will despawn after spawning>
# crate_material: <Material or ID of the crate block that is spawned>
# crate_inventory_name: <name of the inventory shown when the crate is opened>
# ==================================================
# Crate area configuration:
# Almost all entries in areas are optional
# although you must have a drop_counter and drop_chance entry.
# You must also have a rewards section with at least 1 valid reward list for the area to be loaded.
# areas:
# (region, mine, or world name):
# permission: (if you want players to have a certain permission to obtain crates in this area, add the permission node here)
# drop_counter: (how many blocks need to be broken before a crate has a chance to spawn)
# drop_chance: (what is the chance out of 100.0 that a crate will spawn when the counter reaches 0)
# alternate_areas:
# - (if you would like to allow this area options to be used for other areas)
# - (that way all rewards and options are shared, you can list the alternate area names here)
# - world_nether
# - world_the_end
# counted_materials:
# - (if you only want to have certain materials count towards the counter)
# - (you can list them here, otherwise don't add this option)
# reward_on_break: <true/false> should rewards be given on break of the block instead of spawning a crate
# rewards: (this section holds all reward related options specific to this area)
# (name of this reward list):
# priority: (if you have multiple lists, the lowest priority list will be applied if player has multiple list permissions)
# permission: (optional if you require players have certain permission to obtain rewards in this list)
# max_rewards_per_crate: (max amount of rewards a player can get in a crate from this list)
# only_owner_can_open: (should only the person this crate spawned for be allowed to open it)
# crate_spawn_actions: (these actions are performed when a crate holding this reward list is spawned)
# - [msg] You found a crate
# - [broadcast] @p found a crate
# - [command] eco give @p 100
# - [playersound] ANVIL_LAND 10 1
# - [worldsound] ANVIL_BREAK 10 1
# - [effect] helix
# crate_open_actions: (these actions are performed when a crate holding this reward list is opened)
# - [msg] You opened a MineCrate!
# - [broadcast] @p opened a crate
# - [playersound] CHEST_OPEN 10 1
# - [effect] atom
# crate_despawn_actions: (these actions are performed when a crate holding this reward list is despawned if it was not opened)
# - [msg] You missed your crate
# - [worldsound] ANVIL_BREAK 10 1
# - [effect] heart
# items: (this section holds all of the actual commands / items given as rewards)
# (unique name for this item reward):
# chance: (chance this reward will be selected) the chance system is explained below...
# item: (if this reward is an itemstack, you must specify 'item:' here, otherwise you will specify 'commands:')
# material: (if this is an item, these are the item options you can use)
# data: (data value if needed)
# amount: (amount of this item to give)
# name: (display name to set on this item)
# lore:
# - (add your lore here if you want)
# - (supports multiple lines)
# enchantments:
# (unique name for this command reward):
# chance: 50.0
# commands:
# - (list all your commands here, they must start with a valid action identifier)
# - [command] eco give @p 100
# - [msg] you got 100 bucks!
# ==================================================
# This chance can be any double value from 0.01 to 100.0
# it is percentage based, so if you set the chance to 10.0
# there will be a 10% chance a crate will spawn when the break
# counter reaches 0. If you set it to 99.0, there will be a 99% chance
# that a crate will spawn when the counter rewaches 0.
# ==================================================
# All rewards in a specific reward list have a chance associated with the item/commands that are executed for that reward.
# All reward chances in a list must add up to or be less than 100.0
# Example:
# rewards:
# priority: 1
# permission: vip.rewards
# max_rewards_per_crate: 1
# only_owner_can_open: true
# items:
# item_1:
# chance: 10.0
# item:
# material: DIAMOND
# amount: 128
# item_2:
# chance: 15.0
# item:
# material: IRON_INGOT
# amount: 64
# item_3:
# chance: 25.0
# item:
# material: DIRT
# amount: 64
# command_1:
# chance: 25.0
# commands:
# - [command] eco give @p 25
# - [msg] You got 25 bucks
# With this example, all of our chances add up to 75.0,
# This means that there is a 25% chance that we get nothing each time a reward is
# being selected. If we want to make sure players always get a reward, we could
# simply add one more reward item or command with the remainder percentage for all of our
# chances to equal 100.0, which would be 25.0.
# This system allows you to set what items are rare, and which items are going to be
# more commonly selected when the plugin chooses rewards.
# Always keep in mind that all reward chances must be less than, or add up to 100.0
# If your combined chance exceeds 100.0, the rewards that are being checked after 100.0 has
# been reached will not be loaded. Also remember, to make it where a player has a chance to get
# no reward, always leave the total chance less than 100.0 as all chance remaining will
# be the chance amount that no reward is chosen.
# ==================================================
# Any action added to these lists must contain a specific identifier
# as there are more actions than just commands to be executed.
# These actions are as follows:
# [msg] <message>
# This will send a raw message to the target player
# [broadcast] <message>
# This will broadcast a message to the entire server
# [command] <command here>
# This will execute a command in the console
# [worldsound] <sound> <volume> <pitch>
# This will play a sound to the entire world at the crate location
# [playersound] <sound> <volume> <pitch>
# This will play a sound to the target player
# [effect] <effectName>
# This will play a preset effect at the crate location
# effect names:
# animatedball
# arc
# atom
# bleed
# circle
# cloud
# cone
# cube
# cylinder
# disco
# dna
# donut
# dragon
# earth
# explode
# flame
# fountain
# grid
# heart
# helix
# hill
# icon
# love
# music
# shield
# smoke
# sphere
# star
# tornado
# vortex
# warp
# wave
# ==================================================
# Optional: display a temporary hologram above the MineCrate when it is spawned.
# To enable this feature, add the following entry to the top of your config file:
# You can either use HolographicDisplays API to display the hologram, or the internal
# hologram mechanics. Set handler: none to disable holograms
# Note: the internal hologram handler is only available for 1.8.8
# More hologram handlers will be coming soon.
# crate_hologram:
# handler: none/internal/holographicdisplays
# message:
# - '%player%s MineCrate'
# - '(Right click to open)
# height: 2'
# Inside of the message, you can use the following placeholders:
# %player% - shows players name who MineCrate is for
# %area% - name of the area the crate spawned in
# %rewardlist% - name of the list the rewards were chosen from
# %rewards% - amount of rewards inside of the MineCrate
# ==================================================

handler: none
- '&f%player%''s &aMineCrate'
- '&e(&7Right click to open&e)'
height: 2.2
check_updates: true
area_handler: World
ignore_silk_touch: true
crate_despawn_time: 30
crate_material: ENDER_CHEST
crate_inventory_name: '%reward_list_name% &aMineCrate'
- '&aMineCrates &fhelp'
- '&a/minecrates reload &7- &freload the plugin'
- '&a/minecrates info &7- &fView minecrates information for the area you are standing'
- '&a/minecrates ignore &7- &ftoggle on/off ignoring minecrates for yourself'
ignore_toggle_on: '&aYou are now ignoring MineCrates!'
ignore_toggle_off: '&fYou are no longer ignoring MineCrates!'
only_owner_can_open_crate: '&cOnly &f@p &ccan open this &aMineCrate!'
no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
permission: minecrates.getcrates.world
drop_counter: 100
drop_chance: 50.0
cooldown: 30
priority: 1
permission: minecrates.rewards.world.vip
max_rewards_per_crate: 1
only_owner_can_open: true
- '[message] &aYou found a VIP MineCrate!'
- '[command] eco give @p 100'
- '[broadcast] &f@p &afound a MineCrate!'
- '[effect] helix'
- '[message] &7Your crate has despawned!'
- '[effect] helix'
chance: 20.0
material: DIAMOND
data: 0
amount: 64
name: '&bVIP &3Diamonds'
- This item is only available to players who
- have permission for this vip reward list!
- LUCK,1
chance: 1.0
- '[command] eco give @p 1000000'
- '[msg] You got 1000000 dollars!'
chance: 30.0
- '[command] eco give @p 500'
- '[msg] You got 500 dollars!'
chance: 49.0
- '[command] eco give @p 1000'
- '[msg] You got 1000 dollars!'
priority: 2
max_rewards_per_crate: 1
only_owner_can_open: false
- '[message] &aYou found a regular MineCrate!'
- '[command] eco give @p 100'
- '[broadcast] &f@p &afound a MineCrate!'
- '[effect] helix'
chance: 5.0
material: DIAMOND
amount: 16
chance: 10.0
material: IRON_INGOT
amount: 32
chance: 85.0
- '[command] eco give @p 250'
- '[msg] You got 250 dollars!'


/minecrates help - Help Message
/minecrates reload - Reload the config


Code (Text):

description: Admin management permission for MineCrates
default: op
description: ability to break blocks to get crates
default: op
description: ability to toggle off crate spawning for yourself
default: op
description: ability to use /minecrates help
default: op
description: exempt from MineCrates cooldowns
default: op

This plugin utilizes EffectLib. Credit to @Slikey for EffectLib
(EffectLib is licensed under MIT)

Latest updates

  1. 2.10.0

  2. 2.9.0

  3. 2.9.0


Latest reviews

been looking for this thanks bro

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